We Come Out at Night

Welcome To This Place.

Brian's POV

I felt like a foiled magician. This had to be a bad joke. I looked up at Lynn Saintcrow's face. Nothing but bitter grief seeped through her aura.

"Why did you kill him?" I asked, just barely above a whipser.

"My daughters are my life." she told me.

"You loved Jimmy's father, didn't you?"

Lynn's eyes locked on mine. "Yes. Very much." A single tear slid down her brown cheek.

"How could you kill him?" I asked with obvious hate.

"I have a memory for you, Mr. Haner." she said, thumbing away the tear. "Hopefully it will make things clearer."

"How do you know these things about me?" It was enough that she knew about Trillian being with us and all of our names, but knowing my own personal power?

"I will answer your questions. All in good time. For now, however, I have the answer for your first one."

She rolled up the sleeves of her white sweater to her fore arms. They revealed the devotional tattoos of an acredited sorceress.

She was more professional than I had thought. I noticed how the tattoo peeked around her collar bone. I looked closer and I was startled to find that they moved. Thy pulsed form the flow of blood, and her Power.

She placed her hands palms faced upward. It was her sign of invitation.

I placed my hand over her's, not quite touching. But I could feel her magic spark.

"Now, listen to my voice." I was inside her head now, it was incredibly easy.

Her mental shields were a lot like Trillian's but much more controlled. I stepped through into her mind's threshold.

Just ahead an image of Lynn manifested. My own appearence was liquid darkness. I had no shape, just an aura.

The manifestation of Lynn walked forward through the blurry gray of her mind. Echoes vibrated in the vastness of her inner garden.

I could tell that she had done many years of occulemency and meditation. Everything was heavily controlled; it was staggering. Maybe form me seeing or hearing anything.

Lynn stopped about two feet away from me. A white orb appeared in her hand. It was her representation of her memory.

she held it out at first. right when I was about to reach for it, Lynn dropped it.

The white orb seemed to shatter against the misty floor. Then, in an explosion of light and color, waves of energy painted the walls into the past scene.
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This one is soooo short.
but that's only because the next one is gonna be longer.

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