We Come Out at Night

To This Afterlife.

Brian's POV

"What the fuck do you want with me now?" Lynn asked as she caught her breath.

"To know why you haven't delivered Mr. Sullivan's urn yet." The Devil said, clasping his hands begind his back.

He stood behind a large desk in fornt of an open window. It was black outside so you couldn't see much of the landscape.

Lynn stood there silently. She didn't dare speak a lie to the Devil. Without a doubt he could see it clear as day, but she couldn't tell the truth,either. That would lead him right to Trillian and her unborn child.

"Let me fill in the blanks for you, Ms. Saintcrow." The Devil laughed at her silence. "You haven't delivered his urn yet because you haven't killed him. You have't killed him because you have fallen in love with him." The Devil began to pace.

"Yes." Lynn choked out trying to sound calmer then she really was.

"You will complete the bounty, Ms. Saintcrow." The Devil told her without a hint of his dark humor.

"Why, sir?" Lynn asked almost pleading. "I've completed my term in your service. This isn't fair."

The Devil stopped pacing and stared right at her and his fury was a blaze.

"Let me go over our agreement, Lynn." His voice was a hiss and you felt it more than here it. "You came to me," The Devil began. "Twenty years ago. You asked me to grant you the ability to reproduce. The gift of your own children. Now haven't I, Lynn? The child inside of you and the one at home is because of me, aren't they? The cause of my gracious mood."

Lynn's calm act failed dramatically. Everything that she had tried to hide from Him, he had already known. The hope left Lynn's eyes. "Yes." Lynn answered.

"Fornunately for you," The Devil informed her. "It is not illegfal for you to bare children with a demon, but for a demon to take aside a human female is. do you understand, Lynn? I am being very fair for letting your children live. I have every reason to terminate you daughters."

Lynn nodded stifly.

"I will give you two hours to kill and complete your bounty." The Devil said.

"But-" Lynn began to argue.

The Devil turned around and his feral green eyes flashed and the room shuddered. Glass fell in the depths of the room.

"Two hours, Lynn. If you do not deliver the urn with his ashes, then I will destroy your daughters, and Mr. Sullivan. You will live though. Forever you will roam this Earth not to eat, drink, or sleep. The memory of your losses will haunt you to the end." The Devil disappeared.

The awful feeling Lynn had experienced when she arrived in Hell over took her agian. But it was nothing compared to the pain that burned her heart.

She landed on the living room floor steaming and twitching until she layed there exhausted in a burned heap.

Lynn opened her eyes. The realization of what she had to do tore into her. She curled into a ball and began to sob. She had to kill him, or they would all die, but she wouldn't. They would leave her to dwell behind with pain and sadness for the rest of her miserable existance.
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i think just one more Brian POV chapter and we should be back with Trillian dealing with the trauma of having Jimmy as a brother.