We Come Out at Night

Don't Turn On The Light.

Trillian's POV

Brian's bath equipment was the most exclusive I have ever seen in my 21 years of existence. I felt giddy and very unbelieving about using Synyster Gate's shower. Not that I was a huge fn, but come on!

The dude was famous, and totally sexy. Let's not try not to forget that. It was just very unreal using his shower and I couldn't contain myself.

Then one of my favorite scents made it to my nose. I looked over on the side of the shower that was completely devoted to shampoo. That's where I found what I was looking for. Herbal Essences.

Brian had Herbal Essences in his bathroom! How girly was that? The best part was 75% of it was gone. I couldn't complain Roses is one of my favorite smells.

The only clothing I had was the bloodied shirt and jeans I was wearing yesterday. When I left from Ema's house the other morning I had thought I was going back to my house which had a surplus of my own clothes.

How naive of me.

I doubted any of the inhabitants of this house had any bras. I could settle for Jimmy's pants and someone's shirt. Boxers wouldn't be a big deal to me, but I needed a bra. I hoped none of them had any, but I wouldn't put it past Johnny to have a bra.

Someone knocked softly of the door. I had no idea what to say. Maybe it was Brian, or anyone else that just happened to live in the house. Just like the other four maybe.

"Uh, occupied?" I finally said, unsure of myself. I had clutched the warm towel around me tightly.

There was a soft chuckle on the other side of the door. "It's Brian, Trillian. It is my room, so why are you so hesitant?"

A relieved breathe escaped me. "It could have been Zacky, don't judge me." I retorted defensively.

"In my room? Sure." I could almost hear him roll his eyes. "Er, um, do you need anything?" he asked uncomfortably.

I snorted. "Its not like I'm on my period.

"I would have already known that." Brian said quietly.

"Oh, yeah!" I said. "Vampire thing. Yeahhh, okay. I remember." I said sarcastically.

"But really," he started. "Do you need anything?"

I looked down at my toes. "I kina do?" I finally said meekly.

"What?" he asked curiously. He was probably sure I would say no.

"Clothes…" I trailed off.

Brian started to laugh. "If you have no clothes on, then why is a straight guy like me on the other side of this door?"

Brian opened the door and I let him inside. His eyes were on me heavily and he made a disappointed sound.

"Damn." He muttered.

"What? Who doesn't put a towel on when they get of the shower?" I asked, his eyes still probing around the towel.

"Me." He said defiantly. "And every guy in this house."

"Wow. That's… arousing." I stumbled for the right works.

"Yeah." Brian agreed uncertainly. "Well, Zacky whistles and Jimmy sings that awful opera stuff."

"Oh, I can imagine that." I laughed.

Brian didn't laugh. His gaze was on me again hungrily. And not the blood thirsty or pizza way, either.

"Uh," I said lamely. "You have nice towels." I said trying to stride up a friendly conversation.

"I don’t like them. He commented.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because its still on you." He snatched it off me and dropped it to the floor around my ankles.

Chill bumps marked my body from the cold and Brain pulled me to him. His mouth was got on mine and surprisingly gentle despite his eagerness.

"Brian," I murmured.

He pulled away. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't make you do something you don’t want to do ." His arm dropped away form me and took a step back , like I was a venomous snake. I've barely know you for 24 hours-" I was trembling, which was a bad sign since I wasn't cold anymore. I pushed onto him and silenced him, and then we were picking up where we left off. Seriously, he could be ding way better things with his mouth.

Events happened in a blur. I remember tripping when we tried to get out of the bathroom. The bed was only a few feet away, but it felt like miles.

I was about to tell him, "screw it, I'll settle on the floor." When we did finally make it to the bed… you can fill in the blanks.
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soory. i dont do sex scenes.