We Come Out at Night


Trillian POV.

I woke up beside Brian. He was facing me and he was in a peaceful day time vampire slumber. His camotose mind dulled his extriordinary senses to zero.

I tried to turn my head in his direction, but a painful throbbing constricted the muscles. I reached to touch the throbbing pain and gasped at the tenderness of it. Something wet and warm coated my fingertips.

I pulled back and gazed shocked at the blood. Brian had bitten me. He must have done it when we were...yeah. It wasn't his fault, and I was sure he probably hadn't noticed. I sure hadn't; I was kind of preoccupied so to speak.

I started to panic. If Rena had bitten me, and so had Brian, didn't that mean I was to become one of them? The truth sunk deep into me. Jimmy had told me that I really wasn't normal, but I didn't believe it. But in this case, I had no other option.

Sudenly a shattering noise echoed in my head. It sounded like glass conbusting into cold air. I felt it, too. My body began to sear with an icy chill.

I swallowed. It was the only thing it seemed I could do. I felt paralyzed in the bed and my body was collapsing on itself.

I closed y eyes while the cold intesified until it was numbing. I gasped when the freezing changed to fire and consumed the surface of my skin with a burning liquid.

My eyes flew open when I felt ground beneath my feet. I was no longer in Brian's bed at the Vampire House that Ema and I had named so long ago. I was on my feet standing on a dirt road with tall dark trees surrounding me.

I could see my cloudy breathe onthe winter air, and the bitting chill was strangely comfortable. The trees were topped with snowy caps and the sides of the road had blankets of white beside them.

I stared around me in wonder. My eyesight had never been this vivid and sharp. My hearing echoed, and scent was more annoying than I had ever remembered.

everything was enhanced in wonderful clarity. Then on top of that, I had never seen snow before. Living in humid sub-tropical Louisiana had made sure of that.

After I had gathered the pieces of my mind back together I began to walk down the weird dark road. This place was so different, yet similar to what I was used to. The moon was defininitely different. Instead of the round bumpy shaped circle with a dark crevaces, this one was a glittering jewel with what looked like thousands of daimonds and crystals reflecting bright silver castings.

I stared up at it and felt very happy. I closed my eyes and tilted my face towards the white glow. The moon was a lot farther away here, but it felt only inches away from my fingers. I sighed happily as the moon's warm song filled me. She whispered in different tongues, but her meaning was clear. She loved me dearly and knew that I had finally discovered her.

I opened my eyes and started to jog down the road faster. I was starting to see castle-like buildings on the frosty landscape in front of black mountains. I stopped abruptly.

My skin was inky black, but a wierd cloudy substance was evaporating around me. It felt like clouds were surrounding me protectively. I willed it away and started jogging again.

That was wierd.

What was weirder where the wings. They were light weight and I had barely noticed them. I don't remember Jimmy having them, he said he was some type of demon from the moon, and the moon had told me I was one of her children. Maybe he just hid them better.

I stopped to a walk when the black dirt turned to cobblestones and small cottage houses and shops mapped the streets. I was almost completely down the road when I saw the biggest castle building. It had three towers and the largest one had a stained glass window facing the street I was walking down. I warm light emited from it.

The stained glass was beautifil in a gothic sort of way. It looked like dragons in flight. Suddenly, the window opened. A man with golden skin and glowing emeralds stood on the ledge between two midieval gargoyles. He seemed to stare right at me. His green eyes glowing with intense ackowledgement. Then, he jumped.

My clawed hands flung to my mouth in surprise. I thought he was dead, but it's leathery wings opened and caught him from death's grip. He soared a circle around the tower he had come out of, then headed towards me.

Instict took over, and I ran. Something told me he was dangerous. I wasn't sure what, but I was sure that I should stop being stubborn for a few seconds and listen to it.

I was running a lot faster than I have ever seen anyone run, and I'm no trackstar. That wasn't enough, though. I could see his large winged shadow in front of me. My skin started glowing silver and I knew what was going to happen next.

He abandoned flight and plunged down on top of me. I fell face first and raised my hands protectively in front of my face. His claws dug into my shoulders, lifing me up off the ground. I yelled out in surprised pain and I felt like I had exploded.

The gold man yowled in pain jumped away. I got to my feet hurriedly and stared at him. He was gorgous, and very evil. His gold skin shone dully, and his emeralds flashed in anger.

I turned and ran again.

"Not leaving so quickly. You just got to see your new home." He said. His voice was so soft, and sounded so unreal and alien.

His hands were on me again, claws sheathed. That surprised me. I would think a being like him would want to hurt me. Unless he wanted to make sure I lived for some other torture.

"Let me go." I commanded.

He laughed. "I doubt I would." His pleasant voice answered.

I looked behind him when I heard a distant howl. The forest was just a few yards away, and that was where I had come from. Another howl, except closer. It was moving fast. Then the clicking of nails was audible and the golden man cursed.

Then a throaty growl erupted somewhere to the left and a huge black figure jumped at the golden man with such force he was driven into the ground. I looked at my four legged savior.

She was black and had a short glossy black fur. Light reflected off the coat to brightly I thought she was wet. What was really striking about her was her eyes, one was gold, the other lightning blue. Around her neck was a brown leather collar with the buckle with the satanic-ish symbol.

The golden man stood up.

"I mean her no harm." He told the hell hound beside me. She growled at him in warning. "I am only going to give her something that her mother tried so hard to hide from her."

I had no idea what he meant by that. My mother had never hidden anything from me.

He reached out his hand invitingly. I stared at it like a gross pale worm.

"I mean you no harm." He repeated.

I shook my head and put my hand in his. He wasn't about to let me leave until he got what he wanted from me. I didn't even know how to get back.

His other warm hand closed over my forearm and a burning sensation sunk into my flesh like thousands of tiny knives. I wretched away from him and he jumped into the air and opened his wings. He was over the mountains before I could breathe.

I stared down at my arm. It was a tattoo. Sort of like the one my mom had, except mine was growing fast. It looked like black liquid streaming underneath my skin into webs.

I probably would have stared down stupidly at it longer. Except than the freezing feeling overtook me again and I was being thrown back to wherever.

I opened my eyes. I gasped and my hands flung to my throat. Was it a dream? I couldn't feel the puncture marks. And was back between the sheets with a sleeping Brian. I had to have been dreaming.

I sighed and let my hands fall to my lap. Then my breathe caught in my esaphogus mid-gasp. The tattoo. It was still there. This time, is was completed. The thin black marking swirled around my arms and up to my shoulders and around me neck.

I jumped out of the bed and remembered I was nude and had no clean clothing.

I went to one of Brian's drawers and pulled out a pair of black boxers and yanked an unamed hoodie over my head. I went to the bathroom and stared in the mirror. The puncture wounds were barely visible, and clearing before her eyes.

I bit my lip. Brian must not know.

But how was I going to hide being a vampire from a vampire?

Not for very long. Long enough to find the truth out about my mom and origin. I mean, the moon spoke to me! If any one that was really true.

Maybe you just had freaky dreams when you where turning into a vampire. But what about the tattoos? Well, that must've been some sort of coincidence. I argued with myself and opened the bathroom door.

I stepped through and a wet nose went up my thigh. I gasped. It was a dog. At first I thought It might be Rena, but the one gold, and blue eye stopped me. Her name. I knew her.

She gave me an understanding look. Onyx. She almost spoke.

I groaned.

How was I going to hide this from Brian?
♠ ♠ ♠
this one took too much thought. I've been working on it for a while.
ugh. my butt hurts.
