We Come Out at Night

The Name of Danger isn't Enough

I woke up in a warm bed. I could tell I had slept a really long time because the mixture of weakness in my stomach. My body felt worn and a little sore, but other than that pretty rested. I noticed that my wound had been dressed and that the pain was minor.

I looked over beside the bed and noticed a black leather couch with a very tired looking guy asleep on it. I studied his facial features and knew it bad to be Synyster Gates. It looked like him to a T…which stood for tattoos.

I looked around the room and saw my over night bag. It didn't look too bad. The room was kind of empty and the walls were mainly left bare. Except for a black and white stripped guitar leaning against the wall.

No mistake this was Synyster Gates. No matter how unreal it was. Did I mention how sexy?

As I lifted myself into the sitting position the bed creaked. Synyster's eyes snapped open. He studied me slowly before getting to his feet.

His eyes had a certain demented glow to them. He definitely wasn't all there. I wondered if he was always like this when he woke up. He stared me down like a piece of meat, the sexual way and the "I'm gonna eat you" kind of way. He snarled showing…fangs. Long threatening fangs.

Then he was so close that I could feel his warm breath sending shivers on my skin. I could reach out and touch him. Somehow he was urging me to do it. It was hard to resist it and when this thought occurred to me I realized my hand was already on his chest. Damn was I having mixed feelings. He was really sexy after all.

Then he was pulling me on him and I glimpsed his eyes again. They were totally black.

Right then the seductive feeling wore off…just the seductive part. Not the part where I was already attracted to him. Just enough for me to realize the mortal peril I had gotten myself into now.

He deffinetly not all there and the realization of what he was and what he was going to do came to me. So I did the only thing I could do to try to turn the situation around. I punched Synyster Gates.

He stumbled back a couple of steps. His eyes went back to the natural brown. He stared back at me more of astonishment than pain. I had no ego to speak of so that didn’t really bother me.

"I needed that, thanks." He said. Wow he had a nice voice. What the hell?

"Uh, always willing to help the needy." I answered.

He turned and opened a red painted closet door and snatched up a air-tight container. He opened and took a few huge gulps before returning back to his closet of wonders.

"What was that?" I asked.

He took a quick intake of air and looked over at me testily. "Blood."

I could tell he was really watching for my reaction. "Darn vampires." I mumbled. What could I say? Did I need anymore proof? Why wouldn’t I trust this totally hot lead guitarist? Wouldn’t you?

"So do I need to explain?" He asked a little awkwardly.

"Oh yes. You will, Mr. Gates."

"You can call me Brian."

"Well, Brian, you can call me Trillian."
♠ ♠ ♠
I like a little vamp in my juice.
yep random.