We Come Out at Night

Memories of Bunnies

The bedroom door was nudged open and the black dog padded inside. It made a beeline to Brian without even glancing at me. I felt special. Damn thing bit me and that means it ignores me…sure why not. Brian stroked it's fur looking totally bemused.

"Her name's, Rena." Brian said. "She wont hurt you again." Rena then looked over at me then came over to the bed where I was sitting. She began to sniff my leg and wagged her tail. Hopefully that was a good sign.

"She smells my scent on you now." He said and I noticed a smile. Kick start my heart.

"This is the biggest dog I've ever seen." I said awed. It really was. Her fur was silky and smooth where I dared to pet her. I began to finger the strange brown collar. The leather was real and the buckle had a strange insignia on it. I looked over the strange swirly lines and remembered where I had seen it.

"Is she a…normal dog?" I asked.

"What makes you wonder that?" Brian said. His voice revealed no emotion but it had a hint of ice.

"I've seen this symbol in a book." I answered cautiously.

Brian began to laugh. "What book were you looking in specifically?"

"A satanic bible." I needed to pick out new reading material.

"You're right. And she's not a normal dog. She's a protector. Mine to be more specific. They're reincarnated, not birthed." Brian said leaning back on the couch.

"The book said something about that. So you mean blood hound?" Brian nodded. "Anyone else in the band nocturnal?" I asked.

"Yeah we all are 'nocturnal' as you put it. And every one has their own hell hound." Brian answered.

"Um cool." Rena then walked out the door. "So what are you guys doing in Louisiana?" I asked.

Brian shrugged. "Chill time really. Matt's trying to write some new material to work with. Everyone else is out enjoying the sights, jamming, and hitting the bars and casinos. I'm really down here for business."

"Sweet." I was about to ask him what kind of business, but a tremor ran through my body suddenly. How long had I been here? "What time is it?" I asked trying not to sound worried. My family expected me home by morning.

Brian checked the digital clock, I felt stupid for not seeing it before. "Six-oh-five."

"Guess I should go." I began to get up when with blinding speed Brian jerked up and was in front of me.

"I can't let you go." He said.

"And why not?" I asked with an attitude.

Brian put a hand on my shoulder to keep me from leaving. "You know our secret."

"What makes you think I believe any of this?" He gave me a filtering look. I stopped being defiant. "Okay. What do you plan on doing me?"

"Erasing your memory." He said it so plainly like it was a normal thing. It definitely was not a normal thing for me. And I don’t know normal. The one with the satanic bible, remember?

"Alrighty then. Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Depends on what it is." He said uneasily.

"Its personal." I answered honestly.

"No way." He told me immediately.

"C'mon. You're erasing my memory anyway. How can this be too bad?"

"Fine then, go ahead." He said. I could tell he was regretting it.

"Where's you birth mark?"

Brian looked horrified. "Hell no."

"You can erase it from my memory right after telling me without a struggle guaranteed."

"Then why would you want to know anyway?" He protested.

"Its my memories last wish."

"Okay. I'll tell you what it is."

"You're still telling me where, too." I crossed my arms.

"it’s a rabbit."

I stared at him in disbelief. "A bunny?"

"Rabbit." He corrected.


Brian inhaled deeply. "My butt." He said barely audible. That was it. I broke down in laughter.

"You've got a bunny on you butt! Can I see?"

He gave me a strange look and I got quiet. "Does you mom have any pictures…?" I inquired.

"That's it. That memory is gone." He rushed over to the bed. Ha-ha…rushed me over to the bed. A girl can dream.

"Wait." I said holding up an hand. I closed my eyes and laughed my guts out mentally. "Okay. Do your thing." He sat down on the bed beside me. I wondered what kind of vampire hoodoo he was about to work on me.

"Look into my eyes." He ordered. Pushy, but I did as I was told. He cupped my face causing my heart to pound in stereo. He had to be hearing it, and him being a vamp, he probably did.

My eyes began to cloud and my vision went fuzzy except for Brian's smoldering brown eyes. Well, they were really bright against the fuzziness.

Let the memory go, said a vioce in my head that was very much, Brian's. Let it slip through like water through your fingers.

I did and it was over. My eyes came back into focus and Brian stopped touching me.

"Do you remember it?" he asked.

"The bunny thing? Yeah."

Brain's face was stunned. "Oh fuck."
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tell me if it was funny or not.
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