We Come Out at Night

Count Chocula and Memories

"Do you usually have these technical difficulties?" I asked with raised eyebrows. His face showed a lot of weird emotions. Especially when he usually showed no emotion.

"No." he answered and grabbed my hand and began to leading me out the door and down a hallway. I couldn't help but think how amazing his hand felt in mine.

A light was on farther down and when we entered I noticed it was a kitchen. There was some one rummaging through the cabinets. As he turned I saw It was Zacky.

"Hey, Zacky, where's Matt?" Brian asked.

"I dunno. Where's the Count Chocula?" Zacky said without looking over at us. He turned around with his back facing us to reach the fridge. He found the cereal and began to pour the milk. He wasn't kidding about the ironic cereal.

"So," Zacky began reminiscently. "Who's the girl?"

"My name's Trillian." I answered. I didn’t want people around here to think I was Brian's drag doll.

"Cool," Zacky continued. "So, Haner, why does she still remember?" Zacky asked facing us with his weapon of choice, a milky spoon.

"Because I cant make her forget." Brian mumbled resisting the urge to study his shoes.

"Uh-huh. So you want Matt's help?" Zacky asked.

"Yes." Brian growled.

"Well, you better friggin' hurry and get it over with! It's your night to feed the hounds and I'm not gonna do it for you again." Zacky argued shaking the spoon to where droplets of white went everywhere.

"Its not a big deal, Zacky. I think that this is a little more important than who feeds the dogs." Said Brian a little more calmly.

"Its not mine or the hounds fault that you screw up all the time. Don’t make us suffer for it!" exclaimed Zacky, over reacting.

"My god, Baker. Don’t worry, I have my shit down." Brian said a little defensively.

"Yeah right." Zacky snorted, eyeing me. "At least it’s a hot mistake." Brian was then in front of Zacky and the bowl was on the floor and brown milk decorated the tile.

"What are the guitarists bitching about now.?" someone appeared in the kitchen that just happened to be, Matt.

"Brian needs your help." Zacky said putting on an innocent smile and still managing to shove Brian aside. Brian looked over at Matt in a relieved way.

"This is a first." Matt admitted looking over at me with my memory still intact.

"Yeah. Just my own complications, I'm sure. I think that with the both of us we can erase her memory with more…stealth."

Matt nodded. "Let's sit down." He said and we went over to a simple round table and sat.

"What exactly do you want me to erase?" Matt asked Brian.

"You'll know it when you see it." Brian said guiltily and Matt's eyebrows shot up.

"Okay.." Matt said. "Close your eyes." And listen to my voice, the weird thing in my head started up again. Except this time it was obvious it was Matt. Now even with my eyes closed the blackness would go foggy.

Visualize the question you had asked me, It was Brian. I thought about the question and the look on Brian's face when I had asked. Good, it was still Brian. Now replay it in your head from start to finish. I did it and it reminded me of replaying a movie.

Damn, Haner. Matt again. Bunnies? I never knew you.

Shut up. (Brian) Let's just get this over with.

Okay, but I'm so gonna tell the guys about this one. (Matt) Now, Trillian. Give me the memory.

An image shot through my head involuntarily. It was of my hand and Matt's hand. I was holding a silver film, but Matt couldn't grasp it. Me being true to me word, tried to give to him, but he couldn’t try to quite grasp it.

God dammit! Give it to me! (Matt yelled through my head) I'm trying, I thought. Maybe out loud.

Give it to me! Matt's mental voice boomed through me shaking imaginary shingles off of an imaginary house that I didn’t even know was there.

Wow, he was really starting to piss me off. Right then the silvery film in my hand disappeared and I grabbed Matt's imaginary wrist. It suddenly felt like I had fallen forward into a dark room.

A screen was completely surrounding the walls and then it lit up in a bright summer scene. There was a little boy sitting in a kitchen chair with his arm held out with a scrape. A blonde woman kneeled beside him.

"Oh, Matt. You shouldn’t have been rough housing." The woman said scolding, but still full of love.

"It hurts." The little bout sniffled. Dry tears had made their tracks down his cheeks.

"I'll make it feel better." The woman bent down and kissed his elbow. "There you go." The little boy smiled. "Go play." The woman said.

NO! Someone suddenly screamed. My eyes flew open and I found myself back at the ordinary kitchen table.

"Oh, fuck." Matt exclaimed.

"That's what I said." Murmured Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
well, did my best on this one.

hope i can update again soon.