We Come Out at Night

Not Exactly Normal, But Close Enough

"You never found him?" I asked. Jimmy shook his head no and kept his eyes on his increasingly interesting shoes. "How are you different from the others?"

"The others, they can sense whether or not something's human, but I can tell exactly what something is. Demon, vampire, fae, witch, or human. I can tell them all." He started to smile at his shoes.

"What was it like before you were turned?" I asked. I really wanted to know how and who turned them, but that seemed a little too pushy.

"That's a personal question." Jimmy told me and looked up at my face, er, cheek. He still wouldn't look me in the eyes.

I shrugged. "Sorry."

"No, its okay." Jimmy grinned. "Your curiosity is a gift. Not like Zacky's, his is just a risk to his health." He paused at my laugh. "When I was human, or half human, I could get flashes of what strange people I passed were. Not like now where I just know. When I was fifteen I realized I wasn't normal when my finals for school were coming up. I was stressed that I would fail. Nobody else thought I cared, but I didn't want my friends to think I was a pansy. I was outside in a orchid I ran off to sometimes. I remember asking for help and a silver something blasted square in my chest. I remember looking at my skin and I noticed I was glowing. I tried to sneak back to the house, but my mom caught me. She kinda startled me and some of the silver stuff blasted off of me and hit a tree and the tree just burned and was gone."

"What were you?" I asked. I had never heard of something like that.

"I don't know. I guess like a moon demon. My mom had told me that my father worshiped a Moon Goddess. I didn't want to believe in something like that, but sometimes just before I would fall asleep I could hear her saying a prayer for me."

"Weird. You can't do the moon beam thing anymore?"

"No, all those powers stopped. Some other qualities intensified, though."

"Does everyone have a weird quality?" I asked, since Brian and Matt could mess with people's memories and thought processing.

Jimmy nodded. "In this select group, it appears so. Matt can erase memories. So can Brian, but he doesn't have enough focus to be at Matt's level. Zacky can influence people's mind. Not that he needs it, the little stinker. Johnny can make you see things. Too bad he doesn't have a special power to make himself taller."

"You're mean!" I laughed accusingly.

"And speaking of powers, Matt was right. You are not human."

"What?!" I asked stunned at the strange change in events. "What do you mean, not human?"

"Your not human." Jimmy told me matter-of-factly.

"Not any?"

Jimmy shook his head. "Not a drop."

"Buut, then, what am I?"

Jimmy squinted. "A mix of things. Definitely a witch. Matt told me that much."

"When did Matt tell you that?" I didn’t remember the two speaking.

"Telepathic. We have the same sire, so, we share some of our…vampirism."

"Uh-huh." I raised an eyebrow. I wondered exactly what they had said about me. Well, boys will be boys, even vampire boys. Suddenly Jimmy gasped.

"God, Matt, don't shout." Jimmy muttered, clutching his forehead.

"Are you okay?" I asked going to Jimmy's side.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Matt asked me your name."

"Trillian Saintcrow." I answered and Jimmy's head snapped up.

"Saintcrow? You shitting me?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I know my own last name." I snorted.

"You have your mother's last name?" Jimmy asked, ignoring my remark.

"Yeah, my dad left before my little sister was born…wait! How do you know?"

"Your mother's name is Lynn Saintcrow." He told me in that same matter-of-fact like voice again.

"I know my mom's name! What about her?" I asked frantically.

Jimmy's eyes finally met mine, and I wished he would still stare at my cheek. "She killed my father. Lynn is a witch, the one who made my father pay the debt."
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i'm happy i'm updating this story again. Its actually not as bad as I remember.