Status: Done :)

You Were My World

CHAPTER 6 – I Love You More Than I Could Ever Scream

As the hours passed, Jay steadily got worse. It got to the point where he was unconscious, and Seth decided that he was taking Jay to hospital, no matter what either of them thought about the situation.
He pulled up in the emergency bay at the nearest hospital, and gently carried Jay inside, before telling the attending nurse that it was a freak accident, and giving her the number to his disposable mobile phone, in case they needed to tell him anything else.
He softly kissed Jayden’s lips, wondering if this would be the last time he saw his lover, before he slowly walked outside, and drove away. He stopped in at a local motel, until he received news on his boyfriend.
He waited in the room, anxiously waiting for a phone call, to tell him anything about what was going on.
At about eleven that night, Seth finally received a call from the hospital.
“The doctors did everything they could. He had advanced septicemia. There was nothing we could do. I’m sorry.” Came the voice on the other end of the phone.
Seth was so utterly devastated that all he could manage to do was hang up the phone, before throwing it across the room, where it hit the wall and shattered into pieces.
He sat against the wall and for the first time in over 10 years, he cried. He cried for the loss of the one he loved, and for the pain he was feeling, knowing that he was never going to hold his baby in his arms again. He cried for the knowledge that Jayden had died in pain, without Seth by his side, and he cried for the fact that he was never again going to feel those soft lips against his own, he was never going to hear that gentle voice, calming him with simple words. He was never again going to hear his boyfriend say “I love you”. He was never again going to be able to say it back. His world was truly dark, without the warming light that Jay had provided.
Seth eventually slipped into fitful unconsciousness.
He awoke but a few hours later, and knew that he had to organize a funeral. He collected his wallet, and walked to the pay phone in front of the motel.
Finally, all the preparations were in place, and the only thing left to do was wait. He had 24 hours until the funeral.
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Another fairly short chapter... This is the second last one :)