Status: Complete

Tough Love

Chapter 4

*The next Morning*

“Right, Dave, you will concentrate on pulling Kristine, and if it don’t work for you, I’ll have her.” Tammy said with a cheeky grin.
“Right. Concentrate on Kris, concentrate on Kris. How’s things with Psnowy and Milly, btw?”
“Couldn’t have dreamed it better, myself.” Psnowy said as she walked in, with her arm round Melissa.
“Awwww, the happy couple’s back and even more badass than ever!” Tam commentated.
“Damn Right, and you guys loooove it!” Psnowy replied with a grin, and made everyone else laugh.
“Come on then, let’s get you back on Starbug.” Tammy said, and the four of them ventured on board the Venus 619 back to Starbug.

“Incoming message!” The Cat called. He enabled communication with the other ship.
“Hey guys, we’re here to return Dave Lister to Starbug.”
“Excellent! Bring him on!” The Cat replied.

The two vessels connected and the Venus 619 crew entered Starbug along with Dave Lister, as they promised.
“Special Delivery for Mr Cat, Mr Kryten and Miss Kochanski, if one of you would just like to sign here…” Psnowy said jokingly. Lister was weirded out but at least he was safely returned to Starbug and that’s all that mattered.
“We bid thee farewell, and keep in touch if you can!! Good Tie!!” Milly said and the three girls departed Starbug. Lister then thought ‘Right, time to get Kochanski.’

*time passes by*

So far, Psnowy and Tammy’s tips have worked wonders: Kochanski and Lister are close to becoming a couple. But there’s just one more thing left for Lister to do, and that’s the same trick he pulled on Psnowy. So one day, they were alone together, just talking about personal stuff, like very close friends do and then an awkward silence crept up on them, during which they both looked into each other’s eyes, and a creepy kind of deja vu-ish kinda chemistry swept through them like an invisible tidal wave, and it made them realise that they should never have broken up in the first place. Lister took this chance to get back what was meant to be his, and he rested his hand on Kochanski’s cheek, causing her to blush like mad. They edged closer and closer to each other, little by little, and then it happened. Lister made his move, and pulled Kochanski in for a gentle but hot and passionate kiss which they both thoroughly enjoyed. So much so, that it made both Lister and Kochanski’s hearts skip a beat or five.

By the time they finally stopped kissing, which actually only lasted like half a minute but it felt like a blissful eternity for the both of them, Lister popped the question:
“Will you become my girlfriend… again?”
“Yes. I will.” And they kissed again.

“Good Morning Mr Lister sir. You seem cheerful this morning.” Kryten greeted Lister.
“Well you would be if you’d got back together with the love of your life, wouldn’t you dear Kryten?” Lister said, putting his arm around his favourite Mechanoid in the whole universe.
“I see.” Kryten said in an openly disappointed voice.
“Aww come on Kryten, what is wrong with Kristine?”
“There’s nothing wrong with her, it’s just that…… she’ll take you away from me!”
“She won’t take me away from you!”
“YOU’RE LYING!! I’m gunna end up all alone just like on the Nova 5 all over again, I can just see it!”
“Look me in the eyes, Kryten.” Kryten did exactly that.
“Kristine will not take me away from you, and you will not end up alone like on the Nova 5.”
“Do you promise, Mr Lister, sir?”
“I promise, Kryten! I’m sure Kristine will vouch for me.”
“What for?” Kochanski asked as she joined Lister’s conversation with Kryten.
“Kryten’s worried that he’ll end up all alone because we’re together.”
“Kryten, that’s mad, you won’t be alone!! If anything, it’s beneficial that Lister and I are an item, that way you can surely open up to me too. Think of us as one happy family.”
“A happy family?” Kryten was a bit skeptisch about the sound of the crew being like a “family”.
“Yeah. All four of us, together. No-one will be left out, I promise.” Kochanski proposed.
“So, I get to be the family’s servant, ironing everyone’s clothes and stuff? And the Cat is the pet?”
“If you want, yeah!” Lister said.
“Alright. Let’s group hug.” Kryten offered, and Lister and Kochanski gave him a group hug.

And they all lived happily ever after…………..
