Status: Active! Last updated Oct. 5th :)

Tucked Away Underneath Your Bed

Mosh Pits

"Hey Mom... Can I... Talk to you?"
"Of course, Will!" I said, turning around to face my 14 year old son. "What's up?"
"Well um... It's the summer... And well Warped is in New York on the 18th and I really wanna go," he blurted out, then blushed.
I smiled. He was as shy as I was at his age.
"Did William really mention Warped in front of someone other than his non existent girlfriend?!" Cassadee laughed, walking into the kitchen. He mumbled a "shut up" and shuffled his feet.
"So you guys wanna go to Warped?"
"Yes!" Cassadee yelled. "Yes yes yes yes!"
"Alright... Do you wanna go with your friends? Or am I allowed to tag along?"
"I wanted to go with Cam..."
"Um, you can come with me, mom," Will said. "I mean... You haven't been at Warped for a long time, and well... It wouldn't be fair."
I just smiled at the two of them. They were so different, but I loved them both.
"All Time Low are playing this year and you didn't tell me?"
I was shocked, and a bit scared. William just looked at me like a kicked puppy.
"I didn't know! I only knew about Asking Alexandria and that made me wanna come."
I sighed. "Okay. I think your sister knows, though..."
But Cassadee was far gone with her best friend Cameron.
"When are they playing?" I asked, to get my mind off the fact that Alex was here at this very minute.
"Um, 3:50. We have three hours."
"Let's go check out merch then!"
"Mom... You're acting like the teenager here."
"Loosen up!"
He looked up at me through his bangs with slitted eyes. I laughed and put my arm around his shoulder. "Let's go."
I still couldn't believe how much like me he was. All down to the vegetarianism and the Asking Alexandria dedication.
"I think Of Mice & Men are playing this year. Can we see them, too?"
"Of course!"
He grinned, and dragged me towards one of the stages. Apparently, they had just started playing.
After a couple of songs, the crowd started pushing around and I lost sight of Will. I looked around, a bit frantically. Finally, I spotted him being pulled out of the mosh pit.
"You've got to watch out, little buddy!" the guy was saying to him.
I walked over to them, and Will looked relieve when he saw me.
"Not much of a talked you've got here."
"No, he's really shy... Thank you so much for getting him out of there!"
"Not a problem!"
The guy then looked from me to Will a couple of times. "The resemblance is striking."
I just smiled and looked at Will. "Yeah, people tell me that a lot."
"Apart from the eyes..." the guy trailed off. He looked at me and tilted his head slightly. I looked back at him, and reality slapped me in the face.
"Well, um, it was nice talking to you. Thank you for helping Will out!" I said, then scurried off. Will followed me, puzzled.
"What was that about, mom?"
"I know that guy..."
"I'm scared he recognised me."
"Who is he, mom."
I stopped and looked at Will. "One of Alex's band mates."