Status: Active! Last updated Oct. 5th :)

Tucked Away Underneath Your Bed

Reality Shock


"Cam. This is serious. I need to go find out when they're playing!"
He sighed, and dumped the water bottle he was planning to throw at Blood On The Dance Floor back into his bag. "Fine. Let's go get a pamphlet or something."
We walked around, but something caught my eye. I grabbed his arm and pointed towards a stall. "I think we've got our answer."
"All Time Low's merch stall? Do you think they'll know?"
"Of course! Vinny has to know!"
"Their merch guy, duh."
I dragged him to the stall and we waited in line behind a couple of fans. They were giving me weird looks, but I brushed them off. If they had a problem with all the safety pins I was wearing, well then, screw them.
Once we were at the front of the line, I decided to buy some badges to add to my vest. While I did so, I talked to Vinny.
"Um, do you know when they're playing?"
"Oh yeah! In about five minutes, on the main stage. It's that way."
He pointed it out and I grinned.
"Thank you so much!" 
I hugged him and ran off with Cameron.
We reached the stage just on time.
"We're too far! I can't see!" I whined.
"Come on, then."
Cam took me by the arm and we pushed past a bunch of fans. We got pretty close to the stage and decided it was good enough.
"Are y'all having a good time?" the lead guitarist cried into the mic. His name was Jack, and he was known for loving Home Alone. The crowd cheered, and so did I. But there was one person I needed to see. While we were pushing past the crowd, he seemed to have left the stage.
"Alex just went to talk to Matt! He'll be back in a minute, sorry guys!"
We waited, and finally, he came on stage.
I had a hard time breathing suddenly.
I never realized how much he looked like me. It was so obvious, even to me.
Cameron just stared. "How could anyone miss that?!"
I shook my head. Online photos were always a bit retouched, and the few photos mom had of him was when he was much younger.
"I need to talk to him."
"Cassy, that's crazy."
"No, it isn't! He's my father, Cameron! I need to know him."
"You don't know what you're doing! If I recall correctly, you said he left when you weren't even two, and never tried to contact you since! What makes you think that going up to him is a good idea?!"
"Why are you and William so damn similar! What makes YOU think that he couldn't have changed, hunh?"
"I wouldn't act on a tiny little hope!"
"Yeah, but I will!"
"Fine! Don't expect me to be there when you come crying because he didn't want anything to do with you !"
"I won't!"
And with that, I was gone, pushing though the crowd to get to the front. I didn't want to look back, but I did.
Cam's disappointed and dumbstruck face was enough to make me think twice.
♠ ♠ ♠
So d'you think what Cassadee's planning to do is a good idea? :o

Hey guys! :D what do you think of this fic? I've had the plot idea for a while but only just wrote it. Please leave a comment if you like it! :)