Status: Active! Last updated Oct. 5th :)

Tucked Away Underneath Your Bed



I watched as Will and mom walked away, then looked at Alex. He was glancing at Cam, a bit uncomfortable.
Cam got the message. "I'm going to go find Will."
"Okay," I nodded.
He left, and Alex turned to me. He pulled a paper out of his back pocket which I recognized as my letter.
"Uh, so I got some time and read this. It's... It's good to finally meet you."
"Y-Yeah, it's... Yeah, same."
He smiled slightly, and I returned it.
"Wait.. Let's take this somewhere else... Um, do you want to go by the buses?"
I followed him. When we reached, not too long afterwards, he turned to me.
"Look, Cass..."
"Uh, it's either Cassy, or simply Cassadee... I'm not really fond of Cass."
He chuckled. "Okay, sorry, Cassy. Uh, well, Cassy, look..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to say. I'm glad you came to see me, and we could spend the day together, if you want... But, after today... I don't know. Your life and mine... Cassadee, I want you to know, I do care. About you, and about William. But I think... I think things are better off this way."
Those were the last words I wanted to hear. I looked at him in disbelief, then started getting angry. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, this life... The fans, the concerts, the tours... I don't want them to get to know about you, about all this-"
Our eyes widened at the same time. He realized what he had just said, and I was hurt.
"No, I didn't mean it that way!"
"Of course you did! You don't care, do you? You don't care that we've been struggling, that I cry myself to sleep most nights because everyone always says that you don't care and I should forget about ever having you around! I believed that you'd do something about that, that you'd at least care, even just a little bit! Man, they were right, all of them. I'm the stupid one who believe in you. But all you care about is your life. Your fans. Not even your family! Why don't you go show your fans who you really are? Let's see how much they love you when they find out all you are is empty promises."
"Cassy, I didn't-"
"But you did! You don't care! If you did, you'd go out there and tell everyone the whole story! Do your band members even know, hunh? Zack, Jack, Rian? Or even your crew?"
"I don't want you to be pulled into this! You have your life and I have mine. I don't..." he paused and sighed. "I don't think any type of... I don't- I shouldn't be a part of your life. Ever."
I didn't know what to say. I was so angry, upset, and hurt that I was speechless.
"If that's the way you want it," I finally said. "Then fine."
I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket, and took out a photo I had in there, safely tucked in. I looked at it for a second, then threw it at the ground at his feet, face down.
He bent down to pick it up.
"Do me a favour and burn that. I can't trust myself to do it."
I turned on my heels before he could speak, and ran, trying to stop myself from crying. I meant to go back to the Boys Like Girls tent, but I got lost and ended up by the stage where Asking Alexandria were playing.
I spotted Will near the back and ran to him. He was standing beside Cam, who spotted me. I pulled him towards me and hugged him, crying into his shoulder.
"What happened?" Cam asked, rubbing my back. I just shook my head, not wanting to relive the moment.
"Where is he?" I heard William growl.
"Don't..." I hiccuped out. "It's not worth it."
"We're going to find him," Cam agreed, ignoring me. "That... Ugh, I honestly don't care how old he is or who he is. Next time I will give him a piece of my mind."
"No," I said again, more firmly, pulling away from Cameron slightly. "No. Forget it."
They both looked at me, then sighed.
"I'll leave him for me," Will said. "But next time..."
"Okay. Do you want to let us finish watching the concert, or should we go?"
I smiled slightly. "Come on, let's get to the front."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo here's the update... Sorry it got a bit late @earth_to_alexandra! :3
Anyways, leave a comment? What do you think should happen next, what should Alex and Cassy do? :)