Status: Active! Last updated Oct. 5th :)

Tucked Away Underneath Your Bed

The Truth


I bent down to pick up the photo, and heard her footsteps. I looked up at her figure, running away from me.
I sighed, stood up, and turned the photo around slowly.
My breath caught.
It was a photo of Cassadee and William when they were much younger, with their mom... And me. I was holding Cassadee and laughing, and we all looked genuinely happy.
I sighed and slid down to the floor, staring at the photo.
After what felt like hours, I heard footsteps from behind me.
"Hey man, what's up? Where have you been the whole day?"
I turned around to see Rian.
Oh shit, Rian!
I hastily shoved the photo into my pocket, praying that he didn't notice the nervous look on my face.
"What's that?"
"Oh, um, no-nothing, just, uh, a photograph one of the kids gave me..."
"Can I see it?"
"Uhh, no."
He looked at me, frowning, and I sighed. Rian just knew me too well. "Why not?"
"Because, uh, it's... Private?"
"Come on, man. We're a band, and... What's going on, man?"
"You won't believe me if I told you."
"I trust you not to lie, Alex. We're... We're brothers, we don't keep secrets."
I had to look away from his piercing gaze.
"I can't."
"Show me the photo, Alex."
"I can't, alright?! Just let it be, man!"
I turned around to walk away, but I wasn't even five feet away when he called me again.
"You dropped something."
I turned around, and my eyes widened. No way.
I quickly searched through my pocket, but it was empty.
I shut my eyes and inhaled deeply. This wasn't happening.
I knew what was going to happen, so no point in opening my eyes.
His voice came a few minutes later. "What is this?"
"You've got some shit to explain and I'm not leaving till you do."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, short chapter. I'm so so sorry :( I'll make it up to you!
But what do you guys think? Please leave some comments, don't be a silent reader! :D