Status: Active :)

Human Born

Diffirent Day

They came from no where, first just the Witches... They tried to reason with us, we killed them. Then came the Vampires, trying to manipulate us, it didn't work. Then came the Demons, they killed... everyone they had too. Teaming up with the vampires and witches and killing even more. They took over by force and manipulation. The witches have power humans can't understand, demons have mind control they used to alter thoughts of anyone, and vampires have skills to unknown extent.

You would think my life was filled with suspense and action, that things never got boring with the thought one of those creatures could come out of no wheres and kill off this whole town... But no... They like to kill the rich people and important people and leave the poor to suffer. I live in one of the shittiest towns around meaning there was never a moment in all of time when one of them would travel here.

How interesting it would be to come face to face with a vampire's seductive smile, have a demon feed off your misfortune or be strapped to a table as a witch preforms enchantments and glamours on you. In this town thoughts like that will get you banned. I don't know why we can't speak highly of them... wouldn't they like that? But the towns people just wont allow it.

"Skyler! Turn to page 79!" My teacher, Mrs. Green snapped tapping the chalk board with her french tipped nails where the page was written.

I was in superiors class, here we learn about the things that took over our world because if you didn't know about them, they'd kill you. Sackville high school, it poorer then most schools because it's the dead center of an extremely poor town and that means it's bound to end up bankrupt soon enough.

I looked down at my text book filled with a description of each of the superiors. We were forced to read some of the most horrific bloody gruesome story's in these text books. Sometimes I would imagine being part of there world. Having power over other people... Having excitement in my life instead of living the same thing everyday. But in a way I have grown to like it this way. I'm not happy yet I am not sad. I'm content. I live each day the same with no surprises and nothing that is unusual.

I began to read the description and take notes for the up coming assignment, we were to pick a superior and write 10 pages on them.

Witch: Witches have lived among humans since the beginning of time, they then fell extinct in 1901 and were only living in hell for a large stretch of time, it wasn't until 1991 when witches began to re populate as well accompanied by Vampires and Demons. Witches use energy to complete tasks that human cannot such as creating a fire without a match, moving a book without touching it they can also summon back things that are long dead. Witches are evil and powerful to un explainable extents. Witches are not easily identified to the blind eye of a human but to another superior the difference is vivid by sent. Read more page 94

Demon: Demons fell extinct long before witches in the year 1705 and regained population in 1991 as well. Demons are stronger and faster then anything else on earth, feeding of misfortune and negative emotion or death from humans Demons can shape shift and use mind control to alter a persons thoughts and memories or even future plans. Demons eyes can change color according to the creatures emotion. Demons can be identified by there eyes as well as there strength and wealthiness for a human could never amount to such things. Read more page 102

Vampire: Vampires didn't fall extinct until the year 1950 and gained power with the other superiors in 1991. Vampires look almost human apart from being much more attractive on top of having an irresistible sent and fangs that can inject a thick purple venom used to draw blood when a vampire is drinking from a live food source. Vampires blood or saliva is an ultimate healing agent to humans and witches and is used in the medical field. A vampire couple can also bond through sharing venom as a symbol of possession as a wedding ring would for humans. Read more page 121

I have always found witches fascinating, the way them can conjure up energy and do limitless things without moving a single muscle. Vampires are another thing, there sent is almost intoxicating to humans making them so irresistible that even the purest of people are drawn to them. But I think the most incredible yet most dangerous would be an Ingenious vampire, the are witches who are just like vampires but as strong as a demon, having all the highest powers of each creature. But only about 10 are living on earth. I don't know much about Ingenious Vampires because humans schools don't tech much about them.

"Alright class if you will-" and then I zoned out, lost inside my own world. So easily I lose focus and get lost inside my imagination. Ever so quickly my school day was finished, as if I made time go faster for myself. The thing is superior class was only my third class out of six, yet I have no memory of the rest happening.

No one really liked me but I did have a best friend, his name was Seth. He was waiting like always outside my locker, mindlessly going through it's contents.

Seth had been my best friend since we were 10 years old, he was a grade above be because he is just so much smarter then anyone else. I don't know how he does it, studying, reading, studying... more reading. It sounds like such a drag.

"How was you're day my dear?" He asked flipping a strand of my dark auburn hair through his fingers.

"Boring as ever" I replied slipping my black tattered rain coat over my shoulders and shaking his hands away. "Your's?"

"About the same" He sighed as we left the building into the parking lot. Dark gray rain clouds covered over the afternoon sky, I avoided puddles in the uneven ground and slid into Seth's beat up 1990 ford mustang. It was strange for a human to have a car at this age but Seth is rather wealthy given the circumstances.

As we drove there was a strange feeling inside me, like when you just know something life changing and terribly awful is going to happen, I tried to shake it away as best I could though. My mother always told me the going by feelings and not facts would get me into trouble so when ever I had a strange feeling, much like the one I have now, I'd shake it away.

The ride to my house was rather quiet as usual, we never really had much to say. We were best friends but I didn't talk much... I never could find words to say. Everyone in this town was expecting wise words to make it seem okay, like there was hope for our failing community but they would never here those words. At least not from me.

I made my way up the steps of my one story house with fallen shingles and stained siding, noticing no one was home by the emptiness of my driveway. As I enter my house on the floor mat was a simple envelop. I picked it up closing the door behind me and slipping off my coat and bag. I walked into the living room that doubled as my mothers bedroom sitting down and examining it's exterior.

On this small white envelop written neatly was my name Skyler Miller I decided to open it because well... it's mine I guess, I had no idea what it could possibly be or who sent it. As I opened it, written in the same hand written was the fallowing:

Dear Ms. Skyler Miller,

Hello Ms. Miller this letter is coming from Omnipotens boarding school of Halifax, as you should know from you're years in human school our school is for the offspring of Witches, Demons and Vampires. We would like to keep this short and sweet. You're 15th birthday has recently passed and as you must know that is the time in a superior's life when they are put into one of our schools, well you are one of many Human Born witches. This is meaning you are now attending Saint Interactions School on September 15 we will expect you here with the remaining of you're personal belongings for the next school year. You do not need to bring any school books from you're pathetic human school all will be supplied here as well as you're uniform. Here at our school you shall learn about what a human born witch is, and how to activate you power. As you may notice you do not have any abilities as of this time. Somewhere in you're bloodline there was a witch, who fell extinct through the years and has now chosen to re birth it's bloodline through you. We apologize for the inconvenience of our timing, you're mother has been hiding our letters.

-Head Master Eva Stone of Omnipotens Boarding School

I must have re read that letter about six times trying to fully understand it before coming to a conclusion that they have the wrong girl because no way in all of hell and earth was I a witch. I was a human living in poverty with no money nor special ability's. This letter said on the 15th I was expected at this school and today was the 13th, they also apologize for the timing because my mother has been hiding the letter? My mind didn't seem to process the letter for a very long time... I mean who would? So many questions just bounced around the walls of my head begging to be answered.

I heard my mom come through the door.

"Mom!" I ran into the entrance stopping in front of her struggling with her shoes "Mom! What is this!" I pushed the letter in her face. "What's going on!"

She sighed taking the letter and quickly skimmed her eyes over the page, then directing me into the living room telling me to sit so she can explain.

"Sky hunny, I have gotten a few of these... I tried to hide them but these people are persistent and.."

"These are not people mom they are Superiors!" I cut her off.

"I was trying to protect you Skyler, You don't need this." She said in a sympathetic tone.

"Mom... Do I-I have to go?" I said pathetically. She didn't answer right away so I looked back down at the envelop in my hands. All of a sudden, black ink appeared replacing my name and reading out the word yes. I jumped and dropped the letter on the ground. Before I could ask any farther questions my mothers husband came through the door, I took my scattered things and hid in my room.

I'm Skyler Miller, I'm not a witch.

I stood in front of my mirror that hung on the back of my door, I looked human so how can I be a witch? My long auburn hair still wavy coming to the middle of my back and framing my pale face my height and weight perfect for my age, my green eyes looking nothing but human... everything looked human.

I must have stood in front of the mirror for hours trying to find a trace of anything inhuman but found nothing, see when you meet a witch you can tell because of there elegance and grace, but me? I'm just an average 15 year old girl living in a run down house struggling to do things right and to fit in.

"Might as well pack while you're in there! I want you're bedroom when you're gone" I heard my step father yell and my mother snicker. She was a different person with him around, the two together were almost as evil as a superior. That's when it hit me, I would be a superior and they would still be human. So maybe this wasn't all bad, but I'm not mean like a real witch.... Can they still kill me while I'm there?

How can I be something that used to scare yet fascinate me?

I'm not a superior, I'm not a witch. I repeated over and over but it was no use. I didn't know how to react. I was used to the same thing everyday. Wake up and go to school come home and sneak around trying not to run into my asshole step father. See he hates my very being because he hated my father who is very much dead now. He takes his anger out on pointless fights and causing my mother stress because I'm just not perfect. It's funny how he thinks I can be perfect when we live in a world dominated by Vampires, Demons and Witches who kill as they please and steal all the money they can get away with.

It then sprang upon me I know nothing of this school. I guess I need to go to the library and search this school. I don't own a computer, I'm lucky to have a cell phone so I spend a great deal of time in the library using their computers. I basically have to sneak out of the house when my step father is home but I was lucky today, they were on the back deck probably talking about me, so I slipped through the front door and down the raining street.

Once inside the dry, warm building I took a seat at a computer close to the back of the room, I didn't want someone to see this because I'd be avoided like the black plague. quickly typing into Google the school name and then finding the webpage.

It showed a large picture of three old looking buildings, one in the center witch was bigger and almost looked like a castle, and two slightly smaller twin buildings on either side of the middle one. There was perfect green grass and a large fountain along with a cobble stone path that lead from the main iron gates to the buildings, slightly thicker leading to the middle one. Underneath was a caption explaining:
In the center you see the main building where students attend classes, on the right you see the dorm for male students and on the left for female.
I clicked where it said see more photo's.

The next photo was of a dorm lounge, it was a huge room the main colors seemed to be a dark brown, black, deep red and a golden color. On one side of the room it looked like a place for studying, the walls were lined with new and old books for students, two large wooden tables with students sitting on benches hovering over text books, a large fire place was lit giving everything a warm glow and a few more leather chairs. On the other side you saw black leather couches and glass tables set up in front of at least 3 visible flat screen TV's. The walls that weren't covered in books were a deep red color, most of the furniture was ether brown or black, the curtains were red with a gold trim, needless to say it was beautiful.

Another picture was of two students, a female student who was clearly a vampire and a male student looking as a most definitely demon.
The girl was wearing her school uniform which consisted of a grey and black plaid skirt that was a little too short, black high heal boots with blue ribbon and a white cotton shirt with a grey cardigan. She looked stunning in it, it looked like they made it for her body. She also had around her neck a blue pendent identical to the boy's green one. The boy wasn't in a uniform though.

There was a link to school rules which caught my attention more then the pictures so I clicked there next. I brought me to a list:
-A creature cannot harm another creature without reason.
-During class time students must wear their uniform.
-Students must wear their pentacle pendent at all times.
(Blue-Vamp. Green-Dem. Purple-Witch.)
-Students are to be on time.
-Vampires and demons can leave to hunt once a week
unless directed otherwise. (signing out is essential)
-Witches must practice under super vision for three months
before given full privilege and a year before use outside of
school gates.
-Boys and girls can share dorm lounges but not dorm rooms.
-Students must attend the final meal of the day but are free
to eat in dorm kitchens for first two.
-Have respect.
-Creatures cannot exit school gates without permission from
head master Stone

Like my step father said I should get home and pack, we are not aloud to leave without permission and that just doesn't sound likely. I would like to know more but I doubt they would put on their website if a human born witch can get killed or not.

Once I left it was full on down pouring and dark, I walked as quickly as I could through the rain that seemed to match my mood. But I was more scared then anything and confused. Scared and confused...

I slipped back inside the house and straight to my room without being seen, changing into dry pajama's and falling onto my bed.

I pulled out the large suite case from under my bed and began to furiously pack clothes and other necessity's I wont need tomorrow or the next day. I couldn't believe this was happening. Why me? The one who can't make friends to save her life, the one who just doesn't fit in, why couldn't this bloodline pick someone with social skills and someone likable why did it have to be me? Of all people me!
♠ ♠ ♠
School uniform <---- If you click that there <--- You can see the School uniform :D

New story, it won't be updated as often but it will still be updated obviously! :3 leave some comments on what you think so far? and always remember this is all my idea and if you steal I will find you and I will kill you :3