Status: Active :)

Human Born

Saint Interaction Boarding school

This was it, the last time I will be treated as I normally would. Today I'm shipped off to Saint Interactions Boarding School of Superiors. I stayed up almost all night studying everything I could about superiors because last night a package came in the mail giving me my school schedule and my uniform. It also had a note with it to go straight to the main office which is located in the center building.

My classes were strange.... I have six of them, Superior History, Witch Craft, Human Anatomy, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Black magic and of course Lunch. I wonder a lot about Superior History because in humans schools they don't tell you much until 1991. Also I'm concerned about Human Anatomy because... Well it's scary to think why I need to learn that.

Today will be my last day to see Seth before I leave, I don't know when I'm going to come back either and I'm scared this will effect our friendship. I don't think he is handling this very well, he is constantly on edge and he hasn't talked much all day.

"So I think I've got everything... Clothes, books, Ipod, make-up, toiletries..." I started to go over everything I would need.

"Skyler..." He sais worriedly.

"Yeah Seth?" I said trying to act like everything was fine. Nothing was fine.

"Since... You're human... And a witch, can.. Can they... Hurt you?" He asked, his eyes not meeting mine and it scared me to think about it. I didn't know the answer to his question, I'd been thinking the same thing since the letter arrived.

"I... I don't know Seth" I answered truthfully. What else could I say? "I will text you everyday, don't worry about me okay?"

He agreed but he looked as sad as a kicked puppy and it was breaking my heart, we had a little under an hour before I was leaving... He couldn't come with us because he isn't family or a superior therefore he isn't allowed within a mile of the school.

I had my bags packed and waiting at the door, I was in no means excited about this but I felt bad things would happen if I wasn't on time. My mother was being very nice to me today, I don't know why. Maybe because her only daughter was being shipped of to a school fun of demons witches and vampires?

My mother, Seth and I sat down at our tiny kitchen table eating silently for this would be the last meal we would eat together in five years, and even then it wouldn't be the same. As we put my bags into the trunk of our car I had to hold back tears.

Seth wrapped his arms around me tightly and petted my hair, whispering reassuring things into my ear, trying desperately not to cry himself because I could feel his body shake slightly and his grip tighten around my frail body.

My mother was waiting patiently in the car, getting more restless by the second. "I will call you as soon as I get into my room okay?" I informed him letting go, although missing him instantly.

"You better, or I will be the one to kill you" He joked.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, waving goodbye and slipping into the front seat of our car. I kept my eyes down for the first 10 minutes, playing with the zipper of my jacket. It was an awkward silence sitting there wondering what to do. Finally my mother spoke.

"I bought you some new clothes... I think you will need to look you're best" She said in a regretful voice.

"Mom, you didn't have too, I have lots of nice clothes" I lied.

I hadn't actually thought about that... Superiors all have nice clothes, perfect skin, amazing hair... I wasn't going to fit in with my filthy clothes, less then perfect skin and ginger hair. Okay so my hair wasn't ginger, it was auburn... No wheres near orange but still, people called me a ginger and a red head all the time.

"The last thing we need is you too look out of place, it will help you blend in with the rest, theres a bag behind you seat" My mother said bitterly.

I reached behind me into the backseat, pulling onto my lap a large plastic bag. I thanked my mother and began to look through its contents. A pair of black skinny jeans with ripped patches all down the front, a pair of light pink ones just the same, another pair of skinny jeans but theses ones a really light blue and a pair of gray ones with glitter in the back pockets.

There was a black and white stripped shirt that would hang off one shoulder, a black tank top that had sequence along the top and lace along the bottom. There was a red cropped shirt and a cream color blouse.

Lastly there was a gray leather jacket and the most stunning dress I had ever seen. It was black with a thin silver belt dividing the tight fitting top from the loose flowing bottom made from a soft tool.

"Wow mom thank you so much! You really didn't have to spend all this money" I thanked, these clothes were nicer then anything I had ever worn before.

"Well I want you to look good and make a great impression, Don't forget to be pleasant and sweet to everyone and don't make enemy's" She instructed rather rudely.

She had just bought me the prettiest clothes I had ever seen so I wasn't going to argue with her. We drove in silence except the soft hum of the radio for the next hour.

I think she was scared, I know I was terrified. As I saw the three buildings on a green hill in the distance my heart started to race and my mind was swarmed by questions about my new life. Would it be cut short? I started to nibble at my nails and tap my leg up and down as the car turned towards the large hill.

Calm down I told myself but it was no use, the demons could probably smell my fear from here. All to soon we stopped in front of a tall iron gate that prevented us from driving further into the school.

There was think stone walls all the way around the three Victorian buildings. The road broke of in both left and right, and I could see small signs saying "Student Parker" and "Visitor Parking". There was a large white fountain surrounded by a garden and cobble stone paths leading around it too the three buildings. It was exactly like the picture I saw.

The gate opened out of no wheres and my mother shot me a terrified look, but drove in anyways, fallowing the road saying visitor parking. It went around the left building until there was a small parking lot with only about three cars in it. From here you could see the only thing dividing the separate parking lots was a string a concrete posts.

I looked at my mother in fear, she gave me a look of disgust before saying "Well go one" and hitting the button that opens the trunk.

"Arn't you coming?" I asked, tears threatening to escape. She is just going to leave me here? Without so much as coming inside to meet the people that will be around more then she will for the next five years?

"I guess, you need help with you're bags...." She muttered before getting out of the car. I stared in shock, she was going to leave me here.... "Well come on!" She snapped viciously. I scrambled out of the car and took my bags from the trunk. We then walked to a glass door that I hopped led to the main office quickly.

The door had a camera and a small doorbell. I slowly reached up and pressed it. Within seconds there was a tall skinny lady with long brown hair, pale skin and eyes so dark they looked black, opening the door and smiling widely. She was beautiful but I think she was a witch. I had that feeling.

"Welcome! You must be Skyler" She beamed holding out her hand for me to shake. I did examining her the best I could, the lighting was dull. "I am Head master Stone, or just Mrs. Stone" She said enthusiastically.

"H-hi" I chocked out.

"Darling, you need not be scared... These people are you're friends now, not you're enemy's" Her voice was soft and sweet and her hand was placed on my shoulder as a reassuring gesture and for some reason I felt comforted by it.

"Thank you" I said softly, it came out better then the last thing I said.

She then greeted my mother with less enthusiasm. I took the time to examine the place. The walls were all black, and instead of light bulbs there was torches hanging on the walls, we stood in a hallway but I couldn't see much farther ahead. The floors were made of stone making things seem a lot louder then they were.

"Alright well lets get you to the main office for you're key and room number " Her voice was excited like she truly wanted me to be here, I wasn't sure about my mother though, her tone seemed to dip into anger when she spoke with her.

My mother and I fallowed Mrs. Stone down the dark hallway in silences until my mother spoke up "Why is it so dark in here?" She glanced around the dark hallway, paintings of bloody murder sences were now decorating the black walls. I had seen some of them in my text book in my human school so it wasn't shocking for me.

"Vampires eyes are sensitive to florescent lights" She said in monotone. We then stopped in front of a wooden door. "If you would just come in here and take a seat I'll go get you're room key" She smiled at me again and left us standing in a large room with a cluttered desk and chairs to the side. It looked exactly like a normal schools main office would, only the lights were dimmed and instead of posters of school rules it was paintings of superiors.

My mother was completely silent and tense, so was I.... Mrs. Stone came back with a small envelope and passed it to me with another smile. It had the numbers: East 205. Written on the front and inside was a small key "You're room mate is Ali May, she should be in there right now... She is very wonderful girl" She informed me.

Oh great. A room mate, what if she kills me in my sleep! "Sadly this is where you must say goodbye to you're mother" She said all to happily.

"Okay bye Skyler" My mother said with her back already turned and walking away.

"Bye.... Mom" I whispered the last part knowing she was already gone. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and looked up through almost teary eyes at Mrs. Stone with a sympathetic smile.

"I'll take you to you're room... You're room mate is a very bubbly person so she will lighten you're mood" She insisted like she knew me.

I fallowed her towards the front of the building with my bags and my scared thoughts. We exited the building and took the cobble stone path going to the left building, the was smaller then the center building by a lot, but it was slightly longer and a twin to the building across. The door opened without her touching it and it scared me.

She motioned me inside and as soon as a walked in I was faced with a beautiful lounge, it was exactly like how it seemed in the picture except much bigger and more real. There was students scattered about the huge room and two stair cases on either side. No one paid much attention to us to my surprise and I liked it.

"This is the east wing Skyler, you can just go straight up those stairs and find you're room... I'm needed else where but if you have any questions or concerns please come find me. Classes start at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning"

I nodded and she left, I didn't hesitate to hurry up those stairs before a caught someones attention. I struggled trying to get up the stairs with my backpack and duffle bag both stuffed with things. A pretty blonde girl with a smile on her face and skip in her step started down the stairs.

"Oh my! Would you like some help there?" She asked in a sweet tone. She had bright big brown eyes, much lighter and happier then Mrs. Stones.

"Uh.. No thanks I'll manage" I shot a nerves smile.

"Oh don't be silly" She took my backpack off my shoulder and began walking back where she came from. "What's you're room number darlin'" She asked over her shoulder.

"Uh.." I looked down at the card "205" I said as we reached the top.

"Oh my! We're room mates! How funny is that?" The stranger beamed almost jumping up and down.

"Umm" I didn't have time to put a word in.

"I'll help you unpack! And then I can show you around if you like! I'm getting a great vibe off you so we should get along great!" she exclaimed as we stopped in front of a door.

"Well you don't have too... But thank you" I smiled. She was obviously a witch, they can get vibes off people if their good or bad to be around. I think witches are amazing so i'm kind of glad i'll share my room with one.

She opened the door inwards and I gasped. The room was any teenager's dream. The walls were painted lime green, posters of bands and musicians covered them. It was huge, on both sides there was a double bed with a pink comforter, a desk, vanity and night stand.

One side was scattered with make up and hair products along with an opened closet filled with clothes similar to the ones she was wearing. The other closet was closed. There was Christmas lights strung all round the room and a large window with pink and green curtains.

"This is amazing" I gasped.

"You like? I decorated myself!" She smiled widely "I'm Ali by the way" She stuck out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Skyler" I said back.

"That whole side of the room is yours, sadly we share the bathroom but that's not that bad" She gushed.

"Thanks" I shot a sincere smile.

For a second I wasn't very scared but I quickly remembered where I was. I began unpacking quickly and awkwardly. She offered to help but I declined. What if she notices how poor I am. Oh god...

"Just so you know Skyler, being human born is actually really cool! You get to create a bond with another witch to gain your powers" She smiled sitting cross legged on her bed.

I stopped and turned around. She knew... Does that mean everyone knew? I'm in trouble now. She must have taken my silence as second guessing.

"Darling really, just relax.... Trust me I know it's scary comin' into a place like this, I knew a human born witch, she told me it was nerve wracking and she thought everyone wanted to kill her! It was ridicules of her to think that though! Most people thought it was cool and wanted to be friends just because she was human born!" She exclaimed dramatically "She graduated with high honors and everything!"

I was skeptical at first "Really? 'Cause I'm really nerves no one will like me..." I mumbled scratching my neck. She nodded wildly and skipped over to me and began to help put my books on our small shared book self.

"Oh if you wanna borrow anything of mine, go right ahead!"

She was really just too happy and it was starting to rub off on me, Mrs. Stone was right when she said she could lighten my mood, I'd almost completely forgot about my mother leaving me and having to part with Seth. After only 10 minutes I was laughing and joking with her.

"Would you like to come meet my friends now?" Ali asked once we had finished.

"Um.. Who are you're friends..." I asked awkwardly and scared, my heart beat picked up and I was afraid.

She laughed "Only, Niki who is a demon, and Elliot who is a vampire... But there nice! Well Niki gets cranky and always has her phone glued to her freaking ear! But other then that!" She sang happily.

"Umm..." I hesitated.... If I'm going to die I guess it should be made quick... "Okay.."
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Kinda shitty but the next chapter is going to be intense! I hope xD Enjoy :3