Status: Active :)

Human Born

Purple Pendent

I changed into some of my new clothes, I didn't want to look poor and get killed. I fear maybe I'm being over dramatic but my heart wont stop beating double time inside my chest. Ali leads my back down to the lounge where I take in the appearance of everyone.

They all wore normal clothes, well not normal for me, but normal for them. They almost all had long hair including some of they guys and they looked so classy and elegant. I was insecure as anything standing next to these superiors. Some of them were so beautiful and flawless I'm sure I was standing wide eyed. They all had a chain around their neck that had either a blue, green or purple pendant on it. I tried to remember what they meant but I couldn't.

"Their over here!" Ali gleamed pulling me along through the huge room. On a black leather couch watching something on the huge flat screen TV was a girl with light brown hair in a messy bun wearing white shorts and a colorful blouse, her skin was tan and bright and around her neck was a green pendant. Beside her with his legs propped over her's was the most flawless boy I had ever laid eyes on, he had dark curly hair and pale skin without a single blemish, he was smiling widely and in the most gorgeous way, he had his septum pierced and was wearing a blue pendant around his neck.

Now he was a vampire for damn sure. Honestly how can a boy be that pretty! Vampires are supposed to have a sent that makes anyone turn to a complete loss due to the fact its so heavenly. It was described as an 'addicting toxin' in all the books I read. But vampires in schools or public places are not allowed to flaunt their sent because of what it can do to people. I don't know how they do it but the can turn it off when they want to.

We stopped when we reached them and Ali beamed "Niki! Elliot! Meet Skyler my new roommate!" She said with excitement.

I quickly averted my eyes when the noticed me, I was told never to make eyes contact with them. Ali told me previously that Niki was a demon, she didn't look scary... Just as innocent as Ali did and Elliot was a vampire no doubt because he was honestly flawless. So now I have the pendant thing down pat. Blue-Vampire, Green-Demon, Purple-Witch.

I would stick out without one that's for sure. "Hello! I'm Elliot" The boy stuck out his hand for me to shake. I did quickly mumbling "Hi". He laughed a little.

"Hi there!" The girl smiled and waved. I waved back.

"She is so nervous! I told her we will all become the best of friends though!" Ali motioned me into a chair. I sat quietly.

"Loosen up sweet heart! We won't bite!". He smiled, and when he did his two sharp fangs flashed momentarily.

"I'm sorry" I apologize even though I wasn't sure what for.

"For what?" Niki asked leaning forward.

"I... I don't know" I mumbled looking down.

They all looked at each other and then back at me with my head down. "You have beautiful hair...." Elliot gushed "Can I touch it?" His big big brown eyes glistening.

She giggled and nodded. He reminded me of Seth. He reached out and stroked my hair twirling a piece between his fingers like Seth used to. Elliot was a vampire and he was touching her. A human. And it wasn't to inflict pain or death... Just to touch her hair.

"Just so you know Skyler, we are not all bad" Niki smiled "I don't kill anyone and I never cause people pain, I feed on what's already there. And Elliot only drinks from mutuo's" She looked at me almost forcing me to make eye contact.

"And of course Ali couldn't hurt a fly!" Elliot giggled.

"What is a mutuo?" I asked confused. I had never heard of that word before and I was almost scared to find out.

"They didn't teach you in you're human school?" Elliot I asked. I shock my head 'no' and shrugged "Well 'Mutuo' is the Latin word for 'borrow.' So they are basically humans that let let us borrow their blood" He smiled and flicked another strand of my hair.

I found having my hair played with made me more calm and I kind of liked it. It was such an innocent gesture and there wasn't anything scary about it. Seth used to do it all the time. God I missed him. And I forgot to call him.

"But wouldn't that kill them?" I asked confused.

"Nope, we only take a small amount at a time.... Like you going to the doctor and giving blood to help innocent children! But different!" He exclaimed.

They were such a lively bunch. Happy and cherry. Ali looked absolutely harmless. I doubt she would kill a fly. Elliot was totally gorgeous but I had this feeling he played the other way and he reminded me of Seth and that made me feel a lot better. Niki was kind of distant but she seemed like you're average teenage girl in a movie or something.

Everything was surprisingly normal.

A blonde haired girl seemed to pop out of no wheres. She was tall with her high heal shoes on. He was wearing light gray skinny jeans and a sparkly gray shirt. She looked out of a magazine and it creeped me out. She had a scowl on her glossy lips and her eyes glared down at Niki. She had on a blue pendant meaning she was a vampire, but she wasn't as attractive as the other girls with blue pendants. I think the make up was trying to hide that.

"Skyler Miller." She growled "Mrs.Stone wants you. Now" She spat not taking her eyes off off Niki. They looked friendly together. Not.

"Have some respect Lindsay" A woman's voice said behind her. She whipped around to see Mrs. Stone standing with her arms crossed. I myself was terrified of both this 'Lindsay' girl and why Mrs. Stone wants to see me.

"Yes head master" The girl smiled and walked away, he shoes clicking as she walked across the hard wood.

"Ah, Skyler I have forgotten to tell you some important information about our school... Silly me" She beamed "If you just fallow me to my office I have all the things you will need you class."

I'm starting to notice that she forgets things.... A lot. I nodded and stood up ready to fallow her. But really.... What's with her and forgetting.

"We will be here when you get back" Niki smiled and waved.

"I will miss you!" Elliot exclaimed through fake tears. I laughed and waved him off. He was so much like Seth.

As I fallowed closely behind the head master. (God I feel straight our of Harry Potter) I heard a gimps of their conversation "She is so shy, I give her a week being roommates with Ali and she will fit right in with us" Elliot said in a happy voice "I love her hair!".

That doesn't sound like a murder plot.... They actually like me? That's insane. We left the dorm building and walked the cobble stone path until we entered the main building. By not the sun was starting to set and it looked beautiful.

As we walked she spoke bluntly "In order to become a full witch and access you're energy, you need to create a bond with another witch. A friendship or more... As long as somehow you are connected to that person it will work and you will be as strong as any other"

I nodded, taking that in. So that's why I was never abnormal... Well I was but I couldn't preform witch craft and I can't until a create a bond. I think I remember reading this some wheres once but I couldn't quite recall.

There was so many hallways in this buildings I know I'm going to get lost. I was sure of it. We stopped outside a closed door and she directed I stay out in the hallway while she attends to what has to be done. I sat on the bench that sat in the dim lit hallway and looked around.

I couldn't see that much ahead because it was dark, but the sign on the door just a few feet away said 'Infirmary'. So I'm guessing that's where I'll go when they all find out I'm just some poor human who got dragged here without any sense of power.

There was a sudden feeling, like a breeze of air that just screamed anger. Like something was really made and the rage was radiating of of it. It was the most interesting feeling I ever had. Then there was a scream, it was a male scream in pain. I sunk back into the wall hoping to blend with the shadows.

I was now verry scared. What was going on in there? Then the door swung open and a stream of bright light invaded the hallway. I was still hidden back away and unseeable. What looked to be a full grown man stumbled out the door and his back colliding with the opposite wall. He fell down and looked unconscious. I gasped and covered my mouth, watching wide eyed.

A dark figure then crawled out towards the doctor. I gasped again and tried to keep still. As soon as the sound left my lips though, crimson red eyes were glowing looking at me. I could feel that wave of emotions again, but I couldn't break the eye contact I was making with the red eyed creature. Clearly I distracted it because then a lady dressed in white stuck a huge needle full of a thick black liquid into the back of it's neck and with a loud growl that turned into a rather feminine whimper it fell limp to the ground.

The lady picked up the creature and brought it back inside, then the man who had fallen got up like nothing happened and closed the door. It was dark again and my heart tried to steady it's self before it exploded in my chest.

What was that?

Mrs.Stone appeared again. She had a black messenger bag in her hand which she extended to me "Here you are Skyler, all you're text books and notes you will need" I took the bag and thanked her kindly.

She pulled out a black box, from god knows where "And of course you will need this" She smiled widely and I opened the box to reveal my own purple pendant.

The chain was silver as well as the round outside rim of the jewel, it was engraved beautifully as if fashioned by the best of jewelry makers. I took time to study it. On the back hidden behind that purple crystal was a star that had a circle around it. I knew this was a symbol of witch craft and that for witches it was a good thing to have.

"Welcome to the superior life Skyler" She grinned happily.

I smiled back at her and she insisted I put it on now because it's against School rules not to wear one to identify who I am. It sat proudly on my chest, not to high up or to low down. Perfect.

I smiled pretty much the entire way until we arrived back at the dorm lounge where I thought it would draw attention if I walked in with such a huge smile. It felt so surreal but in the most beautiful way. I had completely forgotten about what I witnessed in the hallway not minutes ago.

Niki waved me over smiling and I walked across the room as quietly as I could, people were reading and studying now and I'll be damned if I interrupt one of them.

"Oh my god! You have a pendant!" Ali squealed.

"I know!" I couldn't help the excitement in my voice. This was huge.

"I can't wait until you have power! We can practice together it will be great!" She screamed earning death glares from several others around us.

"I hope it's soon" I smiled. I was actually excited about becoming this. It was such a great feeling to know I meant something in the world now.

We all started talking again and they told me a lot of what I need to know about this school. They told me where they go for lunch and Ali insisted I come with them tomorrow. Turns out we have almost every class together because we are the same age and are both witches.

I actually felt like a fit in here. It was strange to think that a human would ever feel as though they fit in among superiors but I feel like I have known these three the whole life and I'm not just meeting them today.

I felt that wave of anger again, like I did in the hallway. I looked over my shoulder and say a large man carrying a limp person over his shoulder like they were a sack of potato's. The man had his hand over the back of the figures skinny legs holding them in place.

I noticed there was rope tied tightly around the figures ankles and I'm sure their wrists were done the same. The person slung over the mans shoulder was wearing black skinny jeans and a black pull over sweater with the hood up covering it's face. It was safe to say it was female. And it was safe to say this was what I saw in the hallway.

I looked at Elliot who sighed a sad sigh and turned to Niki. "Great, her dad's going to be so pleased" She said sarcastically. I was very confused when Niki got up and fallowed them towards the stairs.

As they walked by I heard a hiss, like an angry snake and looked up to see only the tips of snow white hair with raven ends and pierced, ruby red lips that had a deep purple venom dripping to the floor.

When they had disappeared up the staircase I turned to Ali and Elliot for an answer to whatever my question was. Ali sighed "That would be the charming Bellatrix Sonmiun, one of few Ingenious Vampires on earth"

"A very drugged one at that" Elliot added.

I recognized that name "S-Sonmiun?" That was what I heard an oh my dear god if I have ever been this scared in my life God kill me now. They nodded looking sympathetic.

The Sonmiun family is just as important as Lucifer himself in Hell. That family has some of the most powerful creatures known to exist and I'm in the same school as one. The last time a member of that family was on earth was when the superiors took over. Without that one ingenious vampire then they never would have taken over.

"Did you not know there was another member of that family here? I would think you're human school would worn you I mean she is the daughter of-" Ali was cut off by Elliot's hand over her mouth.

"Trix is harmless, she just has little episodes where she may or may not go on killing spree's until someone drugs her up with so much Black Death that she doesn't know who she is." Elliot smile releasing Ali.

Black death was a drug that could kill any superior excepts ingenious vampires. It was rare and only found in hell and I never knew you could import drugs from hell to earth.

"You are telling me.... Skyler Miller, a human... That I am living in the same building as an ingenious vampire fro the Sonmiun family?" I said slowly.

"Yep" Elliot stated.

"I'm going to die here" I muttered. "I'm going to die here"
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Yeaa I'm tired but I wanted to update this :3