Status: Completed (:

I'll Do Anything to Have Her to Myself

I Feel Like Crap

By the time they finally got to go back to see her, it was pretty late and visiting hours are almost over.

“Dude, you wanna ride with me?” Shawn asked lowly. He knew Corey had to still be pissed at him but none of that mattered anymore.

He shook his head, “I’m staying.”

“you heard the doctors….she’s probably going to be out of it until morning. You need to get some rest.”

“I can sleep in the chair. Someone should be here when she wakes up…in case she doesn't know where she's at and gets scared or something.”

“All right. Fine. Let me know if there’s any change in anything.”

He was nodded off in the chair next to her bed. She still hadn’t woke up. He heard one of the nurses come in to check her vitals and it startled him.

“Is everything ok?” He asked with a look of concern.

She smiled, “Yeah, everything looks good.”

“Well, why hasn’t she woke up yet?” he asked sounding like a scared little kid.

“She will. She’s just very tired.” She explained with her hand on his back. “Just let her rest.”

He nodded and watched the nurse leave and shut the door behind her. He scooted his chair closer to the bed and rested his head on the mattress and crossed his arms. Before he even realized it, he was asleep. That next morning he felt the bed shift underneath his face and sat up groggily. He heard her groan and when he said her name; her eyes began to open a little.


“Hey angel.” He said with a dimpled smile and his hand on hers. “Good morning.”

“What the hell happened?”

“You had an accident…..but we brought you here and you’re gonna be ok.”

“My whole fucking body hurts.” She whimpered.

“I’m gonna go tell the nurse that you’re awake. I’ll be right back.” He went to talk to the nurses and also texted Shawn. He also sent Jim a text.

Corey: do me a favor?

Jim: whatcha need?

Corey: go by my house and bring me some clothes?

Jim: yeah man. Any special requests?

Corey: just something clean.

Jim: be up there in a bit.

He walked back into her room and noticed they’d brought her an unappealing tray of hospital breakfast food.

“You gonna eat something?” he asked as he took his place back in the chair next to her.

“I’m starving but that looks disgusting….”

He chuckled, “They’re gonna make you eat *something* you know….you should just choke it down and get it over with.” She snarled her nose at him. “Tell you what….eat that and I’ll have the guys bring us some real food later on.”

“Can we have cheeseburgers?”

He nodded, “anything you want.”

“Fine.” She said reluctantly picking up the fork and picking at the food on her tray. “I don’t even know what this is supposed to be….” She put the bits of food in her mouth and chewed with little effort. She noticed he was watching her every move. “You know…..girls don’t like it when guys watch them eat.”

“Sorry. I’m just glad you’re awake….and that you’re ok…I was worried.”

“How did you know? When’d you get here?”

“I followed you when you left from Shawn’s…..I called the ambulance, actually. Been here since then.”

She turned to look at him and as her eyes were finally able to focus she noticed the red stains on his shirt.

They heard a tapping on the door then Jim’s voice came echoing out. “Jimbo’s Laundry Service.”

Corey rolled his eyes, “Come in, you asshat.”

“Here ya go.” He said handing Corey a stack of clean clothes before turning to her. “Hey you.”

“Hey.” She tried to wave.

“How ya feeling?”

“Like crap.” She smiled a little.

“I’d blame that food…..” he said making a face.

“I’m gonna get in the shower.” Corey told her motioning toward the very small bathroom that was in her hospital room.

“You coulda went home.” She reminded him.

“I know that.” He winked. “I’ll be right out.”

“So, Shawn or any of the other guys been by yet?”

She shook her head, “Just you and Corey.”

“They’ll be up here.”

“Maybe the other guys….i don’t know about Shawn….”

He looked puzzled, “He was up here last night.”

“He was?”

“Yeah, I think Corey called him when they brought you up here.”


Another nurse came in to check on her. She looked at Jim, “Now, you’re not the same guy that was here earlier. Did he finally go home and rest?”

“Nope.” Jim smiled. “He’s in the bathroom taking a shower..”

She shook her head. “Looks like you got two handsome guys looking after you….”

“Oh, there’s at least seven more coming.” Addie joked.

“But they’re not nearly as good looking as me.” Jim grinned sheepishly.

The nurse laughed as she jotted down her vitals and left the room. Corey emerged from the bathroom with a wet head of hair. Tossing his dirty clothes on a chair, he said, “Shawn texted me……him and all the guys are on their way. I told him to bring some food.”