Status: i hope you liiiiike it (:

Meet Me Somewhere in Neverland

This Girls A Straight Up Hustler.

The bell rang to signal the ending of second period. Math was never any fun to sit through, especially when you dont know anyone in your class, But luckily french class was next, and i had that class with Jack, the first person to talk to me today, i really have a feeling that me and him can be really good friends, at least i hope so. I walk into class and automatically notice Jack, hes standing with this very pretty girl, she had semi long auburn colored hair, fading almost to a light brown, she was the perfect size around her waist, not too skinny, and not to heavy, about maybe two or three inches shorter than me, judging by where she stood to jack from where i do. i start to walk towards them, and Jack notices me, mubbling something to her, she gives him a hug and walks away. her pink converse hightops matching her white shorts and peachy colored halter top.

"Hey Alexander, whats up ?" wrapping one arm around my shoulder and the other one gesturing for me to sit down in the desk next to where he has already put his book bag.

"Nothing much, just trying to get used to this big school. and you know, you can call me Alex if you want. its shorter and i like it better than Alexander"

"Oh sorry, you shouldve mentioned something !" he playfully punches me in the arm. i giggle a little then sit down. According to my schedule, we have about twenty minutes before we go to lunch, hopefully i meet some more people there. The teacher comes in and every suddenly gets quiet.


"Bon Appétit!" the whole class stands up almost in a synchronized motion. and we walk out, i put my headphones on and turn on 'Teenage Dirtbag' by wheatus. I love this song and know almost every lyric. i start slowly moving to the beat down the hallway, following the crowd of children because i dont know where the cafeteria is or where Jack is, im guessing ill find him when i actually get to the cafeteria.

i finally found where i have to go and sure enough, Jack is sitting right there with Zack and another male, who i have not met yet, but i know hes in my math class, i think his names starts with an R, but im not entirely sure.

Jack spotted me from across the cafeteria and makes a waving motion with his hand getting me to walk over to them.

i take off my headphones when i see Jack try to say something.

"what ?"
"i said, Alex this is Robert" i raised my hand as if to say 'hey'
"Hey, and call me Rian, I hate being called robert" he puts his hands into his pockets and stands there next to Jack looking around like he's trying to find someone.

"Karah !" Rian screams behind me and i turn around to see who hes talking to. The girl from french class comes running up behind me and accidently bumps into me.

"oh my gosh !" she puts her hands over her mouth and gasps "im so sorry, are you okay ?"
"Yeah..its alright, im um.... im fine," a half smile coming from my mouth and i feel myself blushing a little bit, so i change my gaze to the floor instead of her.
"Nice accent, im Karah, im Rians sister, whats your name ?"
"im a.a..-"
"Karah this is Alex, hes kind of shy, anyway hes from England, just moved here a week ago" she smiled this warm smile.

we all sat down and as they started a conversation around me i thought to myself 'i could really get used to this school'.


Lunch went by very fast, and so did the ending of french class, american government was boring to, i have that class with Karah though. She seems very nice, and shes very pretty too.

The bell rang and everyone hurried out of the classroom, leaving me and Jack siting there, i was guessing that the only reason he was still there was to wait for me

"You didn't have to wait for me you know, i know how to get out of this big school, just finding my way around it is hard." i swung my backpack onto my shoulders and started to walk out.
"Its fine, i kinda wanted to wait and go with you, get to know you a little more, you know ?"
"Oh, alright, well where do you want to go ? i dont have a certain time i have to be home, so we can go wherever"
"Oh alright, that works, um...well theres the park down the road a little bit, wanna go chill there? i can tell Rian, Zack and Karah to meet us there." he reaches into his pocket and grabbed his phone.
"thats sounds cool, i guess"
somehow this day was actually turning out to be a good one.
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sorry if you don't like it, i'm not the best writer on Mibba.
*Changed a few things*