‹ Prequel: The Prologue - Part II
Status: This is a chronological sequel to The Prologue - Part II.

The Capital - Part III


With her supplies and gear in order, Madeline takes off in the middle of the night. With the light of a full moon to guide her, she navigates her way through the ruins of Washington D.C. and into the city's outskirts.

The Aftermath Series
The Station - Part I
The Prologue - Part II
The Capital - Part III

**This is a chronological sequel to The Prologue - Part II.

The Aftermath Series is a collection of short stories. While they do follow the same protagonist on her journey, they are (at least right now) not to be considered a novel. Part of the reason, also, is that I will be changing the background of each story to appropriately fit the setting. In a sense, I feel, the changing imagery will help people to place themselves in the universe that is The Aftermath Series.

**All Artwork Belongs to the Respective Artists.