Forever Kingdom

Chapter 1

The Beginning of it all

Ectoneous Immortal, known as The Wandering Warrior,
was stationed outside the City of Zectonia, he worked for the kingdom, not that he always had, though we will go into that a little later, however he chose to only go inside the kingdom walls when he had to. He preferred to be around the people in the village outside the castle walls, where it was less busy.

Including his two best friends - Blossom Marie, the traveling Healer and woman of mystery. She was a skilled cleric-priestess. Who tended to the sick and healed the wounded from battle, she was very mysterious, didn't talk a lot to many people. A holy person. Also, she was self trained in forms of battle with knowledge of a few weapons mixed with her holy magical abilites.

And Helenas. Who was a skilled dancing Bard, she danced and sung and told stories, stories like Blossom also like to do with her, to brighten up the more dull times. Helenas also had a power to call animals, and summon obedient bodyguards/allies made of energy from her own mind to her command, it was said her power came from her dancing and enchanted lute that she played.

As both Marie and Helenas seem to know how to dance also, not just sing and tell stories in incredible ways. Especially Blossom - she was the story teller if you ask me and Helenas, the dancer, but like I say, both of them did both. Ectonious however...not so much, he rarely danced or sang, at least not in front of them!

As for Blossom, it was understood she was born with her great holy powers. Not many knew just how strong her powers are, for sometimes like I said - Blossom would keep herself to herself. Then again, sometimes, all three of these characters would do this, to free their mind and hear themselves think. Which, little did they know would become more difficult to do with the time consuming journeys ahead of them all. For many years now these 3 had settled down in this village, after 4 years of being adventurers together.

But! Before we go into that and, where Ectoneous lived before the village and where the other two's backgrounds originated from, let us first go back just a little before 4 years and, foretell what exactly these adventures were that they had been on together.
So they had been on adventures for 4 years together, sometimes the whole time, other times they would go their separate ways for a while. It depended on what they was doing and how they felt. Though the more they embarked on quests together, the more that their paths seem to cross and lead in the same direction.
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Zectonia - One of the main counties of the country of Engloss.
Kentosis - A small county/town/village in the country Engloss.
Ameristate - A very large country, over 7000 miles away from Engloss.
Spain'iel - A warm country, a few thousand miles away from Engloss.