There Will Be Brighter Skies

Beautiful Beginnings: Baike, Jaimra, Davistan c:

The next day, it’s October 1st, a chilly Monday morning and Kris, Mayra, and Bailey hear their alarms buzzing and ringing in their ears causing to startle them awake and bringing them out of their dreams. Kris, Bailey, and Mayra get up; heading over to their closets, putting on their clothes. Bailey picks out her Jack Skellington shirt, her half black half skull skinny jeans, her rainbow zebra studded belt, her Hello Kitty ring, and her black biker boots. Mayra picks out her Simple Plan shirt with her super skinny black/ grey ish skinny jeans with her Hello Kitty ring, and her black buckle boots. Kris picks out her purple Blood On The Dance Floor unicorn shirt with her blue skinny jeans, her panda necklace, Batman earrings, her Blood On The Dance Floor *Revolution* bracelets, and her black TOMS, and to top off her outfit, she uses her Black Raspberry Vanilla perfume from Bath and Body Works.

“Kris what is that perfume? I like it.” Bailey says, walking up to and leaning on the door frame of Kris’s room after changing into her clothes for the day.

“It is Black Raspberry Vanilla perfume from Bath and Body Works.” Kris says, as she walks up to Bailey, grabbing her backpack swinging it over her back.

“Awesome. I need to go there sometime soon.” Bailey says, walking over to Mayra’s door as Mayra swings her backpack over her back and follows Bailey and Kris down the stairs.

“Well we should probably get to school.” Bailey says, smiling and grabbing an apple and her car keys and school ID off the hook.

“You just want to see Mike.” Kris says, sticking out her tongue at Bailey, as Bailey turns around, heading towards the front door, blushing.

“Nein!” Bailey says, as she opens the front door smiling, and after Kris and Mayra walk out Bailey shuts and locks the door.

Bailey’s car as she starts it, backing out of the driveway, and down the block, where Michelle sits on the sidewalk waiting for the bus. Bailey reaches the stop sign and pulls into Michelle’s driveway. Bailey honks the horn to get Michelle’s attention, but fails to get it since Michelle has her headphones in her ears at a potentially high volume. Bailey waits a little bit longer before getting out of the car, and walking up to Michelle’s side. Bailey taps Michelle’s shoulder startling her out of her thoughts, and out of drawing a rose for her last period class, Visual Arts.

“Fuck.” Michelle says, as she turns around to see who it is.

“Hey Michelle, need a ride?” Bailey says, offering her hand out to Michelle as she takes it carefully getting up, closing her notebook and shoving it in her backpack.

“Please, I thought you guys had left already so I didn’t want you to have turn around to come back and get me, I was just going to wait for the bus.” Michelle says, following Bailey back to her car as she climbs in back seat as Mayra scoots over and Michelle sits where Mayra was.

“No we didn’t leave yet, we just were leaving and we saw you sitting on the sidewalk.” Bailey says, backing out of Michelle’s driveway and continues their way to school.

As Bailey pulls into the school parking lot, she spots an empty parking spot and proceeds to pull into it. She spots Mike out of the corner of her eye, getting out of his car and walking into school through the front doors. Bailey gets out of the car grabbing her backpack from the trunk. Kris and Mayra also get their backpacks from the trunk, as Michelle follows them into school. Bailey automatically heads in the direction in which her locker is, to meet up with Mike to chat with him until Gym class, where the activity for the week remains unknown. Bailey walks up to her locker, shyly, and opens it quietly trying not to startle Mike from his conversation with Jaime. Bailey accidently slams her locker shut forgetting her strength. She blushes when Mike turns around to look at who is slamming their locker shut behind them. After Mike turns around he immediately blushes turning a medium shade of red, and running his hand through his shoulder length hair.

“Hey Bails.” Mike says, as he looks at her then back at Jaime.

“Hello Mike.” Bailey says, smiling at him.

“Mayra got stopped by Kimiko she should be coming shortly.” Bailey says, looking at Jaime.

“Awww ok, I could just talk to her later as well.” Jaime says, in a semi depressed tone as he starts to walk in the direction that gym is in.

“Is he ok?” Bailey says, as she turns back at Jaime then back to Mike.

“Yeah he is.” Mike says, looking into Bailey’s eyes.

“Well that’s good.” Bailey says, as she picks up her backpack off the floor, Mayra and Kris come up to their lockers to get and put away their belongings.

“Yep.” Mike says, nodding and patting Bailey’s head.

“Yes dork?” Bailey says, winking and smiling up at Mike.

“Nooothing.” Mike says, sticking out his tongue at Bailey.

“If you say so Michael.” Bailey says, looking at him and smiling innocently.

“You’re lucky you’re beautiful Bails.” Mike says, smiling as he shuts his locker and stands next to Bailey.
“Ugh I just don’t want to do anything in gym today.” Bailey says, as she leans up against her locker and sees Christian Mora and Ashley Purdy walk down the hall together.

“You guys are too cute.” Bailey says, smiling at Christian and Ashley.

“Thanks, Bailey. See you in gym.” Christian says, smiling as the two of them keep walking hand in hand towards the gym.

“Let’s go.” Bailey says, as she starts walking towards the gym as Kris, Mayra, Kimiko, and Mike follow along with her.

Bailey, Kris, Mayra, Kimiko, and Mike all reach the gym doors, as Michelle comes running thru the doors after giving her boyfriend a kiss before class. As Michelle runs up, she comes to a complete stop hugging Bailey. She gets in line by Bailey and Mayra. The bell rings for the students to get to their first period class. The teacher gives the ok to go and get changed for that week’s activity. They all go in the locker room to change into their gym clothes. Once everyone gets changed, they head into the gym for the teacher's announcement.

“We are playing dodge ball today.” The teacher says, pushing a black cart full of rubber balls to the center of the gym.

“Get into two long lines on each end of the gym.” The teacher says, as the kids form two lines on either side of the gym.

“Ready, get set go.” The teacher says, as he blows his whistle for the kids to run and pick up a ball and throws them across the room at the opposing team.

Everybody starts throwing balls hitting each other getting people out causing them to go sit on the bleachers; one by one everyone gets tagged out except Mayra, Bailey, Mike, and Jaime. They keep throwing the balls when one eventually flies over and hits Mayra as that came from Jaime’s hands.

“You want to go out?” Mayra processes, in her mind which she thought came from Jaime’s mouth.

“What?” Mayra says, as she looks at Bailey.

“I got you out.” Jaime says, smiling as he picks up a ball and throws it towards Bailey, but she dodges it as she throws one back and she misses, Mayra walks over to the bleachers and sits next to Kimiko who is sitting next to Justin her boyfriend.

“Time to get you out.” Mike says, jokingly as he throws a ball towards Bailey across the line as Bailey dodges the throw.

“No!” Bailey says, throwing a ball and hitting Jaime making him have to go and sit on the bleachers next to Mayra.

“Fine, hit me.” Bailey says, holding out her arms to the side as Mike throws a ball and Bailey gets hit in the chest with a rubber ball as she puts her hands over her chest.

“Aww… I’m sorry Bails.” Mike says, rushing over giving her a hug.

“It’s ok Mike, I’m not badly hurt.” Bailey says, walking over to the bleachers and sitting next to Mayra and Jaime as Mike follows her and sits down.

“Let’s play another round.” The teacher says, as he blows his whistle as everyone gets up and lines up across the gym in a single file line, the teacher blows the whistle as everyone but Kelly runs and grabs the balls throwing them at each other getting people out.

“Kelly hang up the phone.” The teacher says, as he blows his whistle to make everyone freeze what they are doing.

“Hold on teach, I’m almost done.” Kelly says, in a girly tone again this time towards the teacher.

“Ugh this bitch is pissing me off.” Bailey says, turning and looking at Mayra.

“Throw a ball at her.” Mayra says, as she hands Bailey a rubber ball.

“Thanks.” Bailey says, grabbing it from Mayra’s hands as the teacher blows the whistle for play to continue.

“Wait!” Bailey says, putting her hands out to either side of her and nobody moves.

“Hey Barbie put the phone down you ignorant fuck.” Bailey says, as she’s about to throw the ball across the room.

“Shut the fuck up emo bitch.” Kelly says, as she laughs and continues her conversation with this “John” guy.

“Fuck you plastic.” Bailey says, as she’s about to throw the ball across the room again.

“Hold on John, I’m dealing with one of those emos again.” Kelly says, taking the phone away from her ear.

“Kelly shut the fuck up and put your fucking phone away.” Bailey says, holding the ball in between both hands by her stomach.

“Would you like me to repeat what I said about your fucked up father?” Kelly says, as she holds her phone in her hands.

“What the hell did I fucking show you three fucking weeks ago?” Bailey says, as she holds up the ball again, this time throwing it across the room hitting Kelly in the face with her phone up to her ear once more as her iPhone 5 hits the floor shattering into pieces disconnecting her phone call with John.

“My iPhone!” Kelly says, picking it up into her hands, crying.

“I thought I fucking warned you to never speak about my father again, you ignorant preppy bitch.” Bailey says, sticking up her middle finger at Kelly, as the teacher just shakes his head at Kelly.

“Feel better?” Mike says, looking at Bailey smiling.

“Loads better.” Bailey says, as she drops the other ball from her left hand.

“Good.” Mike says, winking at Bailey.

“Resume play.” The teacher says, as he blows his whistle to let everyone know to resume their play.

The next 15 minutes go by quick, before the students even realize that it’s time to get changed back into their regular clothes the teacher blows the whistle as everyone puts the balls back in the ball cart that the teacher rolled out into the middle of the gym, wheeling it back by the teacher, as everyone keeps walking Bailey doesn’t even stop to say sorry about Kelly’s phone. When suddenly Bailey feels a hand on her shoulder bringing her backwards towards Kelly distracting Mike, Mike follows Bailey.

“You’re buying me a new phone.” Kelly says, slapping Bailey across the cheek.

“Fuck no I’m not.” Bailey says, grabbing her by the shirt collar.

“Did you hear me?” Bailey says, letting go of Kelly’s shirt collar, as Kelly laughs.

“I am NOT buying you a fucking phone.” Bailey says, punching Kelly in the face with fists of fury as Kelly falls to the floor covering her face and Bailey walks away into the locker room to change with 5 minutes left to spare.

“That preppy bitch needs to learn her fucking shit, and get it together, FAST.” Bailey says, getting angrier and angrier about ready to punch her gym locker.

“Bay Bay calm down.” Mayra says, grabbing Bailey’s wrists and pushing them back to Bailey’s sides.

“Fine, but if she says ONE more thing about my father I’m going to knock her sorry ass out if she knows what’s good for her.” Bailey says, putting on her AXE Anarchy for women body spray, putting her backpack on her back, and meeting Mike out in the hall.

“Yeah Bay Bay you’re right. She’s been talking a lot of shit about your father hasn’t she?” Mayra says, following Bailey into the hall as she stands next to Jaime, Kimiko, Bailey, Mike, Justin, and the other group of friends.

“Yes she does, she doesn’t know how to gossip in private when she’s working. Michelle tells me everything she says on facebook. I’m like really?” Bailey says, glaring at Kelly as she walks by going into the locker room.

The bell goes off for everyone to head to their next class. Everyone’s second period class goes by, followed by the rest of all of the student’s classes for the rest of the day. After school, Mike, Jaime, and Vic meet Bailey, Mayra, and Kris at their lockers to chat, but not for too long because Bailey has to be to work by 3:20 for her shift at 3:30. As everyone gets their belongings together, everyone walks in a group, out the front doors of school and too the cars in which they came from. They get in and depart in their own ways. Kimiko tags along with Bailey, Kris, and Mayra back to the condo to hang out with them, and work on homework together if they need help.

As Bailey reaches the house, she quickly runs into the house after letting everyone in, as they settle down on the couch. Bailey runs over to the fridge grabbing two Gatorades out, and putting them in her small backpack for work. Swinging that over her back, she heads back to the front door, making her departure to work known to Kris, Mayra and Kimiko. The three of them nod as Bailey shuts and locks the door behind her. She gets into her car, backs it up, and out of the driveway, and down the street she goes on taking a short cut getting to Westminster Mall. Bailey pulls into an empty parking spot. As she gets out, she locks the car. Walking into the mall, she heads straight for Hottopic, to start her 3:30 shift. Someone immediately walks in as Bailey puts the jewelry cabinet keys, and name tag that is on the lanyard around her neck.

“Hello I’m Bailey, if you need anything please let me know.” Bailey says, looking at the costumer that walked in.

“Thank you.” The person says, as they walk towards the band merch.

Bailey goes off putting boxes of My Little Pony, and Pokemon merchandise on hangers, shelves, racks, and packing it into boxes and into the stock room. The costumer looks around in search for Bailey, but finds that she has disappeared. As Bailey comes back out from the stock room carrying boxes of Harry Potter stuff, the costumer catches sight of Bailey walking out of the stock room. Bailey sets down the boxes.

“Excuse me” The costumer says, as she holds up an Invader Zim shirt.

“Do you have this in a size large?” The costumer says, looking at Bailey, as Bailey takes the shirt from the costumer’s hands.

“Let me go check, hang tight.” Bailey says, walking into the stock room with the shirt in hand, Bailey checks the computer for any available shirts, the computer says they have two left in stock. Bailey finds the Invader Zim shirt and brings it back out handing the size large to the costumer.

“You’re in luck, one of the last two we have left in stock in the store.” Bailey says, hanging the smaller shirt back on the rack for someone else.

“Awesome. Thanks for checking for me.” The costumer says, also picking up an Adventure Time fleece blanket off one of the shelves.

“Do you have any more of these in stock?” The costumer says, holding up the Adventure Time fleece throw.

“Yes, I believe we do, let me check.” Bailey says, walking back again to the stock room and brings out two more, putting one behind the counter to purchase for Kimiko later.

“Here you are.” Bailey says handing the costumer the blanket.

“Thanks again.” The costumer says, walking up to the counter to pay.

“No problem, that’s what I am here for.” Bailey says, following the costumer up to the counter.

“Is that all for you today? Would you like any gift receipts?” Bailey says, as she rings to the two items up taking the costumers HT+1 card, scanning it Bailey hands it back to the costumer.

“Yeah that would come in handy. Thank you.” The costumer says, putting her HT card back, taking her credit card out of her wallet handing it to Bailey, as Bailey scans it through the credit card scanner.

“Your total is, 51.60.” Bailey says, as she processes the amount on the credit card, the receipt prints out Bailey hands the receipt and a pen over to the costumer.

“Sign here, please.” Bailey says, as she prints off a gift receipt and the costumer signs the receipt handing the pen back to Bailey. Bailey hands the costumer a copy of the receipt as she takes the pen back, putting it back by the register.

“Here’s your bag. Thank you for stopping by.” Bailey says with a smile and handing the costumer the bag, the costumer leaves the store leaving Bailey to continue putting merchandise on hangers, racks, and shelves, Kayli comes up next to Bailey tapping her on the shoulder.
“Hey wife, are you hungry?” Kayli says, as she holds money for her food.

“Yeah I’m getting hungry. What are you planning on getting for food?” Bailey says, handing money for her food to Kayli.

“Alright I’m getting Panda Express.” Kayli says, walking out the front end of the store as Bailey sits on the chair behind the register.

As Bailey sits on the chair waiting for her food, a few more costumers come in looking for band, and other merchandise. A couple of people from the group that walked in leave just as Kayli comes back. Kayli holds up Bailey’s food, letting Bailey know that her food will be in the stock room when she’s ready to eat it. The costumers leave, as Bailey walks to the back room grabbing her food from the mini fridge, and heads back up to the front by the register. She starts to eat her food. About five minutes pass when another group of people walk into the store.

“Hello I’m Bailey, let me know if you have any questions.” Bailey says, as she puts a fork full of food in her mouth while looking down at the box of hangers under counter, a girl walks up holding a grey hoodie with the word *SLYTHERIN* in a dark green color with the Slytherin crest on the lower back.

“Excuse me, do you have this in a size Medium?” The girl says, bringing Bailey out of her thoughts and day dreams with a voice Bailey recognizes, she looks up meeting eye contact.

“Oh hey Michelle.” Bailey says, picking up the hoodie off the counter.

“Let me check the boxes in the stock room.” Bailey says, as she walks off to the back room where Kayli sits eating her food and ordering in merchandise, Bailey looks through the boxes finding the last Medium they have in stock.

“Hey wife we need to put another order for more Slytherin hoodie in sizes Medium, Large, and Extra Large.” Bailey says, as she picks up the last Medium hoodie and walks out to the size that Michelle has requested.

“This is the last Medium we have in the store, if we didn’t have it you could always have it shipped to the store from another store.” Bailey says, scanning the product ringing up the price including tax and comes up with a subtotal.

“What time did you start work today?” Michelle says, grabbing out her HT+1 card, and the right amount of cash for the hoodie and a green glow in the dark zombie iphone case, Michelle places it on the counter as Bailey grabs it off the counter placing the stuff in a bag.

“I Started at 3:30. Receipt with you or in the bag?” Bailey says, holding up the receipt about to put it in the bag.
“In the bag is fine.” Michelle says, about to grab the bag from Bailey’s hands.

“Have a nice rest of your night Chelle.” Bailey says, handing the bag over to Michelle.

“Thank you, and you too. I’m off to work, see you at school tomorrow.” Michelle says, catching up to her brother as he walks out of the store.

Bailey sits back down on the chair, grabbing and pulling her semi cold food closer, so she can finish eating before another costumer walks in requesting some more merchandise. Once Bailey is finished eating her Chinese food and buying a Christmas present for Kimiko, it’s finally time to close up the shop, and head for home. Just as Bailey and Kayli finish closing up the shop, Bailey carries out the blanket that is in a Hottopic bag. She places her drawstring backpack, and the Hottopic bag in the trunk of the car. She tosses her container from dinner in a nearby garbage by her car. She proceeds to get in her car, starting it up, as she checks her phone for any missed calls/ or texts messages. Bailey checks them before backing out of the parking lot, and heading for home. There is at least two calls, and 5 texts from Mike on Bailey’s phone.

“Hey Bails it’s Mike calling, I’m sorry if I’m spamming your phone with messages, and I forgot you had work today but when you are done with work can you call me back, Please and thank you. If I don’t pick up I’m sorry I’m just stressing a little bit and I may have fallen asleep.” Mike says, in a voicemail leaving Bailey a little bit concerned as she tries to call him back but there is no answer.

“Hey Mike it’s Bailey calling you back. You must have fallen asleep, I’m just leaving for home. I’ll try calling you back when I get there.” Bailey says, as she hangs up the phone and about to pull out of the parking spot, she gets a knock on the driver’s side window.

“Fuck!” Bailey says, getting scared shitless as she turns and finds Jaime standing outside her door, Bailey rolls down the window.

“Hello Jaime, is there something I can help you with?” Bailey says, looking at Jaime with his porcupine hair.

“Yea, could I maybe get a ride back to our condo, like the one I stay at with Mike, Vic, and Tony. Please? No one is picking up their phones, Mike dropped me off here at work tonight.” Jaime says, pleading and holding out $5 for gas.

“Yeah sure, keep the money. Just tell me where to go.” Bailey says, pointing to the passenger side door.

“Thanks.” Jaime says, running over and getting in the passenger seat.

‘No problem.” Bailey says, backing out of the parking lot and onto the road, as Jaime directs Bailey the way to the boy’s condo.

“Do you know why Mike isn’t answering his phone?” Jaime says, looking at his phone then back at the street signs for the street they live on.

“No, I don’t he asked me to call him after work and I did but he failed to pick up.” Bailey says, as Jaime points to at the street where they live.

“Right here.” Jaime says, unbuckling his seat belt as Bailey pulls into the drive way.

“Well can you message me on facebook or twitter making sure he’s ok?” Bailey says, in a concerned tone.

“Yeah, will do.” Jaime says, getting out of the car and walking in through the garage into the house as Jaime shuts the garage door behind him.

Bailey puts the address to her condo into the GPS system, calculating she is less then a mile from the condo, Bailey proceeds to back up out of the drive way and following the GPS’s instructions on how to get back. Bailey reaches the street her condo is on pulling into the driveway making a complete stop, turning off her car she grabs her drawstring bag and the Hottopic bag from the back. Unlocking the front door to the house, she walks in taking off her shoes and setting down the bags by the front door. She picks them back up quickly running up the stairs to drop the Hottopic bag off in her room, changing into her Jack Skellington hooded footie pajamas and walking back down the stairs with her computer and cell phone in hand.

“Hey you look majorly comfy, Bails.” Kris says, looking at Bailey with a smile on her face that isn’t fading.

“You alright there?” Bailey says, smiling at Kris.

“Yeah I’m fine, why do you ask?” Kris says, as she smiles even wider and turns red.

“Yeah, right.” Bailey says, sitting down next to Kris.

“Well there is something.” Kris says, still smiling.

“Well what is it then you smiling dork.” Bailey says, giggling and winking at Kris.

“I went to Sally’s Beauty Supply and got some bleach, purple and Vampire Red hair dye, to dye my bangs like yours. I also went to Main Street Hair Company to get some good conditioner. Well he asked me if we could talk in a more private setting, and he asked me if we could go on a date tomorrow night at 6:30.” Kris says, smiling at Bailey.

“Congrats Kris, you need to pick out a really cute outfit!” Bailey says, smiling back at Kris while on Facebook and Twitter having not receiving a message from Jaime yet.

“Thanks, I’m excited for this date.” Kris says, dancing around the living room.
“I see that.” Bailey says, sticking out her tongue.

“Hey Bailey, Jaime here just checked on Mike he is currently sleeping but he is a little stressed considering something happened at work today that he’s not sharing with me. He also said that he will be at school tomorrow he just wants to sleep.” Jaime says, in a message to Bailey over Facebook.

“Alright thanks Jaime, I’ll see you and Mike at school tomorrow.” Bailey says, in a message over Facebook back to Jaime.

“No problem, Bailey. Just trying to help out a good friend of mine.” Jaime says, putting a smiley face after his comment.

“Well I need to work on some homework, and then head to bed for some long needed rest. Talk to you tomorrow.” Jaime says, putting another smiley face.

“Adios Mi Amigo.” Bailey says, putting a smiley face after it, after Bailey sends that message, Jaime logs off leaving Bailey worried about Mike not knowing what to do or if she can even help him overcome his depressed and stressed feelings.

Bailey pulls out her Chemistry homework, and she begins to work on it. After finishing her Chemistry homework, she puts her homework back in her backpack. Zipping it up, she puts her back pack on the kitchen counter. After doing so, she heads up to bed for a nice long well rested sleep. Bailey wakes up to her alarm, which she set on the loudest volume her phone can go, startling her out of a dream she was having. She wakes up to a warmer October 2nd morning; stretching and getting out of bed she heads over to her closet to pick out her clothes for that day. Bailey picks out her black Blood On The Dance Floor shirt with the bear on it, her black yoga pants, and her black lace up platform wedges. Mayra picks out her black *Trust Me I’m A Zombie* shirt, her black shorts, and her all black Converse shoes, and to top it off she uses her Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume from Bath and Body Works. Kris picks out her black spaghetti strap camisole, her black and red stripped skirt with a little bit of tulle, her skull wrapped ring, her star cascading down earrings, her four silver bangles with one black studded bangle, and her zebra stripped cuff, with her Hello Kitty bow necklace, and her black biker boots, she puts on her black/ blue pleather hoodie leaving it unzipped, and to top it off she uses her favorite perfume.

Bailey, Mayra, and Kris all head down the stairs grabbing their backpacks and putting them over their backs, and a light breakfast to hold them over till lunch time. Bailey picks up her car keys as the three of them head to the front door and to Bailey’s car, she unlocks her car. Getting in she starts up the car, backing out of the driveway they head down the block turning the corner to head in the direction to school. As Bailey makes her way to school, she pulls into the parking lot she notices a spot that’s empty, she pulls into the spot near Mike’s car. Mike and Jaime get of the car and walk inside school. Bailey, Mayra, and Kris get out grabbing their backpacks from the trunk of Bailey’s car. The three of them, all walk into school walking past Jimmy, and Zacky. Bailey waves at them as she makes her way to her locker meeting Mike and Jaime. Bailey puts her finger up to her mouth showing Jaime to shush, as he sees her sneaking up on Mike, Jaime nods, as Mike has his head down looking at the floor. Bailey taps Mike’s back causing him to spazz and turn around facing and looking at Bailey. Bailey holds her arms out offering a friendly hug for a friend in need.

“Hi Bailey.” Mike says, in a depressed tone hugging Bailey not wanting to let go but does.

“Hi Mike, how are you doing? Better I hope.” Bailey says, looking into Mike’s eyes that are filled with tears but he’s not crying.

“Not so good.” Mike says, putting his head down.

“Aww want to talk about it Mike?” Bailey says, grabbing his chin and lifting it up to look her in the eyes.

“Maybe later, not at school though.” Mike says, sitting down in front of his locker with his legs straight out in front of him.

“Alright.” Bailey says, sitting down next to Mike, everyone grabs what then need as they head into the direction they need to go for their classes as Mike and Bailey follow behind walking and talking.

The bell rings for first hour, causing everyone to line up so the teacher can take attendance and get dress for that day’s gym activity. Everyone gets dressed and does the activity. After the activity, the teacher blows his whistle to let everyone know that it’s almost time to for class to be over. All the students run out of the gym, and into the locker room to go get changed back into their regular school clothes. Everyone comes out of the locker rooms and forms a line waiting for the bell. As that bell goes off, everyone files out, causing the halls to become flooded. Classes go on one by one and it’s finally the end of school. Bailey, Mayra, and Mike are the first ones by their lockers. Bailey gathers all the stuff she needs for homework. Mike comes up behind Bailey tapping her on the shoulder causing her to turn around and smile.

“Hey Mike. How are you doing now? Better I hope.” Bailey says, turning back around grabbing the last of her stuff she needs.

“Not really sadly.” Mike says, in a depressed tone.

“Awww I’m sorry.” Bailey says, frowning and looking at Mike.

“I was wondering if we could hang at your place tonight.” Mike says, resting his arm on Bailey’s shoulder.

“I have to work again. But this time I have to work at 4:15.” Bailey says, frowning because she really wants to hang with Mike but can’t cancel or find a fill in, in such a short amount of time.

“I’m sorry, Mike. I wish we could hang tonight, but it won’t work.” Bailey says, hugging Mike around his abdomen.

“It’s ok, I’ll find something to do.” Mike says, with his head down.

“Come on I’ll walk you to your car.” Bailey says, as Mike and Bailey link arms and walk to Mike’s car.

“You didn’t have to do that Bails.” Mike says, as he leans against the driver side door.

“I wanted to, Mike.” Bailey says, she shuts Mike’s door after he gets in and rolls down the window.

“Text me when you get home.” Bailey says, patting Mike’s head, Mike and Jaime back out of the parking spot that they were in showing a very little smile.

“Aww he smiled.” Bailey says, smiling and waving as Bailey walks over to her car, grabbing her car keys out of the small zippered section on her backpack, Bailey unlocks her car from the key fob with the button that shows a lock unlocked.

“What were you guys talking about?” Matt says, as he walks up behind Bailey putting his hand on the door frame of Bailey’s car.

“Oh hi Matt.” Bailey says, as she tries to get her door open.

“Hi.” Matt says, in a cheery type tone.

“So what were you guys talking about?” Matt says, looking down into Bailey’s eyes as she looks up.

“Nothing, just talking about stuff.” Bailey says, as she pushes Matt’s hand off her door.

“You know, you can talk to me about it.” Matt says, as he moves his hand off Bailey’s car.

“It’s nothing you have to worry about Matt.” Bailey says, opening the trunk and putting her backpack in it, shutting it and walking back to the driver’s side door, getting in she puts down the window.

“Alright if you don’t want to talk it’s fine.” Matt says, now leaning in the window.

“It’s not that I don’t want to talk, it’s just something you don’t need to know. It’s something personal.” Bailey says, starting up her car.

“Oh. Sorry.” Matt says, as he backs away from the window.

“It’s fine.” Bailey says, turning on Horrible Kids by Set It Off at a low volume.

“I have to go, I have to work in about 10 minutes.” Bailey says, backing out of her parking spot and driving up to the front picking up Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko as the three of them get into the car, Bailey pulls out of the parking lot and heads for home.

“Set It Off.” Kimiko says, from the backseat as she hides her face in her hands.

“Yes it is.” Bailey says, winking at Kimiko in the rear view mirror.

“Are you ok Bails?” Kris says, pausing the music.

“Yea, I’m fine.” Bailey says, smiling at Kris.

“Alright just checking.” Kris says, un-pausing the music Bailey had playing making Kimiko happy again, Bailey drives and pulls onto the street that the condo is on, everyone gets out of the car grabbing their backpacks from the trunk and walking side after Kris unlocks the front door.

“Hey Bails. Could you help pick out an outfit for my date, please?” Kris says, in a pleading tone.

“Yea sure.” Bailey says, smiling and winking at Kris.

“Thanks, Dahvie is coming to get me at 5:20.” Kris says, as she runs up the stairs to her room as Bailey sets her backpack on the kitchen chair and follows Kris up to her room.

“Well what do you think you want to wear?” Bailey says, looking through all of Kris’s dresses in her closet.

“How about these earrings?” Kris says, holding up a pair of silver hearts, so Bailey can see.

“Yeah those would look cute.” Bailey says, looking at Kris also pulling out a black dress with a gold belt.

“How about this dress, with a nice pair of black flats?” Bailey says, holding the dress in front of her.

“Yes that dress is great.” Kris says, pointing to her bed.

“How about this necklace and this cuff? Kris says, holding up a silver heart necklace and a gold leaf cuff to Bailey.

“Cute.” Bailey says pulling out a gold purse from her chest of purses and a pair of black flats with a bow by the toes and a little heel.

“Perfect. Thank you Bails. Dahvie is a great friend.” Kris says, blushing and looking at her phone.

“You’re going to do fine, bestie.” Bailey says, hugging Kris.

“Now get in the shower, I know you take a foreverrrr anyway.” Bailey says, in a teasing manor.

“Shush you.” Kris says, smiling because she knows Bailey is right.

“No!” Bailey says, sticking out her tongue revealing a silver post with the Batman logo on it.

“Batman!” Kris says, walking into her bathroom and shutting the door.

“Yes Batman, is the shit!” Bailey says, chuckling and walking out of Kris’s room and into her own room to change out her Batman logo tongue ring and puts in a post with neon blue balls. After Bailey changes her tongue ring she changes her belly button ring to the Rainbow Dash curved barbell that she owns.

“Hey Kris I’m leaving for work.” Bailey says, as she knocks on Kris’s bathroom door.

“Good luck on your date.” Bailey says, smiling leaving Kris with a little good luck note and advice.

“Thanks, have fun at work.” Kris says, from the bathroom as Bailey walks down the stairs as she grabs her car keys from the counter and a Gatorade from the fridge.

“I’m heading to work.” Bailey says, looking at Mayra and Kimiko.

“Have fun.” Kimiko says, sitting on the couch and working on biology homework.

“Love you guys.” Bailey says, exiting the condo, she gets into her car starting it she backs up driving down their street and heading towards Westminster Mall.

Upon arriving at the mall, Bailey gets out of her car, grabbing the Gatorade she brought from home. She walks into the mall, making it into Hottopic just in time for her shift to start. Bailey puts her Gatorade behind the counter. She immediately gets started on her work. About an hour and a half passes by, as a tall male figure walks into Hottopic with a bag from Subway. He walks up to Shannon at the register. Meeting eye contact with her, Mike sets down the bag that has two subs in.

“Hey, so you’re the one that Bailey talks about all the time, aren’t you.” Shannon says, smiling as Mike blushes at the name.

“I am Mike Fuentes, yes.” Mike says, blushing.

“Is she here?” Mike says, looking around for Bailey but doesn’t see her.

“Yeah, she’s over there putting merchandise away.” Shannon says, pointing to where Bailey is sitting putting band merch and other miscellaneous merch away on the shelves.

“Thanks.” Mike says, with a smile as he walks up behind and taps Bailey’s shoulder.

“I’m almost done Shannon.” Bailey says, pausing her iPod but still organizing all the merchandise that is in the boxes.

“Last time I checked I don’t think I changed genders in the last two hours that you’ve seen me.” Mike says, jokingly and smiling.

“Oh hey I’m so sorry Mike.” Bailey says, getting up and pulling him into a friendly hug.

“It’s ok Bails.” Mike says, putting his arms around Bailey’s shoulders.

“Can we talk.” Mike says, holding up the bag of Subway.

“Well let me check with Shannon on letting me take a break.” Bailey says, walking up to Shannon.

“Yes you may take a break Bailey.” Shannon says, pointing to the break room where Kayli is sitting.

“Wife! Can you take over for me for like 45 minutes?” Bailey says, heading towards the break room.

“Yeah sure." Kayli says, walking past Mike and Bailey giving them alone time to eat their food and chat.

“Thanks wife.” Bailey says, after Kayli leaves the room.

“Welcome, Wife.” Kayli says, sorting the merchandise and shelving it as Mike and Bailey sit, and eat their dinner.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow night at your place?” Mike says, as he emits a small smile.
“Yeah, I’ll check with Shannon if I have to work.” Bailey says, trying to get the lettuce that is wrapped around her tongue ring.

“That might be a good idea.” Mike says, looking into Bailey’s eyes.

“Yep, I’ll check with her when I’m done eating.” Bailey says, as she is still trying to get the lettuce unwrapped from around her tongue ring.

“Are you alright Bails?” Mike says, as he keeps watching Bailey.

“Oh FUCK it!” Bailey says, as she sticks out her tongue unwrapping the lettuce from her tongue ring and putting on the paper next to her sub.

“Ahh, a new tongue ring Bails?” Mike says, smiling.

“Kind of, I changed it out from my Batman post.” Bailey says, smiling.

“I only changed it out for something different.” Bailey says, winking and smiling.

“Oh makes sense.” Mike says, throwing his garbage away from his sub in the trash can against the wall.

“I’m going to take the rest home with me.” Bailey says, as she wraps it up tossing the piece of lettuce that was stuck around her tongue ring in the Subway bag, and proceeds to toss that in the garbage can.

“I don’t want to force you to over stuff yourself.” Mike says, as he takes a sip of his soda.

“Are you done? I don’t want to keep you too long.” Mike says, getting up from the chair as Bailey does the same grabbing her sub she walks out placing it by her Gatorade.

“Hey Shannon, I have a question for you.” Bailey says, standing next to Shannon with Mike in front of Bailey leaning on the cabinet.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Shannon says, in a cheery tone.

“Do I have to work tomorrow?” Bailey says, looking down at the sheet of paper next to her arm which is the work schedule.

“You worked yesterday?” Shannon says, writing down Bailey’s name on the sheet for Thursday.

“Yes I did.” Bailey says, as she grabs a pen and writing her name on the Monday tab.

“You have off tomorrow, but have to work on Thursday. Kris has to work tomorrow, there is a signing for Blood On The Dance Floor here tomorrow.” Shannon says, with a smile.

“Fuck Yeah. I love those guys, Dahvie is my hairdresser. Blood On The Dance Floor is one of my favorite bands. I’ll stop in real quick, Mayra and I have to run some errands after school for shit we need at the house.” Bailey says, excitedly.

“Alright awesome.” Shannon says, as she fills in Baileys name in on Sunday with Kris, as Kris also has to work on Friday.

“I should probably tell Kris she has to work tomorrow, she will love you Shannon.” Bailey says, holding her phone in her hand.

“I’ll let you get back to work, Bails.” Mike says, as he straightens up heading towards the door.

“I’ll walk you to the elevator.” Bailey says, looking at Shannon as she nods letting her know that it’s ok to go.

“Aww you don’t have to.” Mike says, smiling and blushing.

“But I want to Mike.” Bailey says, walking with Mike towards the elevator.

“Thank you Bails.” Mike says, hugging Bailey and smiling.

“Thanks for making me feel better Bails.” Mike says, winking and smiling.

“No problem it’s my job.” Bailey says, looking up at Mike and winking.

“You need to get back to work, I’m going to the Vans store because I need a new pair of Vans. Jaime is also working tonight, so discount.” Mike says, throwing his arms in the air like an excited kid on Christmas opening presents.

“I guess I cheered you up a lot.” Bailey says, grabbing his wrists and making him clap.

“Yes you did.” Mike says, hugging Bailey again this time pressing her head against his chest so she can hear his heartbeat.

“You are distracting me from going back to work.” Bailey says, smiling and lightly slapping Mike’s chest.

“Go.” Mike says, putting his hands on Bailey’s shoulders and turns her around facing Hottopic.

“I’ll talk to you later Mike.” Bailey says, waving and smiling as Mike enters the elevator and goes down to the Vans store.

Bailey hangs outside Hottopic, talking to Kris, letting her know that she has to work tomorrow, because there is a signing. She has to be to work by 3:10 for her 3:15 shift, giving Kris no time to stop at home for a Monster. After talking with Kris on the phone about when Kris has to work, Bailey walks back into Hottopic smiling. As Kayli and Shannon stand behind the register talking about next week’s work schedule, Bailey heads to the back to the use the bathroom. After using the restroom, Bailey comes out and immediately gets back to work, putting away merchandise back on shelves and back on hangers. Two hours go by as if it felt like only 30 minutes went by. Shannon, Bailey, and Kayli help close up the shop. Shannon stays back, finishing up doing some late minute details, as Bailey and Kayli walk out of Hottopic, and to their vehicles. Jaime knocks on Bailey’s driver side window, scaring Bailey shitless, as she was just about to turn on Abigail by Motionless In White.

“Shit, again Jaime?” Bailey says, as she puts one hand over her chest.

“I’m sorry Bailey; Mike came into see me during work. He wanted me to tell you Thank you again for making him smile again. And I wanted to thank you too.” Jaime says, offering his hand out to Bailey to shake his hand, she extends her hand out completing his hand shake.

“Thanks again Bails.” Jaime says, smiling and running off to his car.

“Funny dude.” Bailey says, as she chuckles and backs out of the parking spot she’s in and leaving the mall parking lot. Bailey plays Abigail by Motionless In White as she is about 10 minutes away from home, Bailey gets a call from Michelle. Bailey pauses her music once again picking up her phone she answers it and yawns.

“Hello Michelle. How are you?” Bailey says, as she keeps driving.

“I was wondering if you could pick me up from work, yet again no one is picking up their phones.” Michelle says, yawning.

“Yea I can since I just got off of work and I’m heading for home.” Bailey says, yawning.

“Can you be ready when I get there?” Bailey says, turning down a road leading to Johnny’s Bar.

“Yea just got off work.” Michelle says, as she yawns over the phone.

“I’m almost there Michelle hang tight.” Bailey says, yawning and turning up the volume by little increments.

“Alright see you soon.” Michelle says, hanging up the phone, Bailey drives to Johnny’s Bar, but when she pulls up Michelle is not waiting outside, Bailey sighs as she turns off her car and walks inside where Michelle is sitting at the bar talking to Jack, as Jack runs from around the bar giving Bailey a big fatherly type bear hug.

“Whoa! Hello Jack.” Bailey says, gasping for air.

“Bailey!!” Jack says, letting her go.

“I’m sorry.” Jack says, making sure Bailey doesn’t fall.

“How are you Jack.” Bailey says, regaining her breath.

“Good, haven’t seen you in a while.” Jack says, frowning down at Bailey.

“I’m sorry, work has been crazy lately, and I’ve been hanging out with this guy I met at school more with his friend.” Bailey says, blushing at her own comment.

“Aww, what is his name?” Jack says, looking down at Bailey’s skinny petite form.

“His name is Mike.” Bailey says, blushing and giggling.

“You like him, kid?” Jack says, patting Bailey lightly on the head.

“Yes, I do like him.” Bailey says, smiling and looking at her phone and reply to a message from Mike.

“Awww adorable.” Jack says, hugging Bailey and heading back behind the bar.

“Shush you.” Bailey says, as she sticks out her tongue at Jack.

“Can I meet him?” Jack says, looking at Bailey who is completely distracted by a text.

“Bailey!” Jack says, throwing an ice cube at Bailey to get her attention.

“Huh?” Bailey says, reacting to the ice cube hitting her on the arm.

“Can I meet him?” Jack says, smiling.

“Yes, but I don’t know when you will get to meet him.” Bailey says, pulling her car keys out of her pocket.

“Alright well just give me a call, we can meet at Starbucks or grab a light lunch on the weekends or if you have off during the week.” Jack says, serving people at the bar.

“I will Jack. Michelle you ready to go, I’m getting tired.” Bailey says, shaking her car keys next to Michelle’s ear.

“Yeah, I am. Bye Jack.” Michelle says, as she hops off the bar stool and walks next to Bailey out to the parking lot.

Michelle and Bailey both get into the car. Bailey starts up the car, putting it in reverse, and backing out of the parking lot. Bailey turns on the street heading back towards the condo. Bailey turns on A Day To Remember on her iPod, and starts jamming to All I Want. Bailey comes up on the street in which her and her friends live on, turning down the street. She turns into Michelle’s driveway. As Michelle gets out, Bailey waits for her to make it inside her house safely. Bailey backs out of the driveway, and drives the rest of the way, and pulling into their driveway, she gets out. Walking into the house she is greeted with a very excited, and jumpy Kris. Bailey yawns, seeming not interested, but as she makes her way into the house, she takes off her shoes and sitting on the couch next to Kimiko.

“Hey sorry Kris, I’m just sleepy what’s up?” Bailey says, looking at Kris who is still in her date outfit.

“Dahvie asked me out.” Kris says, bouncing up and down.

“What did you say?” Bailey says, looking at Kris and helping Kimiko with her Biology homework.

“I said… Yes obviously, you silly filly.” Kris says, patting me on the head.

“I had a feeling that’s why he asked you if you wanted to go to dinner.” Bailey says, winking.

“You’re too good.” Kris says, walking up the stairs to her room.

“Hey Bailey, I have a question?” Kimiko says, in a squeak-ish tone looking at Bailey.

“Yes Kimiko?” Bailey says, as Kimiko finishes up her Biology and puts it in her backpack.

“I’m getting tired, and I don’t want to bother my dad to come get me, and have to take me home. Do you mind if I stay over again in the spare bedroom?” Kimiko says, looking at Bailey.

“Yea no problem. Go ahead I think it’s safe to say we’re all going to bed now.” Bailey says, as she sees Mayra walking up the stairs.

“Yep.” Kimiko says, getting up off the couch and following Mayra up the stairs, as Bailey shuts off the light and following Kimiko up the stairs as Kimiko picks up her mini backpack that has clothes in it and heads up the stairs.

Bailey heads into her room, shutting the door, and grabbing her laptop off her desk, she sits on her bed and makes a late night vlog about her Halloween hooping video idea. Bailey requests costume ideas for the video, asking people to thumbs up which ones they think are the best; she is giving people a week to vote. After making it, she titles it, and she waits for it to finish uploading on Youtube. After it finishes uploading, Bailey closes her laptop. Getting up, she walks it back over to the desk, she shuts off the light and crawls into bed, after setting her alarm, and sending a friendly Goodnight text to Mike. As he responds back almost immediately, Bailey falls asleep with her Jack Skellington blanket she got a few years back after Christmas.

Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko wake up to a gorgeous October 3rd morning, they get up and out of bed. Kimiko changes into her clothes that she has in a bag, she walks down stairs, and waits for the three girls to come down. Bailey picks out her black Breathe Carolina shirt, her black strap skinnies, her black knee length Converse, her Batman friendship necklace, and she grabs her black skeleton hoodie with the Mohawk, and tops it off with her Axe Anarchy for women body spray. Mayra picks out her My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Fluttershy Yay! shirt, with her black shredded skinny jeans, with her all black Converse, and her Robin friendship necklace. Kris picks out her Blood On The Dance Floor shirt with the bear, her blue jean shorts, her black flip flops, her black cloud with the gold lightning bolt earrings, her multi colored bracelets, her silver and black heart necklace, her Hello Kitty ring, and her black purse. Bailey, Mayra, and Kris all come out of their rooms and head down the stairs to meet Kimiko who is sitting on the couch with her backpack and bag in hand. Kris grabs her car keys that are on a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic lanyard, Bailey follows grabbing her car keys that are on a Brony lanyard. Bailey, Mayra, and Kris all grab a Gatorade and a Monster, Bailey hands a Gatorade to Kimiko. Kimiko puts it in her backpack for her first hour class.

“That outfit is really cute Kris. You will have fun at work today.” Bailey says, smiling and winking.

“Thanks, why do you say I will have a fun time at work today?” Kris says, smiling now that Bailey got her close attention.

“Just wait.” Bailey says, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket that is on the counter and cleaning it off under the faucet and drying it off.

“Fiiiine.” Kris says, with a pouty facial expression on her face.

“Nope.” Bailey says, taking a bite of her apple and picking up another apple, washing it off and putting it in the bottle holder on the side of her backpack and putting it over her shoulders.

“You’re not budging.” Kris says, following Bailey over to the door.

“Come on Kimiko, and Mayra.” Bailey says, opening the door and walking out.

“Kris you could just leave for school, since you have to work right after.” Bailey says, standing with the door opened.

“True,” Kris says, opening the screen door on the house, walking up to and unlocking her car, getting in and starting it up.

“Are you two ready to go?” Bailey says, as Mayra and Kimiko walk up and exiting the house, Bailey shuts and locks the house, unlocking the car as Kimiko and Mayra both get in the car, she gets in starting it up and backing out of the drive way following Kris down the street and towards school.

Upon arriving at school, Bailey finds a parking spot in between where Kris, and Mike are parked. Mike is still sitting in his car, chatting with Jaime about stuff. Bailey gets out and grabs her backpack from the trunk of the car. Mike gets out of his car, followed by Jaime. Mayra and Kimiko get out of Bailey’s car. Kimiko gets a very surprised greeting from her boyfriend, Justin Hills. Mike sits on the hood of Bailey’s car, as Bailey stands in front of Mike eating an apple, and drinking Monster energy. Jaime stands next to Mayra and Kris. Kris stands there eating some sour skittles that she made a special trip to Walmart to get the night before.

“I’m going to head inside and gather my stuff for cooking.” Kris says, as she starts to walk off with her backpack on her back and her coffee in hand, Bailey catches up to Kris in a concerned fashion.

“Kris, are you alright?” Bailey says, locking her car scaring Mike as he hops off the hood.

“Yea I’m fine; I just want to get my stuff together.” Kris says, as she sips her coffee.

“Kris work will be fun tonight, trust me.” Bailey says, smiling.

“Alright if you say so Bails.” Kris says, looking at Bailey.

“If you don’t think you can, do it for me and your mom.” Bailey says, hugging Kris.

“Your mom would be beyond proud of you Kris.” Bailey says, wiping away the tear falling down Kris’s face onto her pants.

“I believe you Bails, I hope your right.” Kris says, sniffling,

“I’ll stop by work, and see how things are going. Now go get your stuff I’ll be right behind you.” Bailey says, waving Kimiko, Justin, Jaime, Mayra, and Mike, they all start walking over towards Bailey and Kris.

The seven of them all walk to their lockers, grabbing stuff they need for all their classes for the day. The school day passes by with flying colors. Kris runs to her locker, grabbing stuff for homework, and other stuff she needs before running to her car so she can get to work on time for the mysterious signing. By the time Bailey, Mayra, Mike, Jaime, and Kimiko reach their lockers. Kris has stopped by her locker and left school. After gathering all of their belongings for the night, Bailey, Mayra, Kimiko, Mike, and Jaime all walk out to Bailey and Mike’s car. Bailey gives a friendly hug to Mike, as he gets into his car, and Jaime does the same to Mayra before getting into Mike’s car and driving out of the parking lot. Bailey, Mayra, and Kimiko get into Bailey’s car. She backs out of the parking spot and heads to the Costco in Huntington Beach to pick up some dinner, Monster energy, Chai tea, and milk. Bailey puts the milk and the Chicken Alfredo in the cooler so the stuff stays cold. After doing their Costco run, the three of them head to Westminster Mall to visit Kris, and to deliver a sub for dinner. As Bailey walks into the mall, she can hear the screams of many fangirls as they meet Blood On The Dance Floor, getting pictures taken and signatures, as all the girls flood the mall screaming. Bailey walks in carrying a bag from Subway. As she walks right to Kris, who is behind the counter staring at Dahvie with starry eyes, Bailey places the sub right in front of Kris’s nose, as Dahvie looks over and chuckles at Bailey shoving a sub under Kris’s nose.

“KRIS!” Bailey says, shouting to get Kris’s attention.

“Huh?” Kris says, as she continues to stare at Dahvie sitting at the table signing stuff for the fans.

“I bought you a sub from Subway, with all your favorite things on it.” Bailey says, laying the sub down in front of Kris.

“Thank you Bails.” Kris says, hugging Bailey.

“You’re welcome; I just wanted to bring you a little something for dinner.” Bailey says, walking over and walking behind the table and hugging Dahvie and Jayy as they hug Bailey back as they get back to signing stuff for the fans.

“Well, all I wanted was to come check on you Kris.” Bailey says, as she hugs Kris again and exiting the store with Mayra and Kimiko.

Walking down and outside of Westminster Mall, the three girls get in the car, and head back in the direction of the house. Kimiko squeakly asks if she can get dropped off at home, because she needs to head home for dinner and to hang out with Justin for a little bit. After Bailey drops Kimiko off at her house, Bailey drives back to the condo. Mayra and Bailey both get out of the car as Bailey goes and unlocks the house. Coming back to the car and opens the trunk of the car, Bailey carries in the flat of Monster, and Mayra carries in the Chicken Alfredo for dinner, Chai tea, and milk. Setting down everything that they got from Costco on the kitchen counter, it is now 5 o clock. Bailey sets the oven to preheat so dinner can go in and cook. Bailey runs up the stairs and into her room, and changes into her Nightmare Before Christmas Jack tank top, her purple and pink polka dot sleep shorts, her Jack Skellington hoodie, and her Jack Skellington slippers. The timer goes off letting Bailey know that it’s time to put in the Chicken Alfredo for an hour. Bailey sits down with a glass iced Chai mixed with milk, and her Jack Skellington blanket. Bailey turns on the TV and texts Mike, letting him know she’s home and they can chat like he asked the day before when Bailey was at work. Mike sends Bailey a text back saying he will be over in about 15 minutes: he is just finishing up Spanish and Algebra homework. About 10 minutes pass and there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in, doors open.” Bailey says, as the door opens revealing Mike standing there, Mike takes off his shoes sitting next to Bailey on the couch.

“Hey Bails.” Mike says, in a happier tone then the past two days.

“You seem happier, that’s good.” Bailey says, looking at Mike in his eyes.

“Not really, I really couldn’t concentrate on my homework so I don’t know how I’m going to do on it, when I hand it in.” Mike says, in a worried type tone.

“I’m sorry.” Bailey says, with a pout.

“It’s not your fault.” Mike says, folding his hands together and putting them on his lap, Bailey puts her finger up signaling 1 minute.

“Mayra, dinner is in the oven, and will be for another 45 minutes.” Bailey says, as she shouts up the stairs.

“Ok, thanks for letting me know.” Mayra says, opening her door and shouting back down the stairs and shuts the door again.

“Sorry, I wanted to make sure she knew I put dinner in the oven.” Bailey says, looking at Mike who is looking down at his hands that are placed in his lap.

“It’s ok Bails.” Mike says, patting Bailey’s leg.

“I wanted to just chat and get to know you better in more of a private setting. That’s why I came into Hottopic last to ask you.” Mike says, looking at Bailey.

“Oh ok, well what do did you want to know.” Bailey says, looking at Mike meeting eye contact.

“Well, what made you travel all the way from Wisconsin to California?” Mike says, looking down at his hands, hopping he didn’t bring back bad memories.
“Well…” Bailey says, sighing and looking down towards the floor.

“Bailey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories about your past.” Mike says, hugging her.

“No no no. It’s ok, I just didn’t realize you were going to ask that question.” Bailey says, embracing his hug.

“Are you sure?” Mike says, wiping away the little tear that appeared on Bailey’s face.

“Yea I’m sure. I know you didn’t mean too.” Bailey says, wiping away more tears with the sleeve of her hoodie.

“I moved here to get away from an ex-boyfriend of 11 months who cheated on me with one of my ex friends because I didn’t give him any action.” Bailey says, using finger quotes as she throws the charm bracelet that was on the table next the couch; he gave for their 11 monthiversary.

“Awww I’m sorry Bails, I know exactly what you’re going through.” Mike says, as he looks in her eyes, and she looks back at his.

“Remember when I was crying 2 weeks ago?” Bailey says, looking down at her feet.

“Yeah I remember, what was wrong?” Mike says, rubbing Bailey’s back trying to calm her down.

“Well you said that I was beautiful… Well another thing is that my two past ex-boyfriends never really called me beautiful before. So it was kind of strange for me to hear that word.” Bailey says, leaning into Mike’s arm.

“Bailey you are beautiful.” Mike says, hugging Bailey.

Bailey and Mike sit and chat on the couch for the next 30 minutes, as the buzzer goes off letting them know that food is ready. Mayra comes down the stairs, getting the food out of the oven with hot mitts that are in a drawer nearby. Mayra gets out three plates from a cabinet, three forks and a big spoon to serve the food with. After waiting about five minutes to let the food cool down a little bit, she puts some on each of the plates, one for Bailey, one for Mike and one for herself. After serving up the plates, Mayra walks over with the two plates of Chicken Alfredo for Bailey and Mike. Handing them over, they take it from her and start eating. Mayra disappears back up to her room, leaving Bailey and Mike alone for their private time. After Bailey and Mike are done eating and chatting for another two and a half hours, Mike gets up grabbing his and Bailey’s plate, carrying them over, he rinses them off in the sink and puts them in the dishwasher. He walks over to the door and puts on his shoes as he is about ready to leave. Bailey gets up off the couch, as the blanket that was covering her legs falls to the floor revealing an over abundant of scars, and scars that form words. Mike looks down at her legs noticing countless scars on each thigh that have taken up residency on Bailey’s legs. She looks down as her eyes start to fill with tears. Mike walks back over to the couch with Bailey sitting her down and hugging her, obviously wanting to help cure her broken heart, and try helping her just by being a close friend with a really big heart filled with love.

“Bailey you are still beautiful, scars and all,” Mike says, smiling. As she starts crying, Mike pulls her into a really close and personal hug.

“That’s just it, Mike! I didn’t want you to see them,” Bailey says, sobbing, getting Mike’s black SD tank top soaked with tears.

“But I want to help you, I want to be the friend that you can come to and cry on with pain in their hearts.” Mike says, rubbing Bailey’s back in a comforting way.

“Are you sure you can handle it?” Bailey says, looking up at his eyes which are watery.

“Of course I can.” Mike says, smiling and moving his red Gryffindor rubber bracelet revealing he too does have scars hiding under some of his bracelets.

“Awww, I want to help you too.” Bailey says, showing a small smile.

“You can.” Mike says, getting up off the couch as Bailey gets up and follows him to the door.

“Goodbye Senorita Mayra. See you tomorrow little sister.” Mike says, calling up the stairs to Mayra, as she opens her bedroom door, running down the stairs with her plate and fork, putting it in the sink, and meeting Mike at the door, she hugs him.

“See you tomorrow big bro.” Mayra says, smiling and she hugs him back, as she walks over to the kitchen putting away her plate in the dishwasher.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Mike.” Bailey says, showing a small smile.

“See you tomorrow.” Mike says, as he hugs Bailey goodbye.

Bailey shuts the door after Mike gets in his car and drives off in the direction of the condo they live in. About fifteen to twenty minutes after Mike leaves, Kris comes in through the door and locking it behind her. She sets down her purse, kicks off her flip flops, and carries them over to the couch. She sits down next to Bailey and smiles. Bailey smiles at her, knowing her and Dahvie hung out at a nearby park after she got off of work for fifteen or so minutes before coming home for a little bit of private time.

After Bailey and Kris chat about work, and how Mike came over for some getting to know Bailey time, an hour passes by Bailey gets up from the couch, turning off the TV Kris follows her upstairs with her purse and flip flops in hand. Bailey departs into her room as Kris departs to hers. Bailey grabs her computer off the desk, as she logs on Twitter and updates her Twitter status, talking about her chat with Mike. Bailey thinks to herself that Mike has a really big heart, he’s already taken Mayra under his wing of being a big brother type being that her real big brother is off living life in Texas with his wife and little new born baby girl Emma, he is really accepting of what has happened in Bailey’s past and what she has done to herself and wanting to help her out. As she hits the *Tweet* button she gets up walking her computer back to the desk, she goes over to the light switch and turning it off she climbs into bed smiling as many thoughts fly into her head about this night’s chat. Bailey slowly falls asleep, waking up it is October 4th and is a gorgeous, yet a little chilly morning, and she’s happy but at the same time feels as if something could be wrong. She gets up, heading into the bathroom and taking a shower, she comes out and heads to her closet she grabs out her black Marilyn Manson shirt, her half black and half purple skinny jeans, her black TOMS, her Rainbow Dash plugs, and her Key To My Heart necklace. Mayra picks out her white Ariel tank top, her black skinny jeans, her black TOMS, and her star necklace. Kris picks out her white sleeveless dress with a pink belt and a flower patterned skirt, her light pink rose earrings, her *Believe* necklace, her silver, gold, black, and bronze colored bracelets, her white flats with design on the toe, and her *Be Classy* tote bag. Kris and Mayra head into their bathrooms to get ready for the day, they come out get dressed and they grab Monster and something to eat. They grab everything they need for school, backpacks, school IDs, and car keys. Bailey, Mayra, and Kris all walk out the front door and shutting and locking it behind them, they make their way to school. Parking the car, Bailey has little time for her and Mayra walk at a fast pace to Gym class.

Making it in line, Bailey, Mayra, Jaime, and Mike had no time to get his Spanish work book for class so Mike and Jaime just ran to Gym class. Mike immediately pulls Bailey into a hug, as she hugs him back smiling, as Mike lets go as the gym teacher exits the boys locker room. The gym teacher calls attendance, everyone heads into the locker room to change into their gym uniform. Everyone heads into the gym to do the rest of the week’s activity. As they do the activity, 35 minutes passes by as the gym teacher blows his whistle letting the students know that it is time to get changed. Everyone goes into the locker room and changes back into what they were wearing for the day, people go in a single file line as Mike is waiting patiently first to leave and get to Spanish class. Bailey comes up behind Mike and hugs him tightly. Bailey lets go and stands in front of Mike smiling at him.

“Thanks for chatting with me, and well making me feel better. It was nice of you to do that.” Bailey says, looking up into Mike’s eyes.

“You’re welcome Senorita Bailey.” Mike says, in a nice Spanish accent and winks.

The bell goes off for students to go off to their next class. Mike walks with Bailey to her free period class. Mike jets off to his second period Spanish class. As Mike walks in to the classroom with seconds to spare before being late, he sits down in his seat. About 15 minutes of class goes by, and the teacher tells all students to get the Spanish books out, and do class work. Mike raises his hand to get the teacher’s attention, but the teacher fails to pay attention.

“Excuse me, may I go to my locker and get my Spanish book, please?” Mike says, looking at the teacher.

“Go ahead,” the teacher says, as Mike gets up and exits the room, going to his locker. Upon reaching his locker, he opens it, as a pile of notes scatter the quiet halls of Huntington Beach High School. Mike grabs the pile of notes, and looks through all of the notes. His eyes fill up with tears. Some of the notes say *Kill Yourself*, *Emo*, *Lame*, *Worthless*, drawings in which where there’s a noose tied around some cartooned drawn person’s neck, and a chair that’s knocked over. Mike pulls out his phone from his black skinny jeans and texts Bailey.

“Can you please come down to your locker? I need to give you something.” Mike says in a text to Bailey.

“Yeah sure, I’ll need to grab my Chemistry book for next period anyway.” Bailey says, texting Mike back filling out a pass to go down to her locker. Bailey walks down to her locker and sees Mike standing in front of his open locker holding his Spanish book. Bailey opens her locker grabbing her Chemistry book and shutting her locker shut.

“Mike?” Bailey says, as she takes the up papers from Mike’s hands.

“Who the hell wrote these?” Bailey says, shoving them in her pockets of her pants.

“Jake.” Mike says, with tears in his eyes as Bailey hugs him close.

“I’m so sorry, Mike.” Bailey says, holding Mike’s face and looking in his eyes.

“Jake who?” Bailey says, pushing up on Mike’s chin, lifting up his head.

“Parker.” Mike says, in a low shallow tone.

“Ugh that fuck?” Bailey says, with an angry tone.

“Yeah.” Mike says, as he starts to walk with Bailey back to their classes.

“I’m sorry this happened to you, Mike.” Bailey says, hugging Mike’s arm.

Once they get back into their classrooms, Bailey just sits there texting Mike, trying to make him feel better. As the rest of the class hour goes by, Mike meets Bailey outside of her free period class. Bailey, Mike, and Kimiko walk to their science classes. Kimiko departs going to her Biology class, as Mike and Bailey depart into their Chemistry class. After 15 minutes goes by of classes, the buzzer from the office goes off, stopping class. The teacher walks over to the button on the wall and presses it, causing the woman’s voice to come through the speaker on the wall.

“Sorry to interrupt your class, Mr. Peterson, but could you send Mike Fuentes to the office with all his belongings, he won’t be returning today.” The woman from the office says, giving the teacher no time to respond she clicks off the speaker from the office.

“What is that about?” Jaime says, looking at Mike as Mike just shrugs and picks up his stuff and exits the room.

Mike walks down to the office all depressed. Upon entering the office, he gets accused of keying a couple teacher’s cars, and spray painting on walls last night around 8:30. Mike tells them that he didn’t do it, that he was with Bailey until 9:20. The lady doesn’t believe him, and suspends him from coming into school till Monday. After getting told that he’s not allowed to come back to school until Monday, Mike walks to his locker grabbing all his stuff. He makes his way to his car, drives home. Upon arriving home, Mike is immediately greeted by Jaime and Vic’s dogs, he pets them. He heads into his room, and is greeted by his cat, Mystery. He pets her and walks over to his bed. Pulling out his phone, he texts Bailey, letting her know what just happened and why he won’t be returning to school. After sending texts to Jaime, Vic, and Tony, Mike cries himself to sleep after the depressing notes in his locker, being accused of keying some teacher’s cars, and spray painting some walls. The rest of everyone’s third hour classes fly by, except Bailey’s. As the bell rings, everyone clutters the hall. Bailey walks with Jaime and Tony to their 4th Period class quietly, not saying a word and depressed like. As everyone gets situated on the bleachers, Jaime nudges Bailey, pulling her out of her depressing thoughts.

“Bailey we have a group presentation to do for Mr. Depp today and Mike had to go home.” Jaime says, in a worried tone.

“Mike, Tony, Jaime, and Vic please set up for your group presentation please.” Mr. Depp says, pointing to the drum set, acoustic, and bass guitars.

“Where’s Mike?” Mr. Depp says, looking at the class.

“He got sent home.” Jaime says, looking at Mr. Depp.

“Well you have a group presentation today, is there someone else willing to fill in for Mr. Fuentes?” Mr. Depp says, looking around as Bailey slowly raises her hand.

“Have you played drums before Bailey?” Mr. Depp says, looking at her.

“I played drums at my old high school.” Bailey says, in a shy tone looking up at Mr. Depp.

“And my cousin Brett is a drummer in a band, back in Wisconsin, so watching him play and he taught me some stuff.” Bailey says, looking around her, as Jaime smiles at her.

“Well let’s give a shot.” Mr. Depp says, smiling at Bailey as Bailey, Jaime, Vic, and Tony get up and off the bleachers and walk over to the instruments in the center of the room.

Bailey, Tony, Jaime, and Vic begin to play, as Bailey is nailing everything from what she’s heard Mike playing over the course of the past two weeks. As they finish up, Tony, Vic, and Jaime hug Bailey for doing a good job. As they sit back on the bleachers, Mr. Depp looks up after scribbling stuff down on the paper, and puts the instruments back where they belong. Mr. Depp grabs another set of instruments and sets them out in the middle of the room. He calls Andy Biersack, Ashley Purdy, Jeremy Ferguson, Jake Pitts, and Christian Mora up. As they get up and get all settled, they start doing their group presentation. When they are done, they clean up the instruments and go back to the bleachers. Shortly after they clean up, the bell goes off and Mr. Depp gets Jaime, Bailey, Vic, and Tony’s attention.

“Mr. Preciado, Mr. Perry, Mr. Fuentes, and Bailey, May I have a word with you guys?” Mr. Depp says, gathering them into his office, shutting the door behind them.

“You guys all got full credit for Bailey’s skills, standing in for Mike. Mike also got full credit on Bailey’s behalf.” Mr. Depp says, patting Bailey on the back for a job well done as Jaime, Vic, and Tony hug Bailey again.

“Gracias, Senor Depp.” Bailey says, hugging the boys again.

“De nada senorita Bailey.” Mr. Depp says, giving her a thumbs up motion.

After being told that she got credit for Mike by her for class, she smiled just a bit, considering she’s depressed that Mike got suspended from school for the rest of the week, because the office lady choose not to listen to Mike. As everyone goes to lunch to eat, Bailey chooses not to eat anything besides a few crackers from a bag she bought. Everyone eats their food. The rest of the day goes by kind of slow for Bailey, going through the rest of her classes is kind of a drag. After school, Bailey makes her way to the office to speak with the office lady about accusing the wrong person on the damage that happened the night before. Upon arriving at the office, the lady sitting at the front desk looks up, meeting Bailey’s eye contact.

“Hello, how may I help you this afternoon?” The lady says, adjusting her glasses.

“Yes I came in here to make a complaint.” Bailey says, with a low angry tone to her voice.

“What seems to be the problem Ma’am?” The lady says, telling her to take a seat in the chair as Bailey sits down in the chair.

“My friend, Mike Fuentes got falsely accused earlier this morning, he told me that he got in trouble for keying some teacher’s car, and spray painting the walls in the hall. He didn’t do it; he was hanging out with me last night, chatting about stuff.” Bailey says, looking at the woman with squinty eyes.

“Do you have any proof of you guys hanging out?” The woman says, scribbling some notes down on a piece of paper.

“Yes, I do.” Bailey say, taking her phone out of her pocket and playing the clip she recorded from the past night of them chatting.

“That’s interesting.” The woman says, scribbling more stuff on a piece of paper.

“Is there any way I can tell the principal?” Bailey says, taking out the pile of papers from her other pocket and sets it down on the desk.

“What are those? More evidence?” The woman says, looking down at them.

“Notes.” Bailey says in a flat tone pushing them closer to the woman.

“Open them. You may want to get Jake Parker to the office. His handwriting is nearly the same as Mike’s.” Bailey says, taking out the note that has Mike’s handwriting on it.

“Well I can tell you one thing. Jake Parker is right through the principal’s door right now with his parents.” The woman says, pointing to the closed set of doors.

“There was a note on the wall signed *Mike Fuentes* on a sticky note on the spray painted wall.” The woman says, walking over to a black file cabinet and grabbing the note out of a manila envelope and bringing it back up so Bailey can read it.

“Can I take these notes as evidence?” The woman says, holding the pile of opened notes, paper clipping them together with a note saying *From Jake Parker to Mike Fuentes.*

“Where did these come from?” The woman says, putting the notes in the manila envelope in a slot on the side of the principles door.

“Mike found them in his locker and gave them to me.” Bailey says, as the woman walks over with a sheet of paper with a suspension notice on it.

“That was really horrible. Would you mind signing this off as Mike can come back to school tomorrow? His suspension is cleared.” The woman says, signing the paper, as she turns it around with a pen on the paper so Bailey can sign it off.

“Sure thing.” Bailey says, signing on the line.

“I will give this to the principal so he can sign off on it as well. If the principal needs to ask you any question, how will he be able to reach you?” The woman asks sliding a piece of paper over towards Bailey with a pen.
“My cell phone, probably. I have to get to work in the next 35 minutes.” Bailey says, scribbling down her number and email down on the paper.

“Thank you very much, if you would be so kind as to tell Mike Fuentes he is allowed to come back to school tomorrow morning.” The woman says, taking the piece of paper and paper clipping that to the suspension notice saying *If you have any questions, contact Bailey.*

“I will surely do that thank you very much.” Bailey says, exiting the office and running to her locker.

Upon arriving at her locker, Bailey meets up with Mayra, Kris, Jaime, Vic, and Tony. Grabbing all their belongings, they make their way outside. Jaime piles into Tony’s car with Vic, as Bailey, Mayra, and Kris pile into Bailey’s car. Making their way back to the condo, Bailey walks in the house and up to her room, grabbing her Five Finger Death Punch Way Of The Fist Ninja zip up hoodie. She puts it on, zipping it up, and putting the hood up. She exits her room, walking in a melancholy mood. She grabs a Gatorade from the fridge, grabbing her keys and phone, Bailey exits the house without warning. She gets in her car and drives to work. Walking into the mall and into Hottopic for her 3:30 shift. About 10 minutes pass, as Shannon hands Bailey her phone, she looks down at the caller ID and it reads Mike Fuentes. Shannon nods at Bailey as a sign that it is ok to go in the back to answer the phone, because Shannon can tell that Bailey has been having a rough day so far. Bailey walks to the back as she takes a 10 minute call, calming Mike down and just talking to him to make him feel better. Shannon calls Bailey from the front desk as two guys are requesting to talk to her. Bailey says goodbye, hanging up the phone with a depressed Mike on the other end. Bailey walks out to the front desk being greeted by Andy Biersack and James Cassells, Chelsea’s boyfriend and brother.

“Hey what are you guys doing here?” Bailey says, looking at them.

“Well we came by to tell you about a little plan we have but you can’t tell Chelsea.” James says, in his heavy British accent.

“What is it?” Bailey says, organizing stuff behind the counter.

“Well, when we were moving here it was right around Chelsea’s birthday, and we haven’t really gotten much time to give her a birthday party, so we are having a surprise birthday party next Monday after school at Johnny’s bar, we’ve invited those Fuentes bros, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado, Michelle, the rest of Andy’s mates, and my mates, and Matt Sanders and his mates. We came in here to invite you, Mayra, Kimiko and Kris too. Besides we have off on Tuesday.” James says, looking some mark down stuff on the counter.

“Oh we would be happy to attend her surprise birthday party.” Bailey says, checking out James purchase through the cash register.

“Great the party starts at 4:00 at Johnny’s bar.” Andy says, as he and James exit the store.
About 30 minutes pass, as Shannon walks up behind Bailey, placing her hand lightly on her shoulder blade. Bailey doesn’t react, as she just sits there waiting for a text or something from Mike, letting her know he is in fact ok. Shannon taps Bailey’s shoulder still trying to get her to react. Bailey sits there and looks up and behind her, as Shannon looks at Bailey who has light bloodshot eyes, like she may have been crying for a good amount of time. Bailey looks away and back down at her phone.

“Sorry boss.” Bailey says, as she puts away her phone back in her pocket.

“Bailey, is everything alright?” Shannon says, sitting down next to Bailey.

“Yea, everything is fine.” Bailey says, not wanting Shannon to worry about her.

“Mind telling me the truth?” Shannon says, looking at Bailey.

“Well I’m worried about my friend.” Bailey says, showing her the picture of Mike she took with her phone.

“Oh that boy, is he a nice boy?” Shannon says, examining the picture.

“Yes he’s really nice, he got suspended from school for the rest of the day today, and till Monday, he also got notes in his locker today, that weren’t very kind.” Bailey says, as a tear falls down her face.

“Mike hasn’t been having the best week. I just want it to get better for him.” Bailey says, as her hand starts to shake a little wiping the tears away from her face.

“You like this boy?” Shannon says, standing up and rubbing Bailey’s back.

“Yes, I do, he’s been nothing but nice to me since we’ve met.” Bailey says, leaning against the counter.

“He told me, all he’s done so far is sleep and he’s been thinking more about bad things.” Bailey says, looking down at her pants knowing there are countless scars underneath her pants.

“Right now he hates school. There is a kid named Jake who has been treating him nothing but shit, he put the notes in Mike’s locker, he was the one that accused Mike of doing shit.” Bailey says, as more tears fall down her face.

“Bailey you need to see him, you need to go and be there for him.” Shannon says, as wraps one arm around her shoulders, hugging her.

“But I’m working, Shannon.” Bailey says, looking at her.

“Right now it’s friends over work. I know I say work over friends. But if you are this scared about him, then you deserve to go and help him. You will still get paid your whole shift.” Shannon says, handing Bailey her car keys.

“Are you sure?” Bailey says, putting her car keys on the counter.

“Yes, I’m positive. Now get out of here.” Shannon says, taking the keys from the key rack below the counter and placing them on Bailey’s neck.

“Thanks Shannon.” Bailey says, wiping tears from her face and hugging Shannon.

“Not a problem. Just write you were here till 9 on your form.” Shannon says, putting her clock out card on the counter as Bailey fills in 9 in the end time spot.

After Bailey fills out the clock out card, she picks up her car keys off the counter, walks out of Hottopic, makes her way out of the mall, and to her car. Getting in, she starts up the car, plugging her iPod, and playing I Miss You by Blink-182, getting teary eyed. She drives up to the drive thru of Chick-Fil-A, getting Mike’s favorite meal. Bailey drives out of the parking lot and towards Mike’s condo. Upon arriving at Mike’s place, Bailey gets out of her car. Walking up to the door, she rings the bell. Vic answers, wearing a black SD tank top and a pair of black shorts that cut off at the knee. Vic moves out of the way to let her in through the door. Bailey enters in the house, taking her shoes off at the door.

“Can you show me which one Mike’s room is?” Bailey says, in an anxious tone, as Vic leads Bailey to Mike’s door.

Bailey opens the door to Mike’s door and shutting it behind her, leaving a confused Vic behind outside the door. Bailey walks up to Mike’s bedside ripping the sheets off his body as he is wearing red lounge shorts and no shirt, causing Bailey to stare at the adorable curled up Mike, shortly before he pulls the sheets back over him, as Bailey sits on the floor next to his bed tapping his arm, calling his name over and over trying to get him to wake up.

“Mike.” Bailey says, ripping the sheets away from his body again.

“Stop it Vic.” Mike says, as he pulls the sheets back over himself, flipping his body around now facing Bailey’s direction, he opens his eyes.

“Hey Mike.” Bailey says, showing a light smile.

“Hey aren’t you supposed to be working?” Mike says, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

“I was worried about you so my boss let me off early to see if you were ok.” Bailey says, handing him a Chick-Fil-A bag.

“What is this?” Mike says, looking at the bag.

“I wanted to make sure you ate something. It’s your favorite.” Bailey says, as Mike grabs the bag and opens it eating a couple fries as he grabs the sandwich from the bag and starts eating it.

“Thank you Bails, but you didn’t have to do this.” Mike says, eating everything as he crumples and tosses the bag into the garbage nearby.

“I wanted to.” Bailey says, smiling.

“Are you feeling better?” Bailey says, sitting on the edge of Mike’s bed as he sits up hugging her.

“I’ll take that as a yes?” Bailey says, hugging Mike back.

“Yes, but I’m still depressed.” Mike says, as he sits up next to her.

A few hours go by of Mike and Bailey talking, hanging out in Mike’s room, and it’s now 8:45 at night. As Bailey yawns, Bailey gets up walking with Mike into the living room, where Vic and Tony sitting on the couch watching some TV show. Mike walks with Bailey outside to her car, where they stand there hugging for what seems like hours. As he lets go, he waves goodbye. Bailey gets in her car, backing out of the driveway and off the street as she makes her way to Taco Bell on Beach Boulevard to get herself something for dinner. She drives up to the drive thru ordering two supreme chicken chalupa combo meal with a soft shell taco, and a Mountain Dew Baja Blast. As Bailey pays and gets handed her order, she drives off in the direction of the condo. Getting to the condo, Bailey gets out of the car, grabbing her school backpack from the trunk. Bailey walks inside with her hood up. She sets down her backpack on the coffee table, taking off her shoes, and sits on the couch.

“Hey you’re home earlier than I expected.” Mayra says, looking up from her homework.

“Yea, Shannon let me off early. So then I got dinner.” Bailey says, holding up the Taco Bell bag.

“Awesome, just working on Spanish homework, did you tell Mike what you did for him?” Mayra says, scribbling stuff down on her paper.

“Yes, yes I did.” Bailey says, showing a little smile and eating her food.

“Is he coming to school tomorrow?” Mayra says, finishing up her homework and putting it in her backpack as Bailey finishes up her tacos.

“Yea, he said he probably will.” Bailey says, getting up and throwing her garbage away.

“Good. Is he ok?” Mayra says, taking out her Math homework and working on it.

“Yea, just depressed.” Bailey says, picking up Lily and bringing her back to the couch on her lap as Lily curls up.

“Did someone take of the sheets on the spare bed?” Bailey says, turning on the TV at a low volume.

“Yes, I did and I put on clean sheets just in case someone stays over again.” Mayra says,
working on problems assigned from the teacher.

“Cool, thanks.” Bailey says, relaxing on the couch almost falling asleep.

“Bailey, go to bed.” Mayra says, raising her voice causing Bailey to open her eyes.

“I’m exhausted.” Bailey says, picking up Lily off her lap and putting her on the floor.

Bailey grabs her shoes, and backpack off the floor then grabs her phone off the table, Bailey walks up the stairs into her room and changing into her pajamas, Bailey sends a goodnight text to Mike as he sends one right back and Bailey says goodnight to Kris, Dahvie, and Mayra. Shutting off the light, Bailey crawls into bed in little time at all she is asleep, as Mayra comes up the stairs and heading into her room she changes into her pajamas and crawls into bed after shutting off the lights, as Kris says her goodbyes to Dahvie, shutting and locking the door behind him she shuts the lights off, walking into Mayra, and Kris wake up, it’s Friday October 5th, another chilly morning, the 3 girls head to their closets, Bailey puts on her black Blood On The Dance Floor bra, her black spaghetti strap tank top, her black jean shorts, her Batman logo necklace, her Batman symbol ring, she puts her Batman plugs in her earlobes, she puts on her Deathly Hallows and Blood On The Dance Floor *Evolution* rubber bracelets and her black bow wedges, as Bailey grabs her *Eternally Yours* skeleton hoodie and her backpack tops off her outfit with AXE Anarchy for women perfume. Mayra puts on her Falling In Reverse tank top, her grey/ black skinny jeans, her black TOMS, her backpack and her Zombie Girl necklace; she tops off her outfit with her Japanese Cherry Blossom body spray from Bath and Body Works. Kris puts on her *LOVE* sweater with a tank top underneath, her skinny blue jeans, her black slouchy boots, her diamond earrings, her black and silver bracelets, and grabbing her sunglasses off her dresser also grabbing her grabbing her backpack off the floor and onto her back. Bailey, Mayra, and Kris walk downstairs as Bailey and Kris grab their car keys off the key racks; they head into the kitchen grabbing something to eat, and drink making their way to the door and exiting the house, as Bailey heaves a heavy sigh of relief knowing that it’s Friday. Bailey gets into her car as Kris gets into her black 2011 Dodge Charger as they both start up their cars backing out of the drive way, making their way to school as Kimiko calls Bailey, causing her to spazz in her seat as she picks it up. On the other line is Kimiko asking if she can get picked up for school, Bailey heads in the direction in which her house is at. There standing in at 4’ 11 wearing her black Suicide Silence shirt, her black super skinny jeans, and her custom made Of Mice & Men shoes with her green Adventure Time Finn backpack as she opens the door and gets in the car. Bailey drives to school meeting up with Mike and Jaime in the parking lot as Bailey smiles seeing Mike at school. Bailey shuts off the car, and getting out grabbing her backpack from the trunk as Mayra does the same. Bailey walks over to Mike’s window, knocking on it she smiles.

“It’s good to see that you are here Mike.” Bailey says, opening his door for him he gets out hugging her.

“I really need to thank you for the going into the office yesterday before you had to work.” Mike says, hugging Bailey back.

“I wanted you to be here today.” Bailey says, smiling and swinging her backpack over her back.

“I guess I just needed alone time yesterday.” Mike says, walking with Bailey, Jaime, Mayra, Kimiko, and Kris to their lockers.

After going to their lockers to get stuff for classes, everyone heads to their first period classes, following that they go to their second period class, following that the head to their third and fourth period classes. As their fourth period class bell goes off everyone walks into the cafeteria grabbing what they want for food, Bailey heads outside and sits down against a wall, as Matt sits down next to her with his food, and starts eating as Bailey does the same. As Jimmy and Johnny come outside with their food sitting down next to Matt and distracting him. Bailey gets a text from Mike, looking at it, it says.

“Hey can you come over by me? I want to ask you something.” Mike says, in a text with a smiley face.

“Yea sure, where the hell are you anyway?” Bailey says, in a text with a sticking out her tongue emoticon.

“I’m hanging with Zacky Baker, your wife’s boyfriend by the tennis court on the bleachers.” Mike says, putting a smiley face and a sticking out the tongue emoticon.

“I’m on my way just have to throw away my trash.” Bailey says, back in a text with a smiley face.

“Awesome.” Mike says, in a text with a grinning emoticon.

“I’ll be back.” Bailey says, towards Matt as she gets up and walking towards the tennis courts by the bleachers.

“Huh?” Matt says, looking over to where Bailey was sitting and looks around, but doesn’t see her.

After Bailey gets to the bleachers she walks up them sitting next to Mike who is smoking a cigarette, he flicks out the butt of the cigarette out of his hand as it hits the ground. Mike pulls Bailey closer to him, hugging her as she hugs him back breathing in Axe Essence body spray, making her sniff his Jack Daniels tank top more. She looks up at him as he looks down and smiles at her, catching the both of them out of the moment as Zacky shouts.

“Now kiss!” Zacky says, as loud as he can so the people doing lunch detention can hear.

“Zacky!” Bailey says, blushing as she covers her face.

“But you guys are cute, even if you are just friends.” Zacky says, lightly punching Bailey’s arm and smiling.

“Thanks.” Mike says, smiling.

“Hey Bailey can I talk to you for a second?” Mike says, looking down at Bailey.

“Yeah, sure.” Bailey says, getting up and walking down the bleachers, as Mike follows over behind a wall.

“I was wondering if we could hang at your place tonight, watch movies and stuff.” Mike says, as he looks at her then down to the ground.

“Yeah, I don’t have to work. Kris is working tonight, and Mayra is probably just going to be hanging upstairs with Kimiko and if Jaime wants to hang out too with them.” Bailey says, looking into Mike’s eyes.

“Awesome, I can’t wait.” Mike says, smiling.

“Me neither.” Bailey says, in an excited tone, as Mike hugs Bailey walking back over by Zacky.

About 15 minutes later the bell rings, as the kids take off, going to the last of their classes. The last bell rings, as the students flood the halls, heading to their lockers, grabbing stuff for homework, and hoodies. Mike, Jaime, Vic, and Tony walk up to their lockers. Mike tickles Bailey’s lower back, causing her to jump nearly out of her skin from not hearing him walk up behind her. Bailey turns around, lightly punching his arm, causing him to grip on his arm, pretending that it hurt. Bailey turns back around, grabbing her stuff, zipping up her backpack, swinging it over her back, and shutting her locker. Bailey waits for Mike, Jaime, Kimiko, and Mayra to be done in their lockers. Kris takes off, heading to the parking lot to get to work on time again. For this time not having to deal with the many screams, and squeals of fangirls. Kris releases a heavy sigh of relief as she makes her way to work. Bailey, Mike, Jaime, Mayra, and Kimiko make their way to Bailey’s car to head to the condo. As they reach the condo, everyone gets out, grabbing their backpacks, as Bailey locks her car and unlocks the house door leading everyone inside. Mayra, Jaime, and Kimiko all head up the stairs, as Bailey follows behind, wanting to get out of her school clothes.

Bailey walks into her room, shutting the door behind her. She takes off her clothes she wore to school, and puts on her black shirt with the wolf face on it, her stretchy shredding leggings, her necklace that says *LOVE* with a dangling heart, her blue Remember The Day and black Jack Skellington rubber bracelets. She slides on her Jack Skellington slippers, puts her hair up in a low ponytail, and slides on one of her slouchy beanies. She takes off her makeup, grabs her Jack Skellington Blanket, and a big comforter. She walks down stairs to where Mike is sitting on the couch all by himself with the bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, two bottles of beer, and he placed a bottle of Smirnoff Raspberry Burst on the coffee table. Bailey sets down the blankets on the couch, sitting next to Mike and smiling.

About an hour goes by, and Bailey has since cuddled up closer to Mike, since she was getting colder. He grabs the blanket and covers up her upper body. Bailey accidentally leans on the remote for the iHome, a CD player across the room, starting up the mix cd Bailey made with some cute songs. Boyfriend by Big Time Rush begins to play, as she grabs the remote, fumbling around with it, trying to stop the CD from playing more. Mike puts his hand over Bailey’s hands. Bailey feels his hands, and she smiles, wanting to grab his hand and hold them in hers, but not wanting to show it too much that she likes him. Mike turns facing Bailey, looking in her eyes.

“Hi Mike.” Bailey says, smiling.

“Hey, beautiful.” Mike says, staring in Bailey’s eyes.

“Stahp it Mike.” Bailey says, looking down and poking Mike’s open hands.

“Bailey, look at me please. I have something I need to tell you.” Mike says, rubbing Bailey’s chin.

“Okies.” Bailey says, sticking out her tongue, smiling and looking up at Mike.

“We-well, first things first, you’re beautiful, second I like you, like crazy, third you’re not like the other girls at our school, you’re different in a good way. You’re not chasing after me getting my attention, like some other girls, like Kelly.” Mike says, putting his hands in Bailey’s and gripping her hands.

“Mike, I feel the exact same way about you, you’re not trying to chase after me to get my attention, you treat my friends amazingly, I’ve liked you since last month, when I accidently interrupted your conversation with Jaime, you didn’t yell at me like I thought you would have. I like you a lot, because you let me cry on you, when I didn’t believe you.” Bailey says, holding Mike’s hands.

“Well I guess what I’m trying to ask is…” Mike says, pausing and catching his breath before continuing.

“Bailey Rose, will you go out with me?” Mike says, looking down as Bailey’s hands grip onto his.

“Yes, I will go out with you.” Bailey says, smiling and blushing excitedly and hugging him.

Bailey and Mike sit there on the couch for the next hour under blankets, holding hands. Bailey and Mike’s stomach growl, causing Bailey to get up, walking over to the fridge grabbing a Domino’s pizza menu, and coupons. Bailey walks up the stairs, knocking on Mayra’s bedroom door, entering after Mayra says it’s ok she takes Mayra’s, Kimiko’s, and Jaime’s order for their pizzas. Bailey walks back down the stairs, using her phone she calls the nearest dominos and places the order. Bailey plays Vanilla Twilight by Owl City, Bailey sits down next to Mike, grabbing his hand in hers and interlocking their fingers together and cuddling. After the song is over, Bailey gets up, opening her big DVD case, taking out Nightmare Before Christmas, she puts it in the DVD player and turns on the TV grabbing the remote, she sits back down next to Mike, skipping to the menu she waits as about 5 minutes later the doorbell rings and Mike hands Bailey money for all the pizzas. She pays the delivery guy, as he hands over the pizzas; Bailey closes the door setting down hers and Mike’s pizzas walking up the stairs knocking on Mayra’s door and handing her Kimiko’s pizza with black olives, Jaime’s pizza, and her own pizza. Bailey walks back down, sitting down next to Mike, grabbing a slice of pizza sitting back, grabbing her Smirnoff Ice Raspberry Burst cracking it open and taking a sip, Bailey presses play on the remote as the movie starts. Leaning forward and grabbing another slice of pizza for Mike and for herself and leans against Mike.

“Hello cuteness.” Mike says, wrapping his arm around Bailey.

“Really, Mike? You’re going to get yourself into some trouble there.” Bailey says, winking at him and burying her face into his chest.

“Oooh, is that a threat?” Mike says, putting his hand on Bailey’s side.

“Maaaybe.” Bailey says, trying to act innocent.

“You’re too cute.” Mike says, opening his second beer.

“You’re cuter then me!” Bailey says, grabbing her Smirnoff Ice Raspberry Burst off the coffee table.

“Stop it right now Bailey.” Mike says, playing with Bailey’s hand as she takes a drink of her Smirnoff Ice.

“What if I don’t want to?” Bailey says, playing with Mike’s hair after setting down her drink.

“Your hair is so soft, Mike.” Bailey says, playing with it, then she stops playing with it and watches the rest of the movie as she covers up her body with her Jack Skellington blanket. As the movie ends, Mike gets up, walking over to the cabinet, getting out two shot glasses, he brings them over to the coffee table.

“Are you interested? Can you handle your whiskey?” Mike says, holding up the bottle, and then pouring some whiskey in the two shot glasses.

“Give me a shot.” Bailey says, holding out her hand for the shot, Mike hands the shot over to Bailey.

“On 3, we’ll take it.” Mike says, holding up the shot glass with Bailey.

“1… 2… 3…” Bailey says, clinking shot glasses together, they slam the shots back.

“Ahh, that was amazing.” Mike says, leaning back against the couch as he grabs Bailey’s hand and interlocks his fingers with hers.

**~**~**Upstairs in Mayra’s room.**~**~**

“Mayra, I should get going.” Kimiko says, picking up her backpack off the bedroom floor.

“Justin is here to pick me up.” Kimiko says, giving Mayra and Jaime both a hug, as she leaves Mayra’s room and walking downstairs, spotting Bailey and Mike sitting on the couch snuggling underneath a blanket.

“Bailey?” Kimiko says, in a squeaky tone getting Bailey’s attention.

“Huh?” Bailey says, turning around and seeing Kimiko standing at the end of the stairs.

“Justin is here to pick me up.” Kimiko says, standing by the front door as Bailey gets up and walks over the front door, hugging Kimiko, as she exits the house getting into Justin’s car as he takes off heading to Kimiko’s house and Bailey shuts the front door, walking over to the case in which she has all of the DVDs in it, picking out Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, taking out Nightmare Before Christmas from the DVD player and putting it in the DVD case. Popping Harry Potter into the DVD player, Bailey picks up the boxes of pizza, and putting the left overs in the fridge and she starts the movie.

**~**~**Upstairs in Mayra’s room.**~**~**

Upon finding Mayra’s acoustic guitar hidden in under her bed, Jaime opens the guitar case pulling it out; he strums it, and tuning it.

“Do you play?” Jaime says, making eye contact at a blushing Mayra.

“Uhh.” Mayra says, stammering out.

“Does learning count?” Mayra says, looking over at Jaime who is smiling.

“Yes senorita, it sure does.” Jaime says, as he starts playing and singing Always by Blink- 182, as Mayra’s face lights up with excitement, barely able to get any words out of her mouth.

**~**~**Downstairs by Mike and Bailey.**~**~**

Mike falls asleep using Bailey’s shoulder as a pillow. Still holding his hand under the blankets, keeping each other warm, Kris walks in the door. Shutting it, she walks over taking off her shoes, setting down her purse on the coffee table, and sitting down on the other couch, watching Harry Potter with Bailey. She looks over to see Mike Fuentes sleeping.

“Is he ok?” Kris says, looking at Bailey then at Mike and back at Bailey.

“Yeah he’s ok.” Bailey says, gripping Mike’s hand harder.

“But Harry Potter is like one of his favorite series? Isn’t it?” Kris says, looking at the sleeping Mike.

“Nope, he hates it,” Bailey says, in a sarcastic tone, unlinking their fingers as she holds up his hand, revealing The Deathly Hallows symbol on his hand.
“Ouch that looks like that would hurt. Getting a tattoo on the inside of your palm,” Kris says, while looking at it.

“Yeah, he told me it hurt like everything, and he has to get it touched up soon. It actually makes me want to get another tattoo.” Bailey says, looking at Kris who turns around pulling down the collar of her shirt and shows Bailey her Michael Jackson memorial tattoo.

“That’s awesome Kris, is that for Michael Jackson?” Bailey says, looking at her tattoo.

“Yep, my only tattoo. I want to get one for my mom too.” Kris says, as she leans back against the couch.

“Nice, you should.” Bailey says, smiling as interlocks her fingers with Mike’s again.

“Girls night tomorrow?” Kris says, looking at Bailey.

“Yeah that would be great. Mike, Jaime, Tony, and Vic have to go down to San Diego for something to do with the family so the boys won’t be over.” Bailey says, she pauses Harry Potter, switching it back to TV and turning if off.

“Awwww, ok.” Kris says, getting up from the couch putting her shoes on the stairs, and walking over to the fridge.

“Is it ok if I have some of this pizza?” Kris says, from the kitchen.

“Yeah go for it.” Bailey says, waking Mike up from his sleep.

“Awesome.” Kris says, as Mike groans not wanting to get up.

“Mike you would be more comfy in the spare bed we have, please.” Bailey says, poking Mike’s side lightly.

“I’ll help you get up there.” Bailey says, patting the top of Mike’s head.

“Fine.” Mike says, carefully getting up off the couch.

“That’s a good Mike.” Bailey says, helping Mike getting over to the stairs and walking up them. Bailey and Mike get stopped by Jaime as he walks out of Mayra’s room as if he’s about to leave.

“Is he ok?” Jaime says, looking at Mike then to Bailey.

“Yeah, he’s fine. He’s had some alcohol tonight and so have I so I can’t drive anywhere.” Bailey says, looking at Jaime.

“Well do you mind if I crash here on the couch downstairs, or on the floor in the spare room?” Jaime says, looking at Bailey.

“Yea we have a couple air mattresses with extra sheet sets and blankets in the closet over in there with a plug in air pump so go ahead and fill one up and you may sleep on that.” Bailey says, walking behind Jaime, into the spare bedroom with Mike’s arm around Bailey’s neck for walking support.

“I’m sorry if I’m intruding on your personal space, I just have a weird thing where I don’t like going somewhere by myself.” Jaime says, getting out an air mattress and fitted sheet he fills it up and putting the sheet on it. Mike changes into his red Budweiser boxers, grabbing his Jack Skellington pillow, as he climbs in under the sheets with his pillow.

“You’re fine Jaime, don’t worry about it.” Bailey says, looking at him and helping Mike.

“Well sleep good you guys.” Bailey says, smiling and shutting the door as Bailey heads into her room and changes into her pajamas, meeting Mayra who is in her pajamas sitting on the couch with Kris.

“Bailey.” Mayra says, as Bailey walks over and sits down on the couch smiling.

“Yeeeeeees?” Bailey says, with a fake innocent tone.

“Did something happen when you and Mike were down here alone?” Mayra says, looking at Bailey with her eyebrow raised.

“Maaaaaybe.” Bailey says, putting on Mike’s black and red SD snapback hat that he set on the coffee table.

“What happened?” Mayra says, turning on an episode of The Walking Dead on the TV.

“He asked me a certain question.” Bailey says, blushing and adjusting the hat.

“What question was that?” Mayra says, petting Lily who has since hopped on her lap.

“He asked me out.” Bailey says, smiling and blushing as she hides her face in her hands.

“Awww, what did you say?” Mayra says, looking at Bailey, hoping she said yes.

“Ummm, I said…” Bailey says, trailing off looking at Mayra.

“I said yes, of course. You silly girl.” Bailey says, sticking out her tongue at Mayra.

“Phew, I thought you were going to say no.” Mayra says, as Lily hops onto Mayra’s lap and curling into a ball, Mayra pets Lily.

“Hey kiddo.” Jack says, over a text message.

“Hey California dad.” Bailey says, in a text back to Jack.

“So I was just letting you know that my female mom savannah cat gave birth to a litter of 7, F5 Silver Savannah kittens about 8 weeks ago. Would you be interested in one, or even Kris and /or Mayra?” Jack says, in a text with a grinning face.

“I’m positive that Mayra would love a cat, my cat Lily has been bothering me for some company.” Bailey says, in a text with a smiley face.

“Well how about the three of you meet me tomorrow at Johnny’s bar around 1:30 then we can go to my house and take a look at the kitties.” Jack says, putting a smiley face in the text.

“Sounds good to me. I’ll run it by Mayra and Kris right now.” Bailey says, putting a smiley face in the text.

“Alright let me know.” Jack says, in a text.

“Hey May May and Kris, Jack just texted me telling me that he has 6 Silver Savannah kittens, he was wondering if both of you guys wanted one, like each of you.” Bailey says, looking at Mayra and Kris.

“I’m down to get a kitty.” Mayra says, excitedly and clapping her hands.

“Me too. I had a cat when I was younger, I miss her.” Kris says, putting both of her thumbs up towards Bailey.

“Awesome, Jack told us to meet him at Johnny’s bar tomorrow around 1:30 in the afternoon, then we will follow him to his house to go look at the kitties, and you may pick them out. Jack just has to get them to the vet to see if everything is ok. He will do that Monday morning, then after Chelsea’s surprise party at Johnny’s bar, we will be able to pick up the kitties.” Bailey says, smiling.

“Hey Jack, just texting you back letting you know that me, Mayra, and Kris will be meeting you tomorrow at Johnny’s bar around 1:30, then go to your house to meet kitties.” Bailey says, with a smiley face.

“Great, I’ll see you then. Love ya kiddos.” Jack says, in a text with a grinning face.

After sending the text off to Jack, Bailey gets up, with Mike’s hat still on her head, as Mayra pauses her TV show. Mayra gets up from the couch, walking up the stairs, and into her bedroom, as Bailey and Kris follow behind Mayra. Bailey enters her room, as she grabs her computer, she decides to check the votes on the Halloween costume hooping video ideas. There are two ideas that caught her attention. She comments on the video saying that they have a couple days left to vote. After commenting on the video, Bailey gets up, putting her computer and Mike’s hat on the desk, as she shuts off the light and crawls under her sheets, and falls asleep. The next morning, Bailey wakes up at 10:15 to the smell of pancakes, sausage, bacon, and eggs. Walking down the stairs, Bailey sees Kris going crazy, making all this breakfast food. She walks over and immediately starts to help make food. Bailey is wearing her black Jack Daniel’s baggy tank top, short black Batman logo sleep shorts, black slouchy beanie, neon rainbow kandi cuff, black and blue I Heart Boobies, her Jack Skellington rubber bracelets, her glow in the dark Batman logo plugs, and her black Batman logo slippers. Shortly after she starts helping Kris cook breakfast, Bailey hears some giggling and chatting from the spare bedroom. The door opens, as Bailey hears Jaime’s voice and Mike laughing.

“You farted on me.” Jaime says, chuckling and punching Mike.
“That was so much fun, I just had the biggest gas bubble ever, and well one thing lead to the next and it just happened to come out.” Mike says, laughing and walking down the stairs.

“It may be funny, yes. But I’m pretty sure Bailey could hear it.” Jaime says, chuckling.

“Oh I heard you guys laughing about it in the spare bedroom.” Bailey says, flipping a pancake off the griddle and in the air.

“Talent. You got it, Bails.” Mike says, wrapping his arms around her resting his chin on her shoulder.

“Thanks, Mike.” Bailey says, winking at him.

“Bailey.” Mike says, standing behind Bailey rubbing her shoulders.

“Yes, Mike?” Bailey says, flipping another pancake.

“Your cute is showing, you really should stop.” Mike says, teasing and rubbing Bailey’s sides, causing her to jump.

“Mike.” Bailey says, flipping another pancake.

“Yes?” Mike says, fixing Bailey’s beanie.

“Your adorableness is showing. Please stop.” Bailey says, turning around and smiling at him.

“Bailey, you’re much more adorable then me.” Mike says, grabbing Bailey tight across waist causing his ass to pop out in the way where Kris needs to tend to her sausage and bacon.

“Mike, move your ass.” Kris says, smacking Mike’s ass with a clean spatula, causing him to straighten up and sit by Jaime who is sitting on the couch.

“I’ll be right back.” Bailey says, putting all the pancakes on a microwave safe plate and putting the plate in the microwave and running up the stairs to Mayra’s room finding her still asleep.

“Mayra, breakfast is ready. Wake up!.” Bailey says, lightly shaking Mayra’s mattress.

“I don’t want to ge-. Breakfast?!” Mayra says, excitingly and getting up and out of bed putting on a bra, almost forgetting that Jaime and Mike are here.

“Yea breakfast. Good thinking putting on a bra, because Jaime is still here.” Bailey says, in a teasing fashion.

"Shut up!" Mayra says blushingly, as she grabs her cow pillow pet, Shadow, that Kimiko gave her, and throws it at Bailey.

“Hey, I know your secret.” Bailey says, sticking out her tongue at Mayra as Bailey attacks her with a hug.

“You’re not mad at me are you?” Bailey says, handing Shadow back to Mayra.

“No, of course not.” Mayra says, hugging Bailey and taking Shadow from her hands and tossing him back onto her bed.

“Good well go get some good breakfast, that Kris cooked.” Bailey says, walking out of Mayra’s room and down the stairs, and blushing upon getting to the bottom.

“You guys hungry?” Bailey says, to Jaime and Mike as they get up grabbing a plate off the little kitchen table that is in front of the stove.

As Mike, Jaime, and Kris plate up their food, Bailey and Mayra plate up their food. Bailey sits down between Mike and Kris, as Mayra sits down next to Jaime and Mike.
Mike and Jaime eat and go for seconds, bringing it over and sitting next to Bailey. She gets up, putting her plate in the dishwasher, grabbing another pancake, and bringing it back over, nibbling on it. As she sits down next to Mike on the couch. Mike finishes eating his second plate full of food. He sets the plate on the coffee table in front of him, and leans back. Bailey starts to play with the palm of Mike’s left hand, tracing his Deathly Hallows tattoo. Bailey lets out a heavy sigh, as Kris and Mayra get up grabbing Mike, and Jaime’s plates and walking them over, and putting them in the dishwasher. Mike pokes Bailey’s side, all she does is snuggles up next to him. Mike picks up Bailey in his arms, asking Mayra to open the front door for him. As she opens it, he makes it out the door, Bailey shuts it behind him.

“What’s wrong Bailey?” Mike says, putting Bailey down on the porch.

“Nothing, Mike.” Bailey says, looking down on at the deck.

“There has to be something wrong, you’re usually not this quiet.” Mike says, pulling Bailey into a tight hug.

“Well tomorrow is coming up on the 4th year of my grandpa’s death. It’s just been really rough for me to cope and try to find closure on it.” Bailey says, crying into Mike’s chest.

“I’m sorry about that, beautiful. Well how about this. You, me, Kris, Jaime, Kimiko, Mayra, Dahvie, and your friend Brittney will all hang with you, if that makes you feel better.” Mike says, frowning then smiling right after.

“I’d love that.” Bailey says, standing on her tippy toes hugging Mike around the neck as best that she can.

“Well, let’s go back inside we can hang out for a little bit longer, then Me and Jime Time have to get ready because Tony and my brother are coming here to pick us up so we can go to San Diego for a family birthday.” Mike says, opening the door for Bailey following her and sitting down next to Mayra.

About 30 minutes goes by, as it is now 11:30, and Kris gets up and starts to wash the dishes. Mayra gets up and helps dry and put away the dishes. About 10 minutes go by, as Bailey, Mike, and Jaime get up and walk up the stairs. Just as Kris and Mayra finish washing and drying the dishes, they follow Bailey, Mike, and Jaime up the stairs. They go into their rooms, everyone takes a shower. After their showers, Bailey walks into her room putting on her distressed Batman logo tank top that goes up her left side, black skinny jeans, her I Heart Boobies and Jack Skellington faces rubber bracelets, her silver star ring, and her gold BFF necklace, and her black TOMS. Mayra puts on her Robin bra, her Robin hoodie, her black faded skinny jeans, and her all black Converse. Kris puts on her light pink and black corset top, her black mini skirt with a sheer longer skirt over the top, her black strappy sandals, her black and silver bangles, her peace sign ring, her heart with wings necklace, her rose earrings, and her black leather zip up jacket. She zips it up as she grabs her phone. She puts it into her leopard print purse, as she picks it up, and puts it on her shoulder. Mike and Jaime both walk down the stairs with their bags, and sit on the couch, waiting for Bailey, Mayra, and Kris. Mayra walks into Bailey’s room, as Kris follows.

“It’s a lazy day today. I’m only wearing my Robin bra underneath my hoodie.” Mayra says, whispering loudly, so Bailey and Kris can hear.

“Hey, if it’s what you want to wear, fine by me.” Bailey says, smiling and picking up her Vans black and white checkered backpack putting Mike’s red SD snapback hat in it with her phone and her My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Wallet.

“Eh, I’m comfy.” Mayra says, walking out of Bailey’s room and back into her room and grabbing her phone off her desk and putting it in her hoodie pocket.

Mayra walks downstairs and sits next to Jaime, as Bailey and Kris follow Mayra. Bailey sits down next to Mike, putting her backpack on the floor, as she grabs her Eternally Yours hoodie from the arm of the couch, and puts it on her backpack by her feet. Bailey grabs Mike’s hand and interlocks their fingers, without thinking twice, and smiling. Mike smiles back, looking down at Bailey, who is looking at their hands that are intertwined together. An hour and a half goes by as it is now 1 o clock. Jaime taps Mike’s shoulder after hearing a couple honks from a horn, and Jaime pulls out his phone from his pocket showing Mike a text from Vic saying.

“Yo, me and Tony are outside Bailey, Mayra, and Kristan’s condo, are you and Mike ready.” Vic says, in a text.

“Dude, Mike we need to go.” Jaime says, getting up from the couch and walking to the door.

“I’ll follow you guys out.” Bailey says, getting up as Kris and Mayra get up following them out.

“Hey Kris and Mayra, I promised Bailey here that we would all hang out with her tomorrow. Invite your boy Kris, invite Kimiko and Brittney over we will all hang out. Bailey will need all the support we can give her. Jaime, Tony, and Vic will come too.” Mike says, wrapping his arms around Bailey.

“Fine by us, have a good time today by family Mike.” Kris says, giving Mike a friendly hug.

“Thanks,” Mike says, hugging Kris. Jaime comes back, hugging Bailey, Mayra, and Kris, as he smiles at Mayra.

“Have fun you guys, text me when you get there please.” Bailey says, smiling and waving as Mike and Jaime get in Tony’s car.

As Mike and Jaime get in Tony’s car, they drive off heading in the direction of San Diego for a family get together. About five minutes later Bailey, Mayra and Kris get up from sitting on the couch grabbing backpacks, purses, phones, and keys heading out the door and getting in the car as they head in the direction as Johnny’s bar is in. Upon arriving in the parking lot, there stands Jack wearing a black Pantera shirt with black faded skinny jeans, and black Vans leaning up against his truck. He flags them over as Bailey pulls up next to him, opening her window he leans down hugging her through the window.

“Are you guys going to follow me?” Jack says, pointing in the direction of his house.

“Yea, you lead the way California padre.” Bailey says, as Jack turns around getting in his truck and Bailey backs up giving him room to back out and lead the way. As the both of them back out Jack leads Bailey, Mayra, and Kris to his house.

Upon arriving at his house, Bailey, Mayra, and Kris get out following Jack into his house where they are greeted by Trixie, Jack’s American pitbull and the daddy F5 Sliver Savannah cat. Jack leads the way where he is keeping the Kittens. Jack opens the door as one of kittens tries to escape, but Bailey catches it before it gets too far. Bailey holds it in her arms as Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Jack make their way into the room, before all the kittens start roaming around the entire house, Jack shuts the door after entering the room. Mayra sits down in the middle of the room as one little boy kitten shyly walks over by her rubbing up against her open hand. Kris sits down near a group of kittens, as the littlest girl kitten walks up to her rubbing up against her arm and batting at Kris’s sheer skirt. Bailey sets down the one that almost escaped out of the room.

“I like this one.” Mayra says, holding the little boy kitten in her arms, wiggling her fingers as the cat gets excited and starts playing with her fingers.

“I like this one, Kris says, picking up the little kitten and rubbing her belly she stretches out her back paws and lays there.

“Well are those the ones that you want?” Jack says, looking at Mayra, then to Kris.
“Yes, they are.” Mayra and Kris say, together looking back at Jack.

“Alrighty then, I will take them to the vet on Monday to get them all checked out, and all that good stuff.” Jack says, shaking Mayra and Kris’s hands and exiting the room as Bailey follows Jack.

“Jack how much do I owe for the two kittens?” Bailey says, about to take out money from her wallet.

“They are your friends, kiddo. I call them my kiddos too. Let’s just say $60 for both.” Jack says, hugging Bailey.

“Are you sure?” Bailey says, looking up at him and holding the money out for him.

“Yes.” Jack says, taking the money from Bailey’s hand and putting it in his pocket.
Bailey enters the room sitting down on the ground and grabbing the cat that tried to escape earlier, putting the kitty on her lap it curls up and falls asleep.

“What are you going to name your kitties?” Bailey says, petting the kitten that is sleeping on her lap.

“I think I’m going to pic Elvis.” Mayra says, petting the kitty that is sitting on her lap.

“Nice… What about you Kris?” Bailey says, looking at Kris.

“I’m thinking Paris.” Kris says, kissing the kitty on the head, as the kitty looks up and sniffs Kris’s lips.

“Awesome. Lily will have friends.” Bailey says, smiling.

“She’s been getting a little depressed since I took her away from her little sister Izzie.” Bailey says, holding the little kitten in her arm as she opens her backpack taking out Mike’s black and red SD snapback hat and putting it on her head and giggles.

“Isn’t that Mike’s hat?” Mayra says, pointing at Bailey’s head.

“Mayyyybe.” Bailey says, blushing and smiling.

“I’m going to take a pic, give me your phone.” Mayra says, giggling as Bailey grabs her phone out of her backpack, handing it to Mayra as she snaps a pic.

“I think I’m going to send this to Mike.” Bailey says, entering the pic in a picture message.

“Hey, does this look familiar?” Bailey says, with a winking emoticon, in little time at all Bailey receives a message back.
“Yeah, it does I wonder whose hat that belongs to. Besides you look totally adorable in my hat.” Mike says, with a grinning and winking emoticon.

“Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe I should return it to the rightful owner.” Bailey says, teasing Mike.

“Nah you can wear it to school on Monday.” Mike says, in a text with a smiley emoticon.

“Awww, such a nice boyfriend.” Bailey says, putting a grinning emoticon.

“Such a nice and beautiful girlfriend.” Mike says, in a text with a blushing emoticon.

“Stahp it you, I’ll talk to you later Mike.” Bailey says, putting a smiley emoticon.

Jack walks in, offering a bottle of water for each of the girls. He sits down grabbing a kitten and setting it on his lap. Looking over at Bailey, he is confused at the hat that’s on her head; he pets the kitten and taking a sip from his water bottle and looking back at Bailey. He shrugs it off thinking that it is hers and she just wasn’t wearing it when she came in. Bailey adjusts the hat on her head; Mayra and Kris get up putting down the kittens. Bailey gets up following Mayra and Kris towards the door, as Jack gets up opening the door for Bailey, Mayra, and Kris.

“Should we get going? We have to get kitten supplies.” Bailey says, taking her car keys out of her pocket.

“Yes, we shall.” Kris says, looking at Bailey as Mayra nods quietly.

“You guys can pick up the kittens on Monday after the birthday party.” Jack says, shutting the door behind him and walking them back to Bailey’s car.

“That we will do. Thank you Jack.” Bailey says, hugging Jack and getting into her car.

Bailey gets into her car, starting it up and backing it out of the driveway and onto the street, entering in the nearest Petsmart in her GPS. Driving in the direction of Petsmart, they park in a parking spot, walking in, getting kitten food, collars, name tags, toys, litter, and litter boxes. Bailey helps carry all the stuff that Mayra and Kris need for their kittens. After checking out all the stuff they got, Bailey helps carry all the stuff out to the car. Bailey texts Brittney and Kimiko to see if they can come over tomorrow, Brittney and Kimiko respond about five minutes later saying they both would love to hang out and be there through the difficult day. Kimiko texts back saying that she would be interested in hanging tonight with Bailey, Mayra, and Kris. Bailey, Mayra, and Kris head to Subway for their dinner, and getting one for Kimiko. After getting their subs and cookies for dinner, Bailey, Mayra, and Kris head for Kimiko’s house to pick her up for girl’s night. After picking up Kimiko, they head for home for their girl’s night of watching movies, painting each other’s nails to begin. Hours go by as Bailey, Mayra, Kimiko, and Kris eat their subs. After eating their subs, the girls all yawn at the same time, revealing that it may very well be tired and need sleep, because Bailey and Kris have work at 10 am. Just as Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko head up the stairs, there’s a knock on the door. Bailey turns around walking to the door and opening it to see Mike and Jaime standing there with duffle bags packed with clothes. Bailey moves out of the way and lets them in, as Jaime walks in following Mayra up the stairs as Mike meets Bailey in the hallway, dropping his bag and he runs at Bailey picking her up and hugging her. Mike sets down Bailey, grabbing her hand and following the others up the stairs to each other’s bedroom. Bailey helps Kimiko get the futon ready for sleep; after Bailey sets up the futon she grabs her Jack Skellington footie pajamas and heads into the bathroom and changes. After Bailey changes into her pajamas, Kimiko heads into Bailey’s bathroom to change into her Spongebob footie pajamas. Bailey runs and takes a flying leap into her bed, shortly after climbing into bed, Mike walks in only wearing black lounge shorts, climbing in and cuddling with Bailey. Kimiko walks out of the bathroom and squeals with excitement, Bailey winks at Kimiko as she smiles and pokes her cheeks with her index fingers, climbing under the sheets of the futon.

“Bailey?” Kimiko says, looking at her and Mike cuddling.

“Yes.” Bailey says, looking back at Kimiko.

“May I watch TV.” Kimiko says, holding up the remote.

“Yes you may.” Bailey says, smiling at Kimiko.

“Thank you.” Kimiko says, smiling and turning on the TV and switching on a rerun of her favorite TV show.

Mike keeps cuddling with Bailey, until she falls asleep. As Bailey drifts off to sleep, Mike gets up carefully and walking into the spare bedroom, shutting off the light and crawling into bed and falling asleep. Jaime walks in and climbs into the premade up futon in the corner of the room and drifting off to sleep. Soon after, Mayra, Kimiko and Kris fall asleep. It’s October 7th a warm and sunny Sunday morning, also a day Bailey has been dreading to get up for; as Bailey gets up, she startles Kimiko awake. Bailey gets up shutting off her alarm and walking to Kris’s bedroom door, opening it and finding Kris standing at her closet, trying to find something to wear to work. Bailey walks back in her room, finding Kimiko dressed in her clothes. Bailey walks over to her closet and picks out her black Of Mice & Men, her black/ blue shorts, her Squidgy necklace, her two row studded pyramid cuff, her skeleton hand ring, her stack of black rubber bracelets, her teal and black Vans, her black Vans backpack, her pink and turquoise black heart curved barbell, and her black Ray Ban sunglasses. Kris picks out her black *Wild Child* shirt, her dark blue skinny jeans, her owl earrings, her two row pyramid studded bracelet, her rib cage heart necklace, her sugar skull ring, and her black Converse. Bailey heads into her bathroom, as Kris does the same. As they are done with their showers, they put on their clothes. Bailey puts her hair up in a messy ponytail and some eyeliner to make herself look more presentable for her and Kris’s 11 am shift at work.

“Bailey, do you mind if I can into work with you and Kris this morning? Mayra likes to sleep in lately.” Kimiko says, putting on her shoes.

“I don’t think my boss would mind, Sundays are usually kind of slow. You could sit in the break/ back room.” Bailey says, putting on her shoes and grabbing her backpack off the floor.

“Alright sweet, thank you.” Kimiko says, putting on her Converse.

“No problem.” Bailey says, smiling.

“Are you ready?” Mike says, standing in his work uniform leaning on the door frame of Bailey’s room.

“Hello adorable.” Bailey says, winking at Mike.

“You look cute, Bailey.” Mike says, smiling innocently at Bailey.

Bailey, Kris, Mike, and Kimiko finish getting ready to go, Bailey writes a note for Mayra and Jaime, just so they know where everyone is. Bailey picks up her Vans backpack off the floor and putting it over her shoulders; she walks out of her room as Kimiko follows shutting the door behind her. Bailey, Kris, Kimiko, and Mike all walk down the stairs, as Bailey grabs her car keys, setting the note down on the kitchen table, they all walk out the door, Bailey locks the house door and unlocks her car, as Mike gets in the front, and Kris and Kimiko get in the back, Bailey gets in and starts up the car, backing out of the driveway and making her way to Del Taco to get something for lunch, after getting food for lunch, Bailey drives to Buca Di Beppo on Center Avenue for the start of Mike’s shift. Bailey pulls up to Buca, getting out with Mike and walking up with him to the door, as the two of them have a little conversation, as they end the conversation, Mike pulls Bailey into a long hug. Mike turns Bailey around by the shoulders so she faces her car and lightly pushes her so she walks to her car, getting in as Kris gets in the front seat. Bailey drives to work, pulling into an empty parking spot, Bailey, Kris, and Kimiko get out of the car as Bailey grabs her backpack, shutting the doors, Bailey, Kris, and Kimiko walk into the mall heading straight for Hottopic. Walking into Hottopic, Bailey introduces Kimiko to Shannon.

“Hey Shannon, this is Kimiko. Is it ok that she hangs out in the break room today?” Bailey says, looking at Shannon.

“Sure thing it’s not a problem, Sundays are our slow days usually.” Shannon says, putting on her lanyard.

“Thanks.” Bailey says, kind of in a depressed tone and showing Kimiko to the break room where she can hang out for the entirety Bailey’s shift.

“Is she ok?” Shannon says, looking at Kris.

“Eh, not so much.” Kris says, in a melancholy tone.

“What’s wrong with her? Shannon says, holding Bailey’s lanyard for her.

“It’s her grandpa’s 4 year anniversary of his death today, and ever since he died she just feels down about it. So today after work, her new boyfriend and a couple other friends of ours are just going to hang out with her.” Kris says, sitting down on a chair behind the counter.

“Awww, well hanging with her should be a good thing. Who’s her boyfriend?” Shannon says, in an exciting tone.

“His name is Mike.” Kris says, with a smile.

“Is he tall with lots of tattoos, wears beanies?” Shannon says, putting her hand up of her head.

“Yes, yes he is. He’s very adorable.” Kris says, winking at Shannon.

“Is he good for her?” Shannon says, waiting for Bailey to come out of the break room.

“Yes, I snapped this pic of them on the couch yesterday morning. They were holding hands and cuddling.” Kris says, smiling and showing Shannon the pic.

“Oh yea, he came in here on Tuesday afternoon when Bailey was working.” Shannon says, smiling.

“I like that kid, very polite and he is cute.” Shannon says, smiling as Bailey comes out of the break room and hugs Bailey tight.

Bailey is confused as to why her boss is hugging her, but just hugs her back, as it’s just a friendly gesture. Bailey takes her lanyard from Shannon’s hands and puts it around her neck. About 2 hours go by as it is now 1:30 pm, Shannon tells Bailey and Kris they are allowed to take their lunch break, as Shannon walks out the store and towards the food court. Just as Bailey and Kris bite into their tacos at the checkout counter, a tall skinny man with spiked hair a nose piercing on the left, with an Aspire and Create tank top, black shredded jeans and all black converse and aviator glasses with a mid-height skinny man with long brown hair with side swiped bangs to the left, brown eyes, and a lip piercing on the left side walk into Hottopic. Bailey almost spits out her tacos, as she realizes who the two men that are walking into her place of work.

“Hello I’m looking for your jeans.” The male with spikey hair and aviator sunglasses says, looking at Bailey over the top of his glasses.

“Over there.” Bailey says, swallowing her food, and pointing at the racks of jeans against the wall.

“Thank you.” The male with spikey hair and aviator sunglasses says, looking at Bailey over the top of his glasses.

“You’re Austin Carlile, and you’re Shayley, Oh my god.” Bailey says, pointing at the male with spikey hair and aviator sunglasses and then to the male with side swiped bangs and brown eyes.

“Yes, I am and you are?” Austin says, chuckling and holding out his hand to Bailey.

“I’m Bailey.” Bailey says, meeting Austin’s hand with hers then doing the same with Shayley’s hand.

“Nice shirt by the way.” Austin says, pointing at Bailey’s Of Mice & Men tank top.

“Thank you, this is Kristan or Kris.” Bailey says, pointing to Kris who is shocked at who is standing in front of her.

“Nice to meet you.” Austin says, chuckling and offering his hand out.

“Ni-nice to me-meet you too.” Kris says, stuttering out of her mouth.

“I need new jeans.” Austin says, looking down at his shredded jeans and wondering over to the rack of women’s jeans.

“I came for a new lip ring.” Shayley says, wondering over to the cabinet with body jewelry.

“Please excuse me for a minute.” Bailey says, picking up her taco and taking it to the break room.

“Kimiko, you need to come out here. Close your eyes also.” Bailey says, in a semi depressed mood and giving Kimiko no choice but to come out of hiding by guiding her out of the break room by her hand and standing her next to Shayley.

“Open your eyes.” Bailey says, as Kimiko opens her eyes, and is standing right by Shayley Bourget.
“Oh my god.” Kimiko says, managing to get out in a squeaky tone.

“Hi there. Who might you be?” Shayley says, smiling and offering a hug as he sees her crying.

“Kimiko.” Kimiko says, in a shy squeaky tone and hugging Shayley.

“I’m sure you know who I am.” Shayley says, smiling as he feels Kimiko nodding against his chest.

“Yes.” Kimiko says, in a happy tone.

“Good, I’d hope so. Especially by the way you reacted.” Shayley says, smiling at Kimiko.

“Ca- can I ge-get a signature and a pi-picture with you, when you’re done?” Kimiko says, in shy tone and spotting Austin looking at jeans.

“Yeah, no problem.” Shayley says, calling Bailey over to the jewelry cabinet as she unlocks it and taking out the pairs he wants and bringing them to the counter, as Austin brings up two pairs of black jeans.

“Is this together or separate?” Bailey says, grabbing the pants that are in front of herself.

“Separate.” Austin says, looking at Shayley then back at Bailey.

“Yes separate payments.” Shayley says, pulling out his wallet as Kris scans his items over, as Shayley hands her his HT+1 card scanning that in the machine and he hands her his credit card, sliding it through the machine, printing the receipt and a copy so he can sign it, he slides the receipt and pen back towards Kris as she bags up his purchase as Bailey does the same with Austin’s purchase.

“Would it be too much to get our pictures with you guys?” Kris says, looking at Austin and Shayley, then looking towards Bailey seeing that she is kind of upset.

“Yea, sure that shouldn’t be a problem. Is she ok?” Austin says, gesturing towards Bailey’s direction.

“Ehh, depends on what your definition of ok is.” Kris says, hugging Bailey, as her depression kicks in.

“My grandpa died 2 years ago.” Bailey says, as she starts crying on Kris’s shoulder, as Austin, Shayley, and Kimiko come behind the counter gathering Bailey in a group hug.

“Hey, it will be ok.” Austin says, rubbing Bailey’s back in comfort.

“Promise?” Bailey says, looking down at the scars on her legs and back into Austin’s eyes now uncovered by his sunglasses.

“I promise. I know we just met, but promise you won’t do that anymore.” Austin says, turning Bailey around by the shoulders and looking down at her legs, then meeting eye contact.

“Promise.” Bailey says, hugging Austin again.

“I know we just met, but we love you. Knowing you’re a fan of, Of Mice & Men. Do you have a sharpie?” Austin says, holding out his hand.

Kris hands Austin a sharpie from behind the counter, as Austin signs Bailey’s tricep along with Kris and Kimiko’s triceps, as Austin hands the sharpie over to Shayley as he signs under Austin’s signature on Bailey, Kris, and Kimiko’s biceps. Bailey grabs her camera from the pocket on her Vans backpack, and out of the camera case. Bailey takes two photos of Kris, one with Austin and one with Shayley, then again with Kimiko again one with Austin and one with Shayley as Bailey hands over the camera to Kris as Kris takes Bailey’s pic with Austin and then one with Shayley. Bailey, Kris, and Kimiko each give one last hug and goodbyes to Austin and Shayley and they exit Hottopic. About 20 minutes later Shannon comes back from lunch just as Bailey and Kris throw away their trash into a nearby garbage can. The next couple of hours go by with a few costumers and it’s now 5:45 as the mall security make a 15 minute warning as to announce the mall is closing soon. Bailey gets two texts on her phone one from Mike and Brittney.

“Hey Bailey, when are we hanging out?” Brittney says, in a text with a smiley face.

“Soon, we can come pick you up on our way home. We’re just getting ready to close up shop, and then we’re going to pick up Mike from work. Then we’ll be by you after.” Bailey says, with a smiley face in a text.

“Cool, can’t wait to hang again.” Brittney says, with a winking emoticon.

“Ugh, I’m so sick of Jake. That bastard tripped me and I spilled all of my costumer’s food on them.” Mike says, with a very angry emoticon in his text.

“Mike, calm down, we’re leaving soon then we will be over there to pick you up then we’re going to pick up Brittney.” Bailey says, with two hugging smiley emoticons in the text.

“Alright see you soon; I’m just talking with the boss outside right now, waiting for you guys.” Mike says, with a slanty face (:-/) emoticon.

The next 15 minutes go by and the mall is now closed. Bailey, Kris, Kimiko and Shannon pack up their stuff and head out to their cars. Bailey unlocks her car, as Kris and Kimiko pile into Bailey’s car, starting up her car, and pulling out of the parking spot, Bailey receives a phone call from her dad, Bailey picks up the phone.
“Hey, kiddo. How are you?” Bailey’s dad says, over the phone.

“I’m alright, dad. Just got off of work about to pick up some friends and hang with them tonight.” Bailey says, as she makes her way into the Buca Di Beppo employee parking lot, as Kris switches to the back seat next to Kimiko.

“Well, I don’t want to keep you on long, we’re up at grandma’s house tonight since it is grandpa’s day of passing, but I’m out in the garage, right now.” Bailey’s dad says, in a melancholy tone.

“Grandma hates me, dad please don’t tell her where I moved too. We don’t need World War III in the family.” Bailey says, in a flat tone.

“I know, sweetheart. Neither mom or I told her about that.” Bailey’s dad says, in a more chipper tone.

“Good. Hey I need to turn a corner real quick dad.” Bailey says, as she puts her finger at the window where Mike is standing.

“Should I let you go?” Bailey’s dad says, in a hurried tone.

“No, just hold on.” Bailey says, putting her phone on mute, and waving her hand so Mike knows he’s allowed to open the door, as Mike gets in the car. Bailey puts her phone on her seat, and leaning over and hugging Mike.

“Ok sorry, that took a little bit longer the expected.” Bailey says, unmuting her phone and putting on her ear.

“It’s ok.” Bailey’s dad says, in a flat tone.

“Ugh, Jake needs to be fired.” Mike says, in a very angry tone.

“Kiddo, who was that?” Bailey’s dad says, in a confused tone.

“Well dad, I’m kind of glad you called. That is my boyfriend, his name is Mike.” Bailey says, putting in her wireless headset as she puts her hand on Mike’s thigh.

“Can I meet him? I know not face to face right now, but maybe over Skype?” Bailey’s dad says, in a happier tone.

“If you let us know when you get home.” Bailey says, in a sarcastic type tone.

“Yeah, you know how long mom’s goodbyes take.” Bailey’s dad says, sighing.

“Yes, I do.” Bailey says, as she pulls out of the parking spot.

“Well, we are leaving in about 10 minutes. So I will text you in about an hour.” Bailey’s dad says, in a hopeful tone.

“Alright, well please let me know when you guys get home.” Bailey says, pulling up to Brittney’s house.

“Sure will, talk to you later, kiddo.” Bailey’s dad says, hanging up the phone as Bailey does the same, and Bailey honks the horn for Brittney.

Brittney walks out of the house coming over to the door behind Bailey’s seat as Kimiko scoots over sitting in the middle. Bailey backs up and out of the driveway and heading towards the condo, turning down the road the condo is on, Bailey pulls up into the driveway receiving a text from Mayra, saying that the door is open. Bailey, Kris, Kimiko, Brittney, and Mike get out of the car grabbing their belongings along the way as Kris, Kimiko, and Brittney walk up to the front door, opening it and walking in, Bailey grabs Mike’s hand and interlocking their fingers together, and pulling him back into a hug.

“Awww, Bails you’re super cute.” Mike says, wrapping his arms around Bailey.

“You are too.” Bailey says, grabbing Mike’s hand as he starts walking again, as Bailey remains still.

“Are you coming?” Mike says, walking back by Bailey.

“Mi-mike, I’m.” Bailey says, trailing off, catching Mike’s attention.

“You’re what?” Mike says, wrapping his arm around Bailey’s shoulder.

“I’m bisexual.” Bailey says, looking up at Mike into his eyes.

“As in, I like both girls and guys. I’m sorry, it had to come out I know we’ve only been going out for two days or just about. But I felt like I was hiding something that you deserved to know. I’m really sorry I-.” Bailey says, mumbling as she gets cut off by Mike’s hand is placed over her mouth.

“It’s ok, Bails. I don’t care at all. If that’s who you are, then I’m not going to change anything about you." Mike says, pulling Bailey into a hug.

“Aww, but.” Bailey says, as Mike grabs Bailey’s hand and walks to the door with her, and opening it as Bailey walks in a head of Mike.

“But nothing.” Mike says, entering the house behind Bailey.

Bailey and Mike enter in the house taking off their shoes next to everyone else’s and sitting on the couch, as Mike puts his arm around Bailey’s shoulders and pulling her close making her feel as if she’s welcomed and loved. As an hour passes by everyone’s stomach starts growling, Mayra gets up from sitting next to Jaime and pulls a Chinese menu out passing it around, Mayra writes down everyone’s order as Kris calls in the order for delivery, the male on the other end says in a heavy Chinese accent that the food will be ready in 15 minutes delivered in about 25 minutes. About 25 minutes passes by as the Chinese food arrives, Kris gets up and pays for the order, as Kimiko rushes over to help carry in the food, Kris is greeted by Dahvie with a hug and is picked up off the floor. Kris grabs Dahvie’s hand in hers getting some plates, and silverware for dinner. Dahvie comes over to Bailey offering her a hug. Bailey gets up off the couch and hugs Dahvie, feeling a little bit better that she is surrounded by the love of good friends. The doorbell goes off as Jaime gets up off the couch getting the door, entering the house is Vic and Tony, offering Bailey a hug each. Bailey sits back down on the couch, and grabbing a plate of food, Bailey eats the plateful of food as she set the plate down on the table. As Bailey lays her head on a pillow on Mike’s lap and puts her feet on Brittney’s lap. Bailey gets herself in comfortable as her phone buzzes and its Bailey’s father telling her that they got home and he’s ready to Skype when Bailey and Mike are ready. Bailey sends a quick text out to her dad telling him what Mike’s Skype is. Bailey and Mike excuse themselves from hanging with their friends for about 10 minutes, they make their way up to Bailey’s room as Bailey grabs her laptop off her desk as Mike logs into his Skype and see’s one new contact request from Bailey’s dad. Mike clicks accept as Bailey and Mike get a video call from her father. As Bailey introduces Mike to her father, after 15 minutes, Bailey and Mike get off Skype to join their friends for the last couple of hours of fun for movie and game night. It’s now 11:30 as Kris gets up because there’s a knock at the door, opening the door and revealing Kellin standing there.

“I’m here to pick up Brittney.” Kellin says, walking in through the open door and up to the couch to see Brittney sleeping on Bailey’s shoulder.

“Brittney.” Kellin says, lightly shaking Brittney’s shoulder.

“Brittney.” Kellin says, again lightly shaking her shoulder and kisses her hand.

“Hey babe. Let’s go home, so you can sleep in bed.” Kellin says, as Brittney wakes up and hugging Bailey as Bailey hugs her back.

“Thanks for coming over tonight Britti, it means a lot to me.” Bailey says, as Mayra gets up and follows Bailey, Britt and Kellin to the door.

“We will see you guys tomorrow at school.” Mayra says, hugging Britt goodbye.

“Yep, see you guys tomorrow.” Brittney says, hugging Bailey.

“Adios.” Bailey says, waving as Brittney walks with Kellin to his car.

“We need to wake up in a few hours for school.” Bailey says, yawning into her hand as she jumps onto the couch almost landing on Mike as he catches her.
“Well then let’s go to sleep.” Mike says, picking up Bailey and carrying her upstairs to her bedroom.

“Thank you, Mike.” Bailey says, showing the first smile of the day, and everyone follows Bailey and Mike up the stairs.

“Anytime, Bails.” Mike says, smiling and standing behind Bailey with his arms around her waist and puts his head on Bailey’s head.

Mike let’s go of Bailey so she can change into her pajamas and get comfy in bed, Kimiko lays on the opened futon. Mike comes in Bailey’s room and hugs her as he changes into his boxers, as she giggles and takes a picture of the half-naked Mike. Kimiko gets up and knocks on Bailey’s bathroom door. Bailey opens the door and Kimiko barges in, showing Bailey the picture she just snapped of Mike. Bailey freaks out and accidently hitting a few bottles of shampoo as they hit the floor and making a loud thud sound. Bailey whispers something in Kimiko’s ear as Kimiko nods at Bailey sending her the picture of Mike she took. Bailey and Kimiko come out of the bathroom as they see Mike lying under the covers on Bailey’s bed. Mike flips back the covers as Bailey runs and jumps under covers as Mike swings them over Bailey and cuddling with her, keeping her warm and safe. Bailey flips herself around so she is facing out towards the inside of her room, as Kimiko looks at Bailey and giggling of the existence of Bailey and Mike’s relationship. Bailey feels her phone vibrate in her hoodie pocket as she checks it and gets the picture that Kimiko sent her, saving the picture to her phone, she sets her alarm Bailey falls asleep, and shortly after she falls asleep everyone else drifts off to sleep hoping for a good night’s sleep.

Bailey, Mayra, Kimiko, Kris, Mike, and Jaime wake up on the beautiful October 8th morning to their alarms buzzing, as they all get up, Mike hugs Bailey almost squeezing all the air out of her lungs. Mike lets go and walking into the spare bedroom and changing into clothes for school, as Mike and Jaime change into their clothes, Mike comes back in Bailey’s room and announces that him and Jaime are going to leave for school and just meet Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko at school. Bailey hugs Mike, as he picks up his backpack and walks downstairs and out to his car, where Jaime and himself get in and head in the direction of school, making one stop along the way. Kimiko picks her clothes and puts them on, grabbing her backpack with her books for school; Kimiko walks downstairs leaving Bailey to get ready for school. Bailey picks out her black and silver bandeau bra, her black spaghetti strap camisole, her black and purple *Vampirella* skirt with lace, her black Jack Skellington faces rubber bracelet, her angel wings curved belly button barbell, her spike brass knuckles necklace, and her black jelly bracelets. Bailey heads into the shower, after taking her shower, Bailey puts on her clothes as she puts on her black spikey flats, she puts her hair into a simple pony tail and does a simple black eyeliner wing with a mini white shimmery eyeliner wing above, and puts on her coffin ring. Mayra picks out and puts on her light pink shirt, her light blue skinny jeans, her black, pink, white, and multi colored friendship bracelets, her black key necklace, and her black TOMS. Mayra grabs her black crocheted beanie and puts it on her head. Kris picks out her black distressed batman logo tank top, her black/ blue shorts, her Finn the human earrings, her Adventure Time rubber bracelet, her black heart and skull necklace, and her Sailor Moon purse. Kris heads into her bathroom and takes a shower, she comes out and puts on her clothes and grabs her purse, as Bailey and Mayra meet Kris in the hall and proceeds downstairs to meet Kimiko sitting on the couch waiting for the three of them, Kimiko gets up and walks to the door, as Bailey and Kris grab a Monster from the fridge. Bailey grabs her car keys, walking to the door, she opens the door walking out to her car as Mayra and Kris follow behind, Bailey unlocks her car as Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko get in the car, Bailey makes her way to school, upon arriving in the school parking lot Bailey is greeted by Mike with a Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino blended crème from Starbucks. Mike extends out his arm with the drink and Bailey takes it, and takes a sip, and gives Kris a Caramel Frappuccino blended crème, as Jaime extends out his arm to Mayra holding a Caramel Frappuccino blended crème in one hand and a Mocha Latte for Kimiko in the other, as Mayra and Kimiko take their drinks, they sip on it as Bailey and Mike walk hand in hand to their lockers to get the stuff they need for the day. Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko admire the decorations hanging in the halls, being that it is homecoming week.

As Bailey, Mayra, Kris, Kimiko, Mike, Jaime, Tony, and Vic gather their things from their locker, they all depart in the direction in which their classes are at. Everyone makes it to their classes; the day goes by as it is now lunch time, Bailey, Mayra, Kris, Kimiko, Mike, Jaime, Tony, Zacky, and Kayli sit at the tables that are in the lunch courtyard. Mike and Zacky get up from the table, Mike hugs Bailey, and Zacky hugs and kisses Kayli as the two disappear off to the bleachers, having a smoke and catch up with their weekend. About 5 minutes later, Chelsea walks up from throwing away the stuff from her lunch, she taps Bailey on the shoulder, startling Bailey, causing her to turn around and face Chelsea.

“Hey Chelsea, what’s up?” Bailey says, standing up and looking at Chelsea.

“I was just wondering if you know of anything that’s happening tonight, my brother has been acting a tad bit shady lately.” Chelsea says, in her thick British accent shifting her weight between both feet.

“No, not that I know of, Mayra, Kris, Mike, Jaime and I were going to hang at our place.” Bailey says, covering herself from exposing the fact that there is a surprise party tonight at Johnny’s Bar.

“Hmm, are you sure there isn’t anything happening tonight?” Chelsea says, looking over at where Andy and James are sitting.

“Yea, I’m positive. Mayra, Kris and I have to pick up a few things from my friend’s house also tonight, but I’m pretty sure that’s all were doing besides hanging out with the boys.” Bailey says, fixing her necklace so the clasp is on the back of her neck.

“Thanks, for the help. Let’s chat sometime again.” Chelsea says, look at Bailey the over at her brother and boyfriend.

“Talk to you later, Bailey.” Chelsea says, walking away and joining Andy and James as Andy kisses Chelsea on the cheek.

Bailey picks up her garbage and tosses it in a nearby garbage bin, Kimiko gets up and does the same almost knocking Bailey over with excitement because of a text from her best guy friend Angelo Parente, the drummer of Motionless In White. Bailey catches Kimiko and stands her back up on her feet. Kimiko texts Angelo back with excitement, as her and Bailey walk back over to the table picking up their belongings as Mike returns back, Bailey runs over to Mike, jumping up and hugging him, holding onto him as a monkey would. Bailey runs her fingers through Mike’s hair, dropping down back to the ground, the bell goes off as Bailey and Mike split in their separate ways going to their classes, Bailey receives a text from Jack saying that the kittens are in good health and are able to be picked up tonight after the party. Bailey replies, and forwards the text off to Mayra and Kris; everyone goes to their remaining classes for the day as Bailey gets to her locker Mike is standing there waiting with Jaime, who is watching from afar, as if he is waiting for someone to come. Mike whispers something in Bailey’s ear, something about Mayra. Bailey grabs the stuff she needs for homework out of her locker and shoves it in her backpack, shutting her locker she sets down her backpack as Mike does the same, Bailey stands in front of Mike as he wraps his arms around her arms. Jaime darts off around the nearest corner, as he sees Mayra turn around the corner, heading towards her locker. Jaime watches from around the corner as Mayra reaches her locker, she opens it, as a little folded up piece of paper falls on the ground, setting her art book on the top shelf; she bends down picking the paper off the floor, she opens it to find out what it reads.

*Dear Mayra, I think you’re an amazing and beautiful girl. I would love to hang out with you more, and get to know you better. How have you been? I’m probably just rambling now; I think you’re a wonderful girl. I’ve actually had this note written out for a couple days now, anyway here’s my number, give me call or a text sometime. Your friend, Jaime. (With a dimpled smiley face)*

Mayra looks around confused for Jaime, finding that he is nowhere to be seen, or even heard, she continues gathering her belongings and shoving them into her backpack, less than a minute later, Jaime taps Mayra’s shoulder causing her to turn around and smile. Mayra blushes slightly; she turns her head trying to hide her cheeks from Jaime. Jaime smiles at Mayra showing his dimples, causing Mayra to blush more.

“Can you come over here with me?” Jaime says, offering his hand out to her.

“Su-Sure.” Mayra, says stammering out as Jaime grabs her hand leading her over to the other side of the hallway about twenty feet away.

“Well, what I wanted to ask you was…” Jaime says, pausing and smiling.
“Wh-What did you want to ask me?” Mayra says, looking into Jaime’s eyes.

“Mayra, I’ve had a crush on you, well since the first day you showed up. So my question is. Will do me the honor of being my girlfriend? Jaime says, looking back into Mayra’s glistening eyes.

“Ye-Yes, I most certainly will be your girlfriend.” Mayra says, hugging Jaime as they walk together hand in hand back over to their lockers.

“Awww you guys are adorable already.” Bailey says, clapping her hands while looking at Mayra and Jaime.

“Stahp it Bay Bay.” Mayra says, blushing at Bailey.

“Okies.” Bailey says, leaning her head on Mike’s chest.

“So are we all going to travel together to Chelsea’s party?” Mike says, rubbing Bailey’s arms.

“We could, I think we would all fit in my car?” Bailey says, grabbing Mike’s hand and interlocking her fingers with his.

“I agree. But we have to make a run to work to pick up our paychecks.” Kris says, looking at Bailey.

“We should also get her a little gift. I was thinking about a gift card to Hottopic.” Bailey says, as Kris, Mayra, Kimiko, and Jaime shut their lockers.

Jaime grabs Mayra’s hand making their first move together as boyfriend/ girlfriend. Mike and Bailey walk hand in hand out to Mike’s car with Kimiko, Kris. Kris sees that Vic and Tony are leaning up against Bailey’s car. Bailey, Kris, Kimiko get up to Bailey’s car, Bailey unlocks the car startling Vic and Tony just a little bit, Kris and Kimiko get in as Mayra gets hugged by Jaime, after getting hugged Jaime hops into Mike’s car, as Vic and Tony do the same.

“We’ll meet you at your place, alright? Then we can all head to Johnny’s bar from there?” Mike says, hugging Bailey.

“Yea, that’s a good idea. I’ll call you when we are close so you can get ready.” Bailey says, smiling and blushing at Mike.

Mike lets go of Bailey, kissing her hand and getting into his car starting it up and backing it out of the parking spot waving, and blowing a kiss towards Bailey and driving out of the parking lot and towards Bailey, Mayra, and Kris’s house, as Bailey blushes and gets in her car, backing out of the parking spot and towards Westminster Mall. Upon arriving in the mall parking lot, Bailey, Mayra, Kris and Kimiko get out walking up to Hottopic, getting greeted by Shannon. Shannon gives Bailey, Mayra, Kris, and Kimiko a hug. Leading Bailey and Kris to the break/ staff room, Shannon hands them each a white letter size envelope with their names on them. Bailey folds the envelope in half and holding on to it. The three of them walk out to the counter, where Bailey picks out a gift card as she takes out $10 from her mini zip wallet, Mayra and Kris hand over $10 each putting it on the counter as Bailey says to put $30 dollars on the gift card Kris grabs the card and puts in her purse for safe keeping.

Shannon hugs all of the girls again as they depart from the store and off to Walmart on Talbert Avenue to pick out a panda stuffed animal. After pulling into the parking lot of Walmart they make a mad dash into the store stopping in the card section, picking out a birthday card and a matching envelope, they pick up a gift bag and some tissue paper and make a dash to the toys section of the store picking out the smaller panda pillow pet. The girls make a quick dash to the checkouts, after checking out they get into the car, Bailey pulls out of the parking spot and making their way to the condo to pack up the present and meeting Mike and the rest of the boys. Upon arriving home, the boys are sitting in Mike’s car waiting for the girls, when Mike sees Bailey pull up to the house he and the boys get out of the car as Bailey gets out and walks up to the front door, unlocking it and walking in she puts the bag from Walmart on the coffee table. They all sit on the floor around the table, Bailey pulls out the card and a pen from her backpack, she puts it in front of Mike as he does his chicken scratch of a signature, then slides it over to Tony, then continues around the table, making it back to Bailey. Kris hands Bailey the gift card and writes the amount on the little card envelope, as Bailey signs the card, putting the card and gift receipt in the envelope, sealing and writing *Chelsea* on the front of the envelope in a swirly font. She puts tissue in the bag as a liner, and she takes off the price tag from the pillow pet, she puts the pillow pet in the bag and writes on the bag tag who it’s for and from.

Bailey picks up the bag and grabs her car keys from off the couch, putting the lanyard over her wrist as she grabs Mike’s hands pulling him off the floor and hugging him. As Kris grabs her car keys offering people a ride, everyone heads out the front door as Kris locks up behind, as a few people get in Bailey’s car including Mayra, Mike, Jaime and Kimiko. Bailey’s phone starts buzzing and ringing, Bailey looks down and sees it’s Brittney, she picks up and opening the car door, and standing up against the door frame.

“Hey Britti.” Bailey says, smiling and tapping her fingers on the roof.

“I was calling to see if you could pick me up for that birthday party.” Britt says, with excitement.

“Oh yea, we’re just leaving actually but my car is full, I could make my friend Kris follow me to your house so she can pick you up. How does that sound?” Bailey says, looking at Kris, who nods looking back at Bailey.

“That sounds great, see you soon. Love you.” Britt says, smiling on the other end.
“See you soon, Britt. Love ya too.” Bailey says, smiling and walking over to Kris’s car that has Vic and Tony in the car.

As Bailey pulls out of the driveway and making her way and down the street as Kris does the same, they make their way to Brittney and Kellin’s house. Kris pulls up into the driveway and honks the horn to let Brittney know that they are there. Brittney walks out of her house, opening the door of Kris’s 2012 black Dodge Charger, getting in the car, Bailey pulls out of the driveway and drives to Johnny’s bar.

Upon arriving in the parking lot, Bailey pulls into a parking spot as Kris pulls in next to her, after both cars get shut off, everyone gets out as Bailey grabs the gift bag from the floor on the passenger side and gets out as does everyone else, Mike puts his arm around Bailey’s back, walking next to her as everyone enters into Johnny’s bar. Upon entering the bar, Bailey almost gets knocked over by the force of the tall 6’ 1” black spike haired man, wearing a black A Day To Remember shirt, and black jeans.

“Oh sorry, kid.” Jack says, grabbing Bailey’s bare shoulders.

“It’s ok.” Bailey says, smiling.

“Hello.” Jack says, looking at Mike, who put his arm back around Bailey to keep her from falling.

“Hello sir.” Mike says, looking at Jack.

“Who may you be?” Jack says, offering his hand out.

“I am Mike, Bailey’s boyfriend.” Mike says, shaking Jack’s hand with his free hand.

“Nice to meet you, Mike.” Jack says, walking back around the bar.

“Nice to meet you too sir.” Mike says, walking over to the bar, pulling the bar stool out, so Bailey can sit down on it.

“There you go babe.” Mike says, putting his arm around Bailey’s shoulders.

“Thank you, babe.” Bailey says, as she interlocks her fingers with his left hand.

“Welcome.” Mike says, as Mayra sits next to Bailey with Jaime right next to her holding her close.

About 15 minutes later, Bailey’s phone starts vibrating on the bar, picking it up to see who is texting her, it is Andy letting her know that Chelsea is on her way is about 10 minutes away. Mike picks up the gift bag that is sitting at Bailey’s feet as he walks it and sets it on the table with the rest of the presents brought by other people. 10 minutes later Chelsea walks in wearing a black satin, black lace covering a white and black lace-trimmed dress with a purple bodice, and a pair of purple sequined strap pumps.

“Surprise! Happy Birthday, late.” Everyone says, shouting and greeting Chelsea as she walks through the door.

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you everyone.” Chelsea says, giving people hugs.

“You’re welcome sis.” James says, smiling at Chelsea.

“People that are here for Chelsea’s party, food is on order from the Famous Donuttery, and drinks are for the party.” Jack says, as he cups his hands over his mouth making it louder.

About 10 minutes later, Jack taps Bailey’s shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts, as Mike unwraps his arm from around Bailey’s side. Bailey gets up from the barstool she’s sitting on, fixing her skirt, she follows Jack near a more quiet part of the bar. Jack whispers something that only Bailey can hear, something dealing with the bar/ drinks.

“Got it, kid?” Jack says, looking at Bailey making eye contact with her.

“Got it.” Bailey says, looking back at him.

Soon after their talk Jack and Bailey turn around to see Jaime standing by the juke box about to play Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk. As soon as the song starts playing, Mayra smacks Mike’s arm lightly getting his attention, as she hops on the bar stool she’s sitting on, and gets on the bar.

“This is my jam, I can dance to this anywhere.” Mayra says, as she starts dancing on top of the bar.

“Babe be careful.” Jaime says, watching Mayra on the bar.

When the song is almost over, Mayra slips on some of the condensation from her glass that is empty from her 4th glass of Mountain Dew and falls off the bar landing on her ass behind the bar, seconds later, she springs back up clapping as the song ends.

“We’re good.” Mayra says, laughing and putting her thumbs up in the air.

As Jack walks back around behind the bar, Bailey meets back up with Mike hugging him from the back, causing him to turn around and, put his arms around her. Mike leads Bailey to a more quiet part of the bar, wanting to ask her a question, but not sure how to ask it.

“Hey babe, do you mind if I have a beer, just as long as you drive home?” Mike says, grabbing her hands in his and interlocking fingers.
“No, that’s actually what Jack pulled me away to talk to about. I’m going to put a limit on one hun.” Bailey says, looking at Mike.

“You’re amazing and VERY beautiful.” Mike says, kissing Bailey on the forehead, then on the nose, just about he’s going to kiss her on the lips, he stops, unsure how Bailey will feel.

“You’re fucking adorable.” Bailey says, jumping up into Mike’s arms, hugging him around the neck with her feet wrapped around his stomach.

Just as Mike sets down Bailey and are going to exit from the little corner they were standing in. Bailey hears Mayra shriek and getting slap happy, Kiss The Girl comes on over the speakers in the bar, as Jaime takes Mayra’s hands and begins slow dancing with her. Mike grabs Bailey's waist and pulls her close, kissing her on the lips causing her to get all giggly and happy. Jumping up in his arms again, Bailey pulls Mike’s head closer to hers as lock lips again this time with a little more force.

Mike smiles at Bailey and sets her down on the ground carefully, as they walk back over to the bar, Mike orders a beer from the bar, and starts drinking it. A couple hours later the party wraps up, as two of the other bartenders come in along with Kelly. Bailey wraps her arm tight around Mike’s back, as he puts his arm around Bailey’s shoulder. Bailey glares at Kelly and keeps walking. Mayra, and Jaime meet up at Bailey’s car, as Bailey unlocks the car and everyone gets in, as Bailey sees Jack run out after them as he gets into his SUV, backing out of the parking spot he’s in, Bailey follows him to his house to pick up Elvis and Paris. Mayra and Kris’s new kittens, making them a great edition to the house along with Bailey’s fat calico cat Lily.

As Bailey, and Kris arrive at Jack’s house, Bailey, Mayra, and Kris get out of the cars, following Jack inside the house, where he has Elvis and Paris in a different room from the other kittens as he runs around trying to find two cat carriers for Mayra and Kris. Jack hugs the kittens, and puts them in the carriers, Bailey. Mayra, and Kris all hug Jack thanking him for the kittens, everyone heads out of the house, gets into the car and drives home. Upon arriving home, Bailey, Mayra, Kris, Mike, Jaime, and Brittney get out of the cars, Mayra and Kris pick up the carriers, as soon as they pick them up the two kittens at the same time, they get the kittens inside and shut the door. Setting down the carriers on the carpet, they open up the carriers and just let them get used to their new home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: Sorry this chapter took so long. There may be some typos, sorry about that.