Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


Who are you?

I watched as Briar's hands glide across the piano keys with such grace and elegance, a soft tune coming from the notes she hit. I took a moment to look around the classroom at my peers who were doing their best to not stop and watch us. There was always someone staring at us, it's not a new thing though, we just draw the eye. There is something about us that seems out of place to people, like we shouldn't be there, and they are right, we shouldn't be.

I spotted the Deric, a redheaded boy who was built rather well, and looked very out of place in the music class. He was staring at us, typical. A sudden thought of hunger rushed through me.

"Rhi? Are you okay?" I only then noticed that Briar's tune had stopped,
"Yeah I'm fine Briar, why did you stop?" I asked her with a small smile to reassure her, she didn't buy the smile because the look she shot me as she went back to playing wasn't one of acceptance.

We had just moved to Townsville, it was a small town, which is something we longed for after living in a capital city for the past four years. The signal bell for the end of second period rang, bringing me out of my thoughts of hunger. Briar and I grabbed our bags and headed out the door to meet Charlotte, who was waiting for us with a look of impatience on her face,

"You know the wind will change one day and your face will stay like that," I said jokingly, she just raised her eyebrow at me. I looked up at the cloudy sky and took note of how the cloud cover was thinning, which wasn't a good sign. "Hey Charlotte, maybe a little more cover would be good?" 
"I'll do something about it when we get over with the others," she replied simply. I Guess the main reason that everyone is drawn to us is because it is our best weapon, for myself and my sisters, are not human, we are vampires.

Not only are we vampires, but we are some of the few that have powers, similar to a sixth sense that is an extension of our previous lives as humans. Charlotte's gift was extremely rare, and extremely helpful for us, as it allowed us to live practically anywhere we wanted. She can control the weather, she can make is cloudy, sunny, rain, snow and even cause vicious winds to occur with the blink of her eyes.

My power wasn't as rare as hers, I can put a thought in someone's head, kind of like a suggestion, but it has a force behind it, but nothing like mind control, the person still has a choice, they just needed a strong will to resist fulfilling the suggestion.

Briar's got a natural gift with people, she can't be hated, plain and simple. We notice that people who dislike Briar tend to have bad luck or bad karma, we can't decide.

As we rounded the corner to the others I felt the first drips of rain. Charlotte wasn't lying when she said she would fix it when we got to the others. I watched her pull the hair tie out of her long blonde hair and hand it to Briar, who was complaining about the now pouring rain that was hammering down. Flicking the dark brown mop up into a bun, Briar called out to my other two sisters, Teia, a shorter girl with tight curls that hung at her shoulders and Jade, the youngest of the five of us with light brown hair and kind eyes.

Teia's talent was in nature, she could grow anything in seconds, and can call to animals if she wanted, and Jade is a shape shifter, she can move her body and facial features to look like anyone.

“Hey Jade, that Seth kid is looking at you again,” I said, nodding over in the direction of the only boy that would ever look at us blatantly. He was tall with black hair, with brown eyes. He always seemed to be looking at Jade.

Seth was in every one of my classes; occasionally he would say hi but kept a fair distance.
“I’ll go over and talk to him,” Jade said enthusiastically.
“And say what, Hi! your blood smells nice, B.T.Dubs, I'm a vampire.” Charlotte protested sarcastically.
“I don’t like him, I just find him… interesting,” she replied as she pulled her lunchbox out of her bag. When we moved here we decided that we would start to try and fit in a bit better by taking lunch with us to school, even though the taste was bland and repulsive.
“Oh how I miss potato salad,” Charlotte sighed. We all agreed with her.
“I hate lunch,” I protested as I picked at the lunch I had made myself,
“Don’t we all,” Jade Chirped in.

After a few minutes of silence I decided I was bored of the average lunch period,
“I’m going for a walk,” I said to the others as I got up,
“In the rain?” Teia asked
“Yes Teia, in the rain.” I walked off. I decided that maybe the library would provide me with some piece of mind and time to think. I looked around at the younger grades that would go running through the rain or some of the other girls in my grade as they tried to manage their ruined hair and makeup, these people were so average and boring, I found that they are all very similar, all very fake. Granted you will come across someone who is relatively interesting once in a while, but that's only for a fleeting moment. I was drawn out of my thoughts for a moment when I smelt something, something different, something that wasn't human... It was another vampire, no, another three.

I followed the smells to the office, and that's when I saw them. Three men who had the same look as we did. Pale skin wearing long sleeves and jeans, covering as much of their skin as possible. Are these the vampires that are wandering round the school. I noticed one of them had spotted me. He was kind of tall with copper hair, then I noticed his eye colour, not red like those vampires that feast off of humans, but golden like mine and my sisters, he drank animal blood as well. He still hasn't looked away, and I didn't like it, it was as if I could feel his presence digging around in my mind. I quickly turned and started heading to my initial destination.

I was still thinking about the three vampires while in the library, it was really starting to worry me, because I have no idea how to go about them. This school isn't big, roughly seven hundred students, so it's not like we could avoid them for long. I put my head down behind my book and closed my eyes, letting people's though patterns enter my mind. I couldn't hear what people though, but I could see how their thoughts were playing out, they look kinda like colours in the form of lines that vary from being straight to curved to jagged to wavy. It was relaxing sometimes to use watch them. 

After a few minutes I noticed a different thought pattern amongst them and they were very close to me. I sat up quickly to find myself face to face with one of the vampires I saw in the office. He was of bigger build with short brown hair and a stupidly cheesy grin on his face.
"Hello little vampire, nice to meet you." He said to me, I didn't know what to say to him, so I got up and walked away to put my book back. I could here him chuckle to himself and then follow me. I found the spot where the book belonged and then sighed as I knew he was standing next to me, still with that stupid look on his face,
"Can I help you with something?" I turned to him with a sarcastic smile and a bitter sweet tone, 
"Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Emmett, Emmett Cullen." he said arrogantly,
"Rhiannon." I stated my name quickly and went to walk past him. He stuck his arm out in front of me, blocking my path. I looked up at him, noting that he was quite taller then me. 
"So are you like a Pokemon and your name is the only think you can say?" I appreciated the reference but didn't appreciate the comment in general.
"I'm sorry, now if you would kindly tell me what you want or let me past, thank you," it was rather prompt of me, but I am not one to socialise with people, especially in a school environment. Don't get me wrong we have friends that we have known for a couple of decades, but no one we keep constant contact with. 
"You could be a little more inviting you know, a little less... To the point," he joked, again, I didn't appreciate it,
"Well it is saving us a lot of time going round and round with pleasantries," I ducked under his arm which I felt drop down onto my shoulder as he continued to walk with me, I chose to ignore it. "Look, Emmett,"
"Oh you remembered my name," he cut me off,
"As I was saying, I assume you know about special abilities, well, don't mess with me or you may discover what mine is. And you won't appreciate it," I frowned as I looked into his eyes. I realised this was the first time I had looked him square in the eyes, there was something there, behind the arrogance and jokes that was almost kind and soft.
"Well, I am sorry, I just thought I should get to know the other vamp that is hanging round this town."
"Maybe in time, but right now, you are either in my way or boring me with your pointless conversation, and just so you know, there is more then just me here, I have my sisters too, and they will probably welcome you as warmly as I have." I finished my bold statement as I walked out of the library to see the other two there waiting, damn, have I walked into an ambush?

"I take it it didn't go well Emmett?" the first guy I saw said,
"I told you Edward, stay out of my head," Emmett growled, okay so he is a mind reader,that makes sense of his staring at the office.
"I didn't mean to stare before, your thoughts just kinda stood out."
"Well, staring is still rude." it was the only thing I could think of to say, I took in the other guy who was with them, not as tall as Emmett but taller then Edward, blonde hair and a charming sort of manner.
"His name is Jasper." Edward said, answering my unspoken thoughts,
"Okay so what do you want?" I was getting impatient with these games they were playing,"

"Rhi! There you are," I saw Jade and Tiea coming towards us, now I was starting to freak out, family meant everything to me, and I still didn't know about these new vampires, I didn't want them getting to close with them here. I started looking for their thought patterns. 'Do not come over here'. They both sort of hesitated and then I saw Briar and Charlotte coming behind them and I knew I couldn't hold all of them. The three boys had turned by this point.
"So these are your sisters then, not biological of course, but you family now?" Edward asked, I felt a sudden wave of curiosity come over me, as if I had seen someone who I fancied and wanted to know more about them. "Jasper, control your powers." Edward said gritting his teeth. What was happening?

After much discussion between my sisters and I, we decided it would be better off having these vamps as friends, and having the ability to keep an eye on them. Charlotte agreed mostly with me, she didn't trust them also, at least someone had some common sense.

The bell rang to signal the end of a very eventful lunch break, and I couldn't wait to get into my English class, little did I know I was going to be joined by Emmett, and when he walked all the way to the class with me, I was absolutely thrilled... Not.
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Disclaimer: all Stephanie Meyer's ideas characters and concepts are hers, I'm just borrowing :)

Also, the song in my head for when Briar is playing is this