Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


Two Arrive, Two Survive

When the plane touched down in Rome I was on edge. Something didn’t feel right about us being here. Once we got inside the terminal I switched my phone on and waited for it to get signal.
“Rhi, have you seen how bright it is out there?” Jade asked, looking out the tall glass doors to the outside world. It was over cast; however it was still bright enough for us to become exposed for what we are.
“Makes you thankful for Charlotte, doesn’t it?” I smiled at her, and then the symphony of text message alerts came through on my phone, I scrolled through them on the lock screen, Emmett, Emmett, Emmett, Charlotte, Carlisle. The fact that Carlisle had messaged me intrigued me, so I swiped across the message and unlocked my phone.

There will be a ride awaiting you when you land in Italy,
I have an old friend who will pick you up, her name is Alice.
She will be able to find you,
Good luck,

This confused me, I had no idea how he had known that we had gone. Jade poked me in the ribs, and gestured to a small woman with short black hair and deep golden eyes who was coming in our direction and waving at us,
“Do you know who that is?” Jade asked, sounding a little freaked out,
“Alice,” I guessed. Jade looked at me as if asking where I had met this person, I just shrugged at her. Alice was close to us now,
“Hello Rhiannon, Jade.” She said hugging us. I wasn’t sure what to do now, Jade looked just as stunned,
“Alice, must you hug everyone you meet?” A tall blonde woman had arrived behind Alice, she was very beautiful, but when she looked at me I felt a little intimidated, as she didn’t exactly look, more glared,
“It’s cool Rose, in my eyes, they are already friends,” okay, this is getting too confusing for me,
“Yeah, not in mine,” She paused and looked us over, “I’m Rosalie Hale, and this is Alice Cullen if you hadn’t already guessed,” She addressed us,
“Wait? You guys are part of the Cullen family?” Jade asked with a shocked look on her face,
“Yes, a couple of decades ago we lived with them, Carlisle took us in,” she explained as if it should be common knowledge. I frowned, not liking the way this woman kept looking at me. As if she hated me. “Now here,” she handed us some sunglasses and scarfs to put over our heads to block our faces from view, these vampires obviously have been doing this for a while to know what to do in the situation, “We have a car waiting out in collections, let’s move,” she continued, pulling her own scarf on and slipping the designer sunglasses onto her face.

Once we were in the car Jade and I slid into the back seat, I took my sunglasses off. Rosalie was in the driver’s seat and Alice in the passenger. We took of down the streets of Rome, Rosalie weaving between cars and trucks. I closed my eyes and let the new lines play over my sight. I had to open my eyes for a moment when I found Alice’s thoughts, her patterns were so bold and drastically changing all the time, it was hard to keep a hold on.
“How did you know we were coming, and who we were?” Jade asked, her curiosity always got the better of her, I preferred to remain silent.
“I can see the future, or at least, of a specific person at a single time, and I had a vision a few weeks back of you two showing up here and becoming stuck at the airport, I tell you though, it was hard deciding if we should alert Carlisle before you decided to leave.” Alice explained to us about how she decided to let us come because the alternative was something she didn’t want to go through,
“If it was up to me, we would have told Carlisle,” Rosalie said angrily, I decided I didn’t like her much, as she was always so abrupt and didn’t have a very nice attitude about her.
“What would have happened if we didn’t come?” I asked, breaking my silent protest,
“I can’t tell you, it’s always changing. Maybe once we are done here,” Alice turned to me and smiled, she was very graceful in the way she presented herself, I was more happy to like Alice and except her help over Rosalie’s, she seemed a lot more happier to be doing this.

We came to a stop outside an old castle, I shuttered in it presence, remembering my first encounter with these vampires.
“I want you to wait here Jade,” I turned to my sister,
“Hell no, I’m going up there with you to get him,” she countered,
“Jade, I don’t want you to meet these vampires, they aren’t the sort that you want to notice you, especially with your talents, they will hunt you.” I said firmly, she pouted and shook her head,
“I’m going Rhi,” with a frustrated sigh I yielded and nodded,
“Fine, are you two coming as well?” I question, looking at the two in the front seats.
“I am!” Alice exclaimed, a little too excitedly, Rosalie, sort of rolled her eyes and nodded. We flung the doors open of the car and ran to the shadows quickly, making our way to the two giant doors that had the Volturi’s crest hanging above them. They opened for us as we came closer and two men dressed all in black were standing there to greet us. We walked to the receptionist’s desk. I looked at the woman behind the desk, she was a smaller woman, but the thing that threw me off was that her eyes were green, not red or gold, she was human.
“I want to see Aro, now.” I told her,
“I’m sorry, Aro is busy at the moment, maybe if you come back next week,” She smiled, which made it a bit harder for me to do what I did next. I singled the woman’s thoughts out and bombarded them with suggestions, ‘He really isn’t that busty, I can let them through,’ ‘Aro won’t mind a slight interruption’. “Actually, He isn’t that busy at the moment, lucky for you girls, I’ll show you through,” she got up and showed us down the hall to a pair of doors that opened when she approached.

“Excuse me sir,” she said in a small voice,
“It’s okay Celia, you can go, I know why these people are here,” a tall man with longer, slicked back, hair stood in front of us, a small blonde girl and boy sat behind him, “Hello Rhiannon, it has been too long,” he smiled at me,
“Always so pleasant Aro,” I returned, he chuckled deeply, it sent shivers up my spine,
“What brings you to my home today?” He asked pleasantly, a smirk set on his face,
“You know why Aro, and I’m not leaving till we have him,”
“And why should I give him over?” Aro teased,
“Because, he was under our protection,” I growled,
“What is the real reason?” he asked,
“Maybe I can be of some help?” Alice said, gliding forwards to Aro, sticking her hand out to him,
“Ah, my dear Alice,” he smiled as he took her hand and closed his eyes, a moment later he opened his eyes and looked at the small vampire, “This is interesting, and changes things mildly, however, the process has started, and he will not be ready to leave for another three days,” Aro smiled lightly,
“YOU CHANGED HIM!?” Jade yelled and started to lung, I grabbed her arm and flung her back round behind me and held her there, being older and stronger, it wasn’t much of a fight, she was hissing and growling at him,
“Jade, calm down, you will only bring bad luck upon yourself,” I soothed her as I watched other vampires emerge from the corners on the room. I saw the twins and Amelia close on our right, and a tall red haired man dressed similar on our left. I felt like I knew him or had met him before.
“It is okay, her sister has her pinned, no need for interference,” Aro said to them, and they stepped back into the shadows of the room. “If what Alice has shown me is correct, then the changing of this boy was inevitable, it was going to happen eventually, so I propose an offer to you.” He kept going, “Once Seth is changed, and we find out what his power is, we give him a choice to either go with you or stay with us.” This made my muscles tense, as I knew that Aro would keep his word about letting him leave if he chose too, as this was the same offer he had made me when I first met him. I nodded,
“Fine, we will be back, I can trust you will keep your word Aro?” I glanced at him,
“Of course,” He smiled and I turned to start walking out, dragging Jade behind me, “Oh and Rhiannon,” I turned, “Maybe you should think on where you would like to be, and so should you Jade,” he smirked and I swung her in front of me and pushed her out the doors.

“Why is Aro giving us a choice?” Jade asked after se calmed down, we were in a little motel room and she was pacing the room as I sat at the little desk in the corner,
“Because Aro can see everything you ever have when he touches you. He can see all memories, every feeling you have held for someone, every dream you have had, he can see it all, which is why I didn’t want you going up, he can play them against you.” I answered her, “The question you should be asking, is what Alice has seen in the future to make him give us a choice,” this made her stop her pacing and to look at me, I turned and looked at her, raising an eyebrow at her,
“Don’t look at me like that, I have not effing clue!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air and bringing them down to slap her sides. “You have met him before,” Jade started, sitting on the bed beside me,
“Yes, you know that,” I replied,
“Yeah, but you have never said about how, and what happened when you left,” this was a story I didn’t really want to tell her, I preferred having only Charlotte know, even then I wasn’t so comfortable with her knowing,
“You don’t need to know Jade,” I replied, pulling my phone out and logging into the hotel’s Wi-Fi.
“Tell me? Please?” she asked,
“No, maybe one day, but not today,” I sighed,
“Rhi, please?” she pouted at me,
“Okay, fine, but you asked. When I was a new vampire, about ten years old, I couldn’t control my urges for blood like I can now, I was a terror. I was smart about the way I went about my kills however, not like some new fledglings, which would just run out and kill whole towns. I would target people, usually young men. I’d watch their schedule, watch their every move, see who they would go see, see if they had anyone to care about, and once I knew they had no one that would go looking for them, I would lure them away, and take what I needed and would then take the body with me, no one would know I’d been there. Little did I know that these skills and smarts would bring the Volturi agents looking for me. When I first found I was being followed I ran, they chased me half way across England until one of them caught up with me. His name was Felix, and he was very kind about it. He convinced me to go back to meet Aro. Once in Italy I had met Charlotte while waiting to go see Aro. She was staying at this motel, the same as me. At first I thought she was weird and crazy, for her golden eyes had me stunned. She told me of the lifestyle that animal blood bought, not having to be constantly moving and not having to kill people. It got me thinking about it, but then Felix came and took me up to Aro. I didn’t know what Aro’s power was when I met him, so I shook his hand, and I saw him frown.” I stopped, remembering what happened next,
“Well?” Jade asked,
“Well, Aro made an offer for me to join him, one which I declined,”
“That seriously can’t be all, you hate him so much, and it indicates there is something he did?”
“He threatened me with my dreams, like I said to you; he will play with your feelings, and if it hadn’t of been for Charlotte, I would have stayed with him, and would probably be on the other side of this argument.”
“What did he use against you?” Jade asked, I realised I had never really told anyone about this part, about what he had used against me, I looked at her and sighed, knowing she wouldn’t let it go.
“The fact that I was about to be a part of a family before I got changed, and how I still longed for it. He threatened to go after my old family, my human family.” Jade just sat there, stunned.