Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


It's A Family Thing

The questions kept coming for the next three days, Jade curious o know everything about my human life. In some ways it was good to tell someone, as I hadn't really shared this with anyone. Jade was cut off mid question when three light taps came from the door. I walked over and opened it to Alice and Rosalie. Alice glided in and sat on the edge of the bed with Jade, babbling about something to do with how she wished we could stay longer, Rosalie just stood inside the door.
"Is it time to go get him Alice?" I asked, grabbing the things we h bought over the three days and shoving them in the overly full backpack.
"Yup, Aro sent word to us this morning," she smiled as she got up and started folding the clothes that I had just shoved in the bag.i rolled my eyes at her, I had really come to like Alice, she was very kind,
"Can we get a move on please Alice, the quicker these people leave the quicker I can get back to living in peace." Rosalie's snide remark made me frown, on that note,we quickly packed the rest of our things and were on our way.

We walked in behind Celia, who I again had to manipulate to get inside.
"Welcome girls, nice to see you are looking well," Aro smirked,
"Let's just get this over with Aro, I have places I need to be," retorted, I was ready to go home, and so wasn't in the mood for pleasantries,
"Very well," Aro nodded and a door behind him opened, the red headed man walk though, dragging a boy along with him,
"SETH!" Jade screeched, about to go to him when I grabbed her wrist,
"Wait," I whispered,
"Jade?" Seth turned to look at us, his eyes a deep red, "What are you doing here?" He paused, looking her up and down,
"We came to get you, to take you home," she cooed,
"Wait, you're a vampire?" He looked shocked,
"Well, yeah?" She was confused, obviously Seth didn't know about us at all, so this would be a bit of a surprise to him, he just stayed silent.
"So, Seth," Aro said, holding out a hand to him, calling him over, Seth went over to him, "Your friends have come to take you back to Australia, only if you wish to leave." Aro explained to him, "However, I can offer you so much more here, all the blood you need to survive, and the training to hone your skills," he smiled, Seth looked at us, and back to Aro,
"Can I ask a question?" He looked around again,
"Anything," Aro replied,
"Why are your eyes gold?" He looked at Jade, I wave a relief came over me, as I knew that the way Aro was delivering his but on how good being an agent would be, could have convinced to Seth to stay, but with this question we might have a chance to get him back,
"We don't drink human blood," I began, " We drink from animals, giving us the ability to stay in one place, not have to run, not have to kill, we can live normal lives." He looked as if considering both things he had heard. I glanced around the room quickly, to see how many vampires were there, I stopped on the red haired man who had bought Seth in, the feeling that I knew him still there. His eyes were locked on me as well, then it snapped, Felix, the vampire who had bought me in, he was till here with the Volturi, this was how I knew him,
"I have a decided that I want to go with Jade," Seth's voice drew me out of my thoughts, Aro looked shocked, as if he expected Seth would stay and join his army, he took a moment to compose himself,
"Very well, I shall keep my word," he sounded pissed, something I had never heard from Aro before. I let Jade go and she and Seth met together and hugged. It was nice to see her happy.

Alice and Rosalie took us to the airport terminal then. They waited with Seth and Jade while I went to buy tickets. I was watching them from in line when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, it was Felix.
"Hello Rhiannon, it has been quite some time," he smiled a kind smile at me, I had always wondered why Felix was with the Volturi, he was very kind, not the sort you would think would be there.
"It has Felix, forgive the abruptness, but why are you here?" I asked, he smiled again and handed me a letter,
"Don't open it until you are on the plane," he said,
"What is it?" I asked,
"You'll see." Was all he said, he then turned and walked away. I was looking at the envelope in my hands, wondering if I should open it,
"Next," the heavily accented woman behind the desk called, snapping me back to reality.
"Hi, can I get three one way tickets to Brisbane, Australia please?"

As I walked back to the other, tickets and letter in hand I flipped it over to look at the crest stamped into the wax. It was a crest I hadn't seen before.
"Here Jade," I handed her the tickets, "flight leaves in two hours,"
"Okay," she smiled and went back to talking in Seth's ear, I could hear her saying things to keep his mind occupied, as with this many humans around, he would probably be finding it hard to control the urge to go on a complete massacre. She also kept a hand on his arm, not that she would be able to stop him at the moment, a new vampire could easily match the strength of a vampire twice Jade's age, that would die down in a few months, but at the moment, he would have us beat in a link of an eye. I went back to looking at my letter, I began to slip my finger under the seal to break it open,
"Rhiannon," Alice exclaimed, I looked up surprised,
"Don't open it," she said, her tone alarmed me a little,
"Why?" I asked, confused,
"Bad things will come of it if you do, just don't open it, please."
"Ah, okay?" I was still very confused.

Our flight was called over the PA system and we said our goodbyes to Alice and Rosalie, Alice took my hands in hers,
"Remember this, when the time is right, remember to send me an invitation," she smiled and gave me a hug, the hell does she mean, Alice was confusing to talk with. I just gave Rosalie a nod of acknowledgment and went to the gate. Once on the plane I slipped my headphones on and turned my music on, ready to go home. I was ready to see Emmett again, I have missed him a lot.

When our flight touched down in Townsville I was over planes and airports by this point. We walked into the terminal and it wasn't even two seconds after we got into the lobby when I was scooped up into Emmett's arms in one of his hugs,
"Hey baby, I missed you too," I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck and putting my head in the crook of his shoulder,
"Don't ever leave again," he whispered and kissed my cheek, it was then I realised how serious we were, I just smiled.
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Sorry it has been a while since updating. Have been super busy :(