Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


Strike Three

“Rhi? Are you home?” Charlotte called up the stairs, Emmett and I had snuck off from school early and came back to my place, he rolled over played with one of my plaits that was over my shoulder and snickered. I held a finger to my lips and smiled, I quickly grabbed my jeans off the floor and slipped them on and retrieved my shirt from the chair near my door.
“Hey Char, what’s up?” I asked, still smiling as I thought of Emmett up in my room,
“Why did you leave early? Is something wrong?” She questioned me,
“Nah, just didn’t feel like being there, who are you my mother?” I joked, she didn’t smile though, just placed her hands on her hips,
“Emmett is here isn’t he?” she asked, I snickered a little,
“No! What are you talking about? Don’t be silly,” she walked over to the stairs and started to walk up towards my room, “I wouldn’t go in there Charlotte,” I warned.

I hadn’t laughed so hard in my lifetime; the next few seconds were hilarious. I heard Emmett’s voice come down the stairs,
“Oh hi-ya Charlotte, was expecting Rhi, but you can join me if you like,” I couldn’t help but laugh at the speed charlotte was out the door of the front house. I went back upstairs, and looked at Emmett, who was lying on his side, supporting his head with his elbow.
“I hope you weren’t like that in front of Charlotte, she will be scared for life,” I joked with him, he responded by grabbing my waist and pulling me down to kiss me.

As I lay on the bed next to Emmett I closed my eyes, just letting his thoughts come into my vision. It had been about four months since we had gone to rescue Seth, and it had been pretty quiet, however Emmett and I had gotten very close. He was spending many nights at my place and I at his. I had noticed the flourish in relationships my sisters as well, Charlotte and Jasper seemed like they were destined for each other and Jade and Seth were in their honey-moon period of the relationship. Briar and Edward were still a little awkward with each other, but it was in a sweet and innocent way. But with all these relationships, I can’t help but wonder what Teia thinks, she has had her share of relationships over her years, but none have fit for her. I just wish there was a fourth Cullen for her or something.

I felt Emmett rest his hand on my hip and opened my eyes, he was smiling at me and pecked my lips,
“You know, this is the happiest I have been in so long,” He said quietly, the moment was very intimate and it was nice, I had never felt like this about any of my previous vampire relationships, and the boy I had been in a relationship with when I was human was the only person I had ever had anything real with, “I love you,” he kind of half whispered it and smiled at me, I smiled back at him,
“I love you,” he slipped his arm under my neck and pulled me close to him so he could kiss me.

After that moment things kicked into overdrive, the week flew past. Our senior year was coming to an end, and we would graduate soon, so we had exams and assignments to the max. It was the week before out exam block started, and it was a boiling hot November day. I was lying in the back yard, a math text book next to me and my headphones in my ears. I had always hated math, I couldn’t really comprehend it. I always passed it, because it rarely changed, but I still had to practise it, not that I ever really found it useful. Teia was also in the yard with me. She was playing with a flower, making its petal colour change at will. I got a little captivated by it for a minute, it changed from blue to baby pink to a bright yellow. I took one of my headphones out,
“So Tee, got any love interests for the summer coming up,” I half joked at her, she just looked at me,
“Uh, no? Can’t date humans, not that I would date any of these people, and al vampires are unavailable” she made the point with a small laugh and went back to playing with her flower, I felt kind of bad for bringing it up now, and went back to listening to my music.

Emmett had come over later that night with a picnic basket in hand.
“Uh, did anyone not tell you that we don’t eat food?” I asked, a little confused, he just laughed,
“It isn’t filled with food,” he opened it and it had a pair of baseball mitts in it and a baseball, “We were hoping to show you and the girls a bit of the American pass time,” he grinned, “With Charlotte’s help of course.”

We had piled into two cars after arriving at the Cullen’s and headed towards the camping grounds,
“So what exactly is it you want me to do?” Charlotte asked Edward, who was driving. Charlotte, Jasper Emmett and I had gone in Edwards Volvo, which he protested to as Briar then had to go in the other car, but with much teasing and prodding from Emmett gave in,
“Just create some thunder, so we can play properly,” Edward explained, the three boys all had baseball pants on and white T-shirts. Charlotte and I were dressed a little more casually, I had a white tank on and running pants and Charlotte had a white shirt and three quarter length tights.
“Easy enough,” she nodded. When we pulled up, the boys went over to Carlisle’s car and started to grab the bats and plates out of the boot. We all walked into the bush a bit and found a small-ish field; there were some trees here and there in the long grass
“Will this be big enough?” Teia asked,
“Yeah, but the grass is too long,” Edward complained,
“That’s no problem,” Teia laughed, and bent down and touched the ground lightly. The grass started to retreat into the ground, becoming short and soft, the few trees that were left dotting the field also went back into the ground. “See, no problem,” she repeated,
“Crap that’s cool!” Emmett exclaimed, I then realised that none of the Cullen’s had actually seen Teia’s gift before.
“Well, now that that is settled, let’s play ball,” Carlisle said.

Emmett and Edward ran the plates around to make a diamond and Carlisle and Esme opened two of the bags they had, one had red baseball shirts in it the other had white,
“Do you just carry these round with you wherever you move?” Jade joked with Carlisle, grabbing the red one he threw at her,
“Never know when we want to play a friendly game, and uniforms make it more fun,” He replied, Chuckling me a red one also. Mine was a bit big so I left it unbuttoned and tied the bottom of it together. He chucked a red shirt to Teia and Briar too. He then handed Esme a White one and each of the boys one. “Okay, family verse family,” he laughed as he threw a bat up in the air, Emmett had gone forward and caught it, this was how we were to decide who fielded and batted first. I was about to step forward, but Jade’s competitive nature was strong enough to rival Emmett’s, and so she was up and had her hand above his. They did this all the way up till Jade grabbed the top of the bat first, “Batting or Fielding?” Carlisle asked, she looked at us,
“Batting,” She grinned and came back over to us bat in hand.

The game was fun, Charlotte was up to bat and Jade was at third base, I was at first. Charlotte looked like a pro the way she had her hair in two plaits and the bat held high over her shoulder. Edward was bowling and looked way too confident. Esme was catching and Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle were out in the field.
“Okay Charlotte, try hit the ball, you just need to swing the bat,” Emmett was bantering form out in the field; Charlotte just hissed at him and got ready to swing. The ball Edward threw was fast, as in, a human probably wouldn’t have been able to see it. Charlotte swung and the loud crack of the ball colliding with the bat sounded, sending it flying into the trees the opposite side of the field. Emmett and Jasper both gave chase, Jasper pushing Emmett into a tree. Jade had run past home base and I had just made it to third when I saw this and had to take a moment to laugh at him. I ran past home base and turned to watch Charlotte racing the ball that had come flying out of the trees; she slid and reached the plate as Esme caught the ball,
“SAFE!” Carlisle called, I laughed and poked my tongue out at Emmett, who had come over, as it was their turn to bat, he just growled a little and picked me up and spun me round, placing me back on the ground and pecking my lips lightly,
“Hey, don’t fraternise with the enemy,” I knew that voice, it was light and soft, I looked past Emmett and received a surprise. Alice’s small form stood next to Carlisle, Rosalie was also there,
“ALICE!” Jade squealed and went and gave her a hug, I had noticed that Jade and Alice got along well; I also went over and gave her a hug.
“Hey Em, how have you been?” I heard Rosalie talking, I spun round at the use of the nickname from her and she had her hand on his arm and was standing a little too close for my liking,
“Yeah, alright,” He answered, and I went and slipped under his arm in between the two,
“Hey Rosalie, and how have you been?” I asked crudely, hoping she would get the hint, why was she acting like this towards Emmett? For whatever reason it was, I didn’t like it.
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Sorry about late update again :(