Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


Taking a Chance

The next few weeks flew by, Emmett finally plucked up the courage to ask me out, so we made it official about a week ago. Since then he had been spending almost every day at our home. Jasper had also asked Charlotte out, who took a bit more convincing than I did, and we could all see the feelings that Edward had for Briar. Teia remained her level headed self through all the craziness but sometimes I felt as if she was getting left out. Jade also had a crush, an unhealthy one at that. She was still thinking about Seth, and finally admitted to me that she liked him.

"For the last time Jade, you can't be with Seth, you know what would happen if the Volturi thought that he knew," Teia was lecturing Jade again at one of her comments about telling Seth about herself. The Volturi are a powerful and old group of vampires that rule our kind, they don't really give a rats half the time, but when vampires become too much of a common knowledge they step in and handle the problems. I didn't want that fate for Jade, she was the youngest of us all and was still a little naive. I also didn't want attention on this town or on my family, and the increased number of vampires in the area already makes us a target, but to have humans involved as well, it would be catastrophic.
"Why not, I'll tell him, then I’ll change him," she said with an innocent smile and a shrug,
"That would be selfish Jade and you know it," Teia continued, "You can't just assume that he will want to be changed, and that process is a painful one."
"Yeah but,"
"Enough Jade," Charlotte cut in before she could continue, Jade, sighed and slumped down further into the chair she was sitting in, knowing that she couldn't argue with Charlotte, as she was the eldest. I looked around the library and took note that this was the first time all five of us had been together by ourselves for a while, granted Briar was on her phone and not paying attention to the conversation whatsoever, and Charlotte and Teia were at their wits end trying to show Jade why she couldn't tell Seth about us.

The bell rang to signal the end of the period and we all went off to our second period class. Teia and I walked up the stairs to the chemistry labs, where Edward, Jasper and Emmett were already waiting. I went over to Emmett and got up on my toes and kissed him on the cheek, he wasn't satisfied with just a peck on the cheek so he swept me up into what we have now labelled an 'Emmett Hug.'
"Put me down Em!" I said through giggles,
"How was study period?" He asked once placing me back on the ground,
"She thinks it was boring and a waste of her time," Edward said looking over at us, 'oh my god get out of my head I don't like it!' He just laughed then stopped suddenly. He squinted is eyes at me, as if trying to see something, 'No, no, no, you stay out of my head,' "What is going on with Jade and that human boy?" Edward asked at vampire speed,
"Not that it is any of your business, she has a little crush, that's all, nothing will come about it." I said at normal speed, he didn't like the fact that I was telling him off, you could see it written all over his face. I was about to give him another price of my mind when I saw him cringe, "What up with you?" I asked him, his eyes flicked over in the direction of another group of kids, it was the, I guess, popular group, Mike Newton, Angela, Jessica, Eric, Tyler, and the ever so annoying Bella Swan.
"She is always thinking about me, it's annoying as all hell!" Edward whispered to Jasper, as he looked over at the group. Who the hell was he talking about, I noticed Jasper was just chuckling to himself when I saw Bella starting to walk over here. I got it now, Bella must have a thing for Edward.

"Hi Edward," she said shyly, Jasper was almost bursting with laughter,
"Hey Bella, what's up?" Edward replied, then I felt Emmett's breath on my neck,
"What is going on?" He whispered, I just put a finger to my lips and pointed slightly at Bella and Edward, hoping that he would pick up what was going on himself. He still looked clueless.
"I was just wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" She replied, standing awkwardly with one hand across her body holding her other arm. She was probably the biggest clutz I had ever met, always tripping over her own feet.
"Ah, what did you have in mind?" Oh my god Edward what are you doing? Don't encourage it! I had had enough of this girl now and decided it was time to step in, 'You want to go back to your friends and stay away from Edward,' I sent into her though patterns, which made her departure from us even more awkward as she just stopped mid-sentence and turned and walked away.
"Thanks," Edward sighed and smiled,
"No worries, but seriously, why wouldn't you just say no straight off?"
"I dunno," he shrugged as our chem. teacher arrived, five minutes late as always.

It was towards the end of the lesson and we were using the Bunsen burners to heat food items. The experiment was meant to determine how many calories were in it or some nonsense like that, but I just found it boring, as I had already done the subject a couple of times. Emmett was leaning against the lab table that Teia, Edward, Emmett and I were working round. I nudged him and quickly looked around, checking to see we're the teacher was. She was over helping Mike with his experiment, as he was failing miserably at getting his burner to the right heat. I picked the bowl of burnt corn chips up off the flame and quickly twisted the air tube on the burner. A bright red flame shot up into the air. We did this a couple of times before Teia looked up from her book and frowned,
"The hell are you two doing? It's a wonder they let you in this class, I wouldn't trust either of you with a flame!" She started on a little rant. Teia was about ten years younger than I was, but acted as if she was forty years older, always wanting to do well in school. We just laughed at her and I put the bowl back over the flame.
"She really does take it seriously doesn't she?" Emmett chuckled,
"I heard that!" Teia said from the other side of the bench,
"You're a dead man now," I laughed leaning into Emmett's side and looking up at him, he smiled and leant down and kissed me lightly, then placed his arm behind me and pulling me into a one armed hug.

The bell finally rang to go to lunch. My next period was advanced music and then I had a free period which meant I could go home, although I just felt like going home now,
"What's going on in that head of yours?" Emmett asked as we walked towards the table we sat at, I must have zoned out while thinking about leaving now,
"Nothing much really, just thinking about ditching AM," I replied, looking up at him again,
"You can't ditch today, we have the recording assignment due and we haven't started," Edward said as he turned round to look at me, now walking backwards,
"I forgot about that," I sighed and frowned, "Guess I'll have to stay now," I joked with Edward, he just rolled his eyes and turned back round. God Briar and him would be perfect for each other, I thought and took satisfaction in seeing Edward's muscles tense up, that will teach him for being in my head.

Lunch went pretty quickly and Edward and I smashed out our assignment, writing and recording an Adele medley. Our teacher seemed pleased with it and dismissed us early, considering the only reason she wanted us the today was to get the record. Edward and I walked out to the back car park together. I was singing the medley we just wrote in my head, so if he was listening in, it was probably nothing amazing to hear.
"Did you really mean that you think that Briar and I would be a good couple?" He asked, breaking the silence,
"Yeah, your both uptight and pretentious," I laughed at him,
"I'm serious," he snarled,
"Yes, Edward, you too would be great, you could see it from the first day you met her that there was something there, and I don't get why you haven't already asked her out," I said seriously,
"Well, I was thinking that I would... You know?"
"Fine by me, just let me say however, you break her I break you," I threatened with a small smile. He laughed and then pulled his keys out and slid into his Volvo. He slipped his sunglasses on and pulled out of the car park, I just shook my head and did the same, 'finally!' I thought to myself with a smile.
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Disclaimer: as said in every other chapter, Stephanie Meyer's ideas and characters... Are not mine :D