Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


The Company We Don't Keep

The week went by slowly as we waited for the twenty fifth to roll round. Emmett had spent almost every night with me, and I avoided going to school, having Carlisle write me a doctors certificate to excuse my absence. Briar, Teia and Jade had left the house on Monday and I was ready to go over to the Cullen's and bring them back, even though Charlotte had said it would be better to keep our distance from them until the other vamps were gone, just to make sure fresh scents weren't on our clothes. Charlotte was also home with me most days, sometimes she'd go into town, but that was about it.

"Rhi, I'm bored," Emmett pouted at me from my bed. I just looked up at him from my book and then continued reading. He came over to my seat in the window and slide in behind me, "What book is preoccupying that pretty mind now?" He asked, kissing my shoulder as he looked over the page,
"It's a good story, different, about a girl trapped by societies decisions, similar to the hunger games," I smiled at him from over my shoulder.
"I don't understand your fascination with books," he said, baiting me into an argument, which he knew I would take,
"Books are a source of knowledge and imagination, you start a series, you grow with the characters and get to know them, you go through the pain and happiness with them, and when it finishes, you feel slightly empty but great full, because you got to experience a whole new world,"
"I like when you talk like that, it makes you seem smart," he teased, I slapped his leg and frowned at him,
"I'm smarter then you, not that it's hard,"
"Oh no you didn't!" He laughed as he hugged me close to him. I just leaned back into his shoulder and looked at him,
"If you are bored, you can go home," I said to him, he stuck his bottom lip out,
"But I want to spend time with you!" He pouted. I just rolled my eyes and went back to reading.

Emmett must have started reading over my shoulder, because he would put in little comments here and there about the characters. It was dark now, not that I had really realised, as the dark wasn't much of a hindrance on my sight. I finished the last page and closed the book, to be greeted by kisses from Emmett, he pulled my hair back from my shoulder and kissed up my shoulder and neck and then kissed my cheek lightly.
"You look beautiful," he whispered in my ear, I smiled and sighed happily. "What's wrong? You have been hiding up here in your room since that letter from Aro." He asked, resting his chin on my shoulder, I didn't like being confronted about the fact that I had been hiding from the problem, fact is that I wanted to hide from it, I didn't want these vampires coming here, I didn't want them in my house, near my family and sniffing around my city, it made me uncomfortable, and it was tolling on me to not have my whole family there with me. I got up and walked into my wardrobe, refusing to answer Emmett. After a moment he stood in the door way and watched as I looked through my clothes for something new to wear. "Rhiannon." Was all he said, I looked at him and his face was concerned, I just huffed and looked away from him, going back to looking for something to wear. He came over and cupped my face with both hands and turned it up to look at him, "Your eyes are turning black, do you want to go out for a bit? I'll come with you." He said, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"No, I just want this to all be over." I moved into his arms and hugged him round the waist, resting my head on his chest. He hugged me back and leant on the top of my head.

After a few minutes I pulled back.
"I need to shower," I laughed and pulled a pair of jeans off one of the shelves and went in search of a shirt. I hea a small laugh from Emmett as he swung me round to face him,
"Mind if I join you?" He smirked as he kissed me passionately, moving his hands under my shirt and up my back.

I wrapped a towel round my wet hair and looked at Emmett, who was standing with only a towel around his waist, as his clothes got a splashed and were wet.
"I'll put these in the dryer and see if we have some old clothes lying round that you can wear till they are dry," I smiled at him, looking over his toned chest. If a vampire could blush I would be right now. He walked over and slipped his hands round my waist, pulling me closer to him,
"Why would I want to put clothes back on, I just got undressed," he laughed. I just shook my head and opened the door and walked out and into my walk in, digging through some drawers at the back of the little space. I found an old white shirt that had ended up in my possession from ages ago, however I couldn't find any pants. I felt Emmett's jeans and decided that they weren't to wet and proceeded back to the bathroom. Emmett, however, had left the bathroom and was lounging on my bed.
"You will be putting a wet patch on my bed from the towel!" I jokingly exclaimed,
"Do you want me to take it off?" He asked seriously, I just rolled my eyes and threw the clothes at him, leaving my room and going down to the laundry. I threw the clothes into the dryer and turned it on.

As I was headed back to my room Charlotte called to me from the front room,
"There is another letter from Aro," she said, holding the letter out to me, she didn't look happy,
"What does it say?" I ask, ignoring the letter she held out to me,
"That they are coming tomorrow." I frowned,
"The plane gets in at 8:30 am and they will be here soon after." I sighed and went to head back up to my room, "Rhiannon," Charlotte called, I turned and looked at her from halfway up the stairs, "go hunting with Emmett, I'm going tonight with Jasper. You can't have black eyes when they are here." She had that mother tone, the one that say do what I say or you're grounded.
"Okay Char, we'll go now if it makes you happy!" I smiled at her sarcastically. She just waved me away in frustration. I knew I shouldn't be taking this out on Charlotte, as she was the one who saved me from the Volturi's grasp in the first place, and everything she was doing was to help protect the family, I knew it was hard on her to, because when I'd shut my eyes sometimes at night I could feel her distress, and when Jasper was here, you always felt a little uncomfortable in the room, as he was probably projecting either here's or his own feelings.

I got back up to my room and stood in the doorway and looked at Emmett who had put his pants on, but left the shirt on the bed. I raised my eyebrows at him questionably,
"What, it didn't fit!" He said in a mocking sort of way,
"Mm-hmm, I'm sure it didn't," I smirked as I took it off the bed and chucked it into the wardrobe, watching it land on the floor. I turned to look at him, placing my hands on my hips,
"Well now I feel like I'm in trouble!" He laughed, getting up and coming over to me and putting his arms around my waist. I didn't move my hands from my hips. He just chuckled and kissed me, "Come on grumpy pants, show me that pretty smile," he joked, I did my sarcastic smile and poked my tongue at him.
"We are going hunting as soon as your shirt is dry, Charlotte doesn't want me being hungry when the agents show up," I went to turn around to sit on the bed but Emmett grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his, I looked up at him, he had that concerned look again,
"I know you are scared Rhi, but you don't need to hide it from me, you can talk to me, about everything and anything, you don't need to be strong all the time, it's unhealthy."
"Em, I have been this way for over two hundred years, I'm this way to look out for the people I love, I can handle it." He looked hurt, "but thank you." I said, placing a hand on his cheek, then pulling his face down to kiss him lightly on the lips.

He still didn't look like his usually self, this was an Emmett I hadn't seen much of before, he was usually always joking and happy, but right now he looked hurt and concerned, did I really have that much effect on him? We ended up sitting on my bed for a while, I was leaning into his side and resting my head on his shoulder with my eyes closed, watching three different coloured lines moving around my vision. There was Emmett's dark blue line, which was moving slowly and calmly, and then two others, A very pale yellow line which I recognised as Charlotte's and a grey line, which I assumed was Jasper's. Their's were moving a little more drastically, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were fighting. Emmett shifted and I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was watching me and smiled.
"Do you want to go now?" I asked,

We want downstairs and I grabbed his shirt from the dryer and chucked it to him. We then went out to his Jeep and began to drive out to our hunting grounds. I played with his hair as we drove, having small conversation he and there, but we stayed mostly quiet.
"I'm sorry for that before, getting angry at you, it was out of line, I knew it was only cause you were worried," I started to rant, he just put a hand on my knee,
"Rhiannon," he cut me off, "It's okay, as long as you are okay, then so am I," he smiled at me and pulled into a car park. His smile then turned into a smirk, something that indicated that he was about do start something, "I bet I can finish hunting completely in an hour, think you can match me?" He proposed with a grin,
"Pease! I can be finished in fifty minutes!" I laughed and took off at vampire speed out of the car and into the scrub,
"CHEATER!" I heard from behind me. I ran for another few seconds and then let my animal instincts kick in, and I found my first victim in less then a minute.

I was leaning against the Jeep when Emmett came back, examining my nails as if I had been waiting for ages, which was more like two minutes.
"That's not fair, you had a head start!" He pouted,
"Yeah like two nano seconds," I laughed as I got up into the car. Emmett joined me and started the car up, pulling out of the car park and began back home.

That night passed slowly, Emmett had asked if I wanted him there for when the agents showed up. I did want him there, but he didn't have anything on him, and going back to his place to get clothes could mean he could pick up my sisters scents and bring it back, so I just sent him home. It was the first night since getting the first letter that I had been alone. Charlotte had gone out to hunt and would probably be out most of the night, so I was come telly alone, even though Emmett would text me. I looked though a couple of shelves that had DvDs on them and picked out a television series called 'Eureka'. It was a comedy and always made me laugh when watching it. I put it in the player in the lounge room and balled myself up in the corner of the couch.

Charlotte came in sometime in the early morning hours and sat down with me. We had watched all of season one and had just started season two when the doorbell rang. Charlotte got up and opened it, showing in the people I had dreaded most. The agents had arrived.
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: as in all previous, Steph Meyer's stuff, it ain't mine! I am just borrowing it.