Status: This is actually a re-write of my old Mylight, I wrote the original about three years ago and I figured it was time for a mature update on the story :D


Offers Made and Hand's Taken

I looked over the four vampires, three guys and a woman. She looked like she was in her late twenties, but was probably a hell of a lot older than that. She held her hand out to Charlotte, who took it graciously,
"Hello, my name is Amelia; this is Thomas, Dean and Dixon." She introduced the three men who just nodded,
"I am Charlotte, and this is Rhiannon," I didn't move, just looked over the vampires, they all looked intimidating, the woman was small with blonde hair that was pulled back tightly into a bun, the guy she called Thomas was tall and board like Emmett, except he had no ounce of kindness in s eyes or faces, he was all business, Dean looked exactly the same so I made the deduction that they were twins, however Dean was a little more relaxed and casual. The last of the three men was Dixon, who was shorter than the twins but looked just as malice as the woman. Charlotte invited them inside and showed them up to the rooms, offering them Jade, Teia and Briar's rooms, as they wouldn't be there.

Later that day, Amelia came down stairs, I got up off the couch and turned to face her, not wanting my back turned to a Volturi agent,
"Be calm, Rhiannon, I have no query with you, I'm merely he to do my job and leave," she said in a matter-of-fact way, I still didn't trust her. She smirked and laughed lightly, it made me shutter, "Was there not more of you who lived here, I do remember Aro saying that there were five of you here?" She questioned, ignoring my defences now,
"What does it matter?" I hissed,
"Oh it doesn't, like I said, I have no issues with yourself or your partners;" she sat down on the couch and crossed her legs, resting her hands on her knee.
"Why are you here?" I asked, scrounging my nose up at the fact that I was partaking in conversant with this person,
"Aro is in need of some new talent, and that's what we are doing,"
"There is only our family and the Cullen's here; I know Aro knows that, so what talent are you finding?" She just laughed at my question and got up and walked out the front door, what the hell was that? What are these people doing here?

As the day went on, the four of the agents went in and out of the house as they pleased; I just stayed either on the couch or in my room. This went on for three more days, they must left and came back an hour or two later, it irked me not knowing what they were doing. I was lounging on my bed when I felt my phone going off in my pocket; I assumed it was Emmett as he had called me everyday the agents were here, probably to see that I hadn’t made a fool of myself or said something I’d regret.
“Hey Darl,” to my surprise it wasn’t Emmett, but Jade talking frantically on the other end, “Slow down Jade, I know I can speak fast but I can’t understand a word you are saying,” She slowed down, the words that came next however were ones I wish I didn’t hear, They were rounding up humans and putting them on planes to Italy to be sent to Aro, and they had taken Seth.

When Amelia came back in the door I flung myself at her, intending to crash tackle her, instead she caught me by the throat and slammed me against the wall, pinning me there and growling at me.
“RHIANNON!” Emmett yelled, but he got held back by Jasper, Edward and Briar.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” I screamed in the tiny vampires face, she simply smiled at me, showing her fangs,
“That is none of your concern my dear, but we will be leaving now,” she threw me at the group’s feet and went to go upstairs,
“Amelia,” Carlisle stopped her, “You have taken a boy that is under the protection of these girls, you can’t just take them, what will parents and relatives think?” he spoke calmly, a lot better than what I had achieved. By this time I was up and ready to lunge again, getting grabbed around the waist by Teia and Edward, who must have released his hold on Emmett to grab me. I looked around quickly to notice that Emmett, Briar and Jasper were no longer there.
“The boy knew about vampires?” she questioned, and I could see she was try to trap us, trying to find something she could run back and tell Aro and bring the Volturi down on us.
“WHY THE HELL WOUL WE DO THAT TO OURSELVES?!” I spat at her, she just raised an eyebrow sceptically at me.
“We haven’t exposed anything to the boy, none the less, he is still under the protection of these girls, and I repeat, you can’t just take them.” Carlisle continued,
“Please Carlisle, we are not stupid. Every person we have found has been extended an invitation to join Aro’s side, they are simply humans who have the potential of having a power, and Aro wanted to do some recruiting, the boy wanted to go,” Amelia said in superiority, I heard Jade inhale sharply and softly behind me. This caused me to stop struggling, I turned and slipped an arm around her, “I bid you all fair well,” Amelia smiled and was up and down the stairs and out the door before any of us could say anything else. I took Jade to sit down on the couch, I hadn’t realized how much she liked this boy, if I had, I wouldn’t have been so hard on her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked round to see Emmett looking concerned, ‘She is okay, Best to leave her be with her sister for a while.’ I didn’t like sending thoughts into Emmett’s head, or any of my family’s, I just needed some time with Jade. He mouthed that he would go outside. I saw him walk out with Edward, Briar and Teia. Charlotte, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme all went into the kitchen.

It had been a good half hour that Jade sat with her head in her hands, and I’m sure that if vampires could cry she would be.
“Darling, are you okay?” I asked, leaning down slightly to see if I could see her face.
“He was something different Rhi, he was someone I wanted to get close to, and he was to me as Emmett is to you, someone I want to spend a lifetime with.” Her words took me by surprise. Did I act like Emmett was the one to me? Now wasn’t the time for that, I put a finger under her chin and lifted her face up, and flicked my head at the front door.

We both got up, Jade walked out the front door and I quickly ran upstairs, sweeping a couple of things into a bag and running out side, grabbing her hand a running out to my car. I swung into the driver’s seat, Jade slipping into the seat beside me. I quickly started the car and reversed up the driveway. When we were a few kilometres away from the house I turned to her,
“I hope Edward was far enough away from me to not hear my thoughts,”
“Where are we going?” she asked,
“We are going to get Seth back, whether he is human or not.” She looked dumb-struck at first and then smiled.
“We don’t have any clothes,” She said,
“We’ll just buy more; I grabbed a few things however. Both of our wallets and passports, some money,” I reached into the back and grabbed the back pack, throwing it on her lap. She dug through it. “Hey, Jade, if I had known how much he meant to you, I wouldn't have been so mean about it to you,”
“It’s okay, you and Charlotte are looking out for us, I know that we are still pretty young… I’m only like, 199 years old,” she joked and poked her tongue out the side of her face. I pulled into the long term car park at the airport. When we got into the terminal we walked over to join the queue, when the lady called us forward I asked Jade for my wallet,
“Welcome to Jetstar, how can I help you today?” The receptionist was really bubbly for the time of night it was,
“Hi I’d like to get two seats on the next flight to Brisbane, the soonest one possible please,” she clacked away on her keyboard,
“The next available flight is in an hour’s time, will that be fine?”
“Yes thanks,”
“So that will be $250 for the tickets, is there any luggage?”
“Only carry on,” she then asked me to place in on the scaled, and it weighing less than ten kilos was free to carry onto the plane. Once it was paid for, the receptionist handed the two tickets over and we headed to the gate.

We were just about to board when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID, Emmett Cullen, I sighed and Jade called to me from the gate out to the plane, I hit decline and turned my phone off quickly, throwing it into the backpack,
“Sorry Em.” I whispered to it, and swung the bag over my shoulder, handing my ticket to the attendant.
“Enjoy your flight,” he said as he handed it back to me. I smiled and caught up to Jade. Once on the plane I tucked the bag under the seat and looked out the window, Jade sat on my other side, it was only a small plane, so only had two seats to a row, which was good, cause I didn't know how well Jade would take sitting in the middle.

We touched down in Brisbane and boarded the next flight to Italy. Jade leant over and rested her chin on my shoulder, looking out the window,
“Do you think they will just let us leave with him?” she asked, I looked out at the dark sky.
“I don’t know, but I know I’ll put up a fight.”