Follow Me



The young brunette sits in her apartment that’s in the heart of New York. Her laptop sits in front of her as she furiously types away; searching for any piece of information she could. She doesn’t know what she’s looking for exactly but that doesn’t stop her.

A knock on the door causes her to snap her head up from the computer screen. The young girl gets up out of the seat she was sitting in walks over to the door. She stands on her tippy-toes to look through the peephole. A smile dances across her thin lips when she sees her adorable, awkward boyfriend standing there. She happily unlocks the door and lets him in. She truly loves him from his perfectly styled blonde hair to his adorable personality. It was love at first sight for her.

“Hi Steve.” She greets the boy with a kiss, earning a blush from him. Most girls would tire from the awkwardness known as Steve Rogers, but she finds his innocence sweet and fresh. He’s very different from all the other guys. He keeps chivalry alive.

“I brought over some take-out; you sounded so distraught.” He says as he places the bag of take-out onto the coffee table. He then glances at the laptop and frowns. “I thought you gave up the search?”

“I can possibly have family out there.” She sighs. “I feel so empty not knowing.”

“I thought you loved your adoptive parents?” He asks, unsure why she’s searching for a family that clearly gave up on her when she’s got an amazing family that supports her in everything she does.

“I do love them Steve.” She sighs once more. “I just want to know why I was given up and if I have anymore family. I feel like a part of me is missing.”

Steve sighs a bit before wrapping his arms around his girlfriend’s tiny waist. “As much as I love seeing you happy, please stop searching. I would hate to see disappointment in your eyes.”

“I just feel like I have a brother or sister out there, wondering the same things I do.” She admits. “Wondering if we are alone in this world…”


In the middle of her Russian apartment, a raven haired bombshell punches a punching-bag. Just as she’s about to throw another punch, a hand touches her shoulder. She grabs a hold of the hand and with all her weight she catapults the body over her and slams it onto the concert ground. A groan echoes the room and she looks down, notices her boyfriend laying in agony. He looks up at her and a chuckle escapes his lips. “I should really know better than to sneak up on you, huh?” He laughs. She smiles before offering him a hand, pulling him onto his feet. He looks at her with love before leaning in; placing a gently kiss on her lips. “You work too much.” He mutters into her lips.

“Says the guy that taught me everything I know.” She mutters back before hungrily kissing him. He smirks into the kiss as his hand move from his waist, settling onto her ass. He cups her cheeks before lifting her up high enough for her legs to wrap themselves around his waist. He walks over to her leather couch and gently lays her onto it before climbing on top of her. She looks at him with lust filled eyes as she fiddles with the buttons on his shirt. “Is this your way of taking my mind off of work?”

“You could say that.” He smiles as he slips his shirt off his shoulders. She smirks as she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down until their lips crash together. She didn’t care about much in the world but she cares about him and only him…
♠ ♠ ♠
This will get better. This is the only chapter that's going to be in third person. I would love if someone will co-write this with me; writing for Anna. But if no one will, that'll be perfectly fine. I like this idea and I will continue it otherwise. But if you are sincerely interested, message me =]
