Follow Me

I don't need another taste of your lips,

I wake up the next morning wrapped up in Bucky’s arms as we lay face to face. A smile creeps onto my lips as I look at this sleeping face, he looks so sweet; so innocent. I quietly and gently wiggle from his grip and grab random clothing before heading into the bathroom to change. Now it the perfect time to get some coffee and some alone time. Because I really won’t have time to think when Bucky awakes; he’ll probably end up dragging me back to Russia. And surprisingly I don’t want to go back, not when I’m this close to cracking SHIELD’s secrets.

Once I’m dressed, I walk out of the bathroom silently and quickly make it to the hotel room. As I’m walking down the hallway, I hear someone behind me. I turn around and see no one. I nibble on my lower lip in thought before turning back around and continue to make my journey to the elevator then eventually out of the building.

I’m standing in line for my coffee when I hear voices coming from the door. Instinctively, I turn around and look. But when I see who’s there, my heart stops. I see Natasha and Agent Sanders standing there. Thankfully they move from the door to a table just as my order is finished. The barista hands me my order and I mutter a “thank you” before heading towards the door; praying to God that Natasha doesn’t recognize me.

I get out of the building and start walking down the street when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and see Natasha and Agent Sanders running out of the door. “Fuck!” I mutter to myself before I take off running, hoping to lose them in the morning traffic of people and cars. Just as I begin to think I’ve lost them. Clint Barton is standing right in front of me. He smirks at me before grabbing a hold of my shoulders and shoving me up against a brick wall; earning a painful groan to escape my lips. “You told you I liked it rough?” I smirk as he presses his body up against mine. “Come on a bit strong don’t you think?”

“You’re not escaping on my watch again.” He smirks back as he puts more weight against my body. I smirk as my hands travel down from his chest to just above the belt. He looks at me with curious eyes.

“Nat, didn’t speak much of me, has she?” I question as I begin to play with his belt buckle. “I’m a master at seduction and no guy is truly safe from my power.”

“Is that so?” He questions as his voice cracks at little.

“That’s precisely so.” I smile before thrusting him off of me before pinning him up against the other brick wall. I use all my strength to keep him pinned up against the wall. My left hand gripping onto his shoulder while my other hand remains around his belt. He looks at as if he’s in a trance “When I let you go, you will return to the rest of those SHIELD trained monkeys and you will tell them that you lost me and have no idea where I went. Got it?” He nods his head, earning a smirk to appear on my lips. “That’s a good boy.” I coo before kissing his cheek. “See you later than Barton.” I say as I let him go and begin my venture back to my hotel; the long way.

“Where the hell were you?” Bucky exclaims as I walk into the hotel room. “Didn’t I tell you yesterday not to go out?”

“I’m not the 16 year old girl you picked up on the streets, Bucky!” I exclaim as I slam the door shut. “I know how to handle myself.”

“There are SHIELD agents all over this city and could have easily taken you in.” He sighs, calming down a bit.

“And they almost did.” I mutter, earning a glare from him. “Bucky, I’m fine. Clint Barton almost got me but I used my superpower against him.”

He just chuckles before pulling me into a hug. “You sexy empath you. Have you ever used that power against me?”

“It doesn’t work on you.” I inform him with a smile. “If it did, we both wouldn’t be assassins anymore and be living in a gorgeous house in Finland with our gorgeous kids.” He laughs before kissing me. Despite being wanted in various countries, it’s nice to think of my future with him; even if both of us could be shot dead at any moment. “And to clear it up, I’m not an empath. I possess a tactile mind control ability; they’re different honey-buns.”

He just chuckles again before kissing me once more. “Come on Tayla; we’ve got to be moving. SHIELD’s probably already searching the buildings for us.” I just nod as we begin to pack our clothing up. I just wish everything can be over with. Bucky doesn’t deserve this…
♠ ♠ ♠

chapter title credit: Home by ZZ Ward
