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Needing Answers...

Knowing what I did, I grabbed my laptop from the coffee table and propped myself against the couch. I pushed it open and began typing in Fury’s login information. I pull up the records as I click on my own. I begin glancing over it as I read the typical stuff I already knew.

Mother; Deceased.
Father; ---

I sigh as I take and decide I need to go deeper. I need to know why Fury is the way he is towards me. Why he hides stuff from me? I had so many questions and they needed answered. I frown a little as I continue digging and find nothing what so ever. I exit out as I push my laptop aside and rest my head in my hands. Steve had walked out on me, and now I was turning up empty handed with all the questions I had.

Running a hand over my face I push myself up from the floor as I hear a knock on the door. I sigh going over as I feel the booze wearing off from earlier. I pull the door open to see Fury standing there, “The system just got a breech. We believe Natalia is trying something.” He says barging into my apartment.

“Not my problem, sir.” I blurt out pissed at him.

He turns giving me a curious eye as I shoot him a glare. “I want some damn answers, Nick. I want to know about my mother and my past. Not the shit you told me!” I shout at him.

“Anna we’ve—“ I cut him off by throwing a vase at his head.

It smacks him in the side of the head as I glare. I stomp over to him and lean down, “I want answers now, and if I don’t get them. Then let’s just say it isn’t going to be pretty. I can tell each agent everything I know about them, that you’re hiding.” I sneer into his ear.

He shoves me back from him as he glares, “As of now you’re suspended from SHIELD. I’d advise you to get your shit into portions.” He sneers storming out of my apartment.

I sigh heavily as I slam the door shut behind him and lock it. I couldn’t believe I had just done that. I knew I was the sweet type. But damn it. I wanted answers on my past, and no one, not even my boyfriend was telling me what the hell I needed to know.