Follow Me

You and I; we share the same disease

After getting settled into another hotel room, Bucky goes to take a shower; leaving me in the room on the laptop. I’m typing away, hacking into any SHIELD file I can and finally come upon my own file. As I’m looking through it, I notice something added onto it; something that wasn’t there earlier today. I continue reading it and notice a number is tacked onto the end of everything. I quickly grab my disposable cell phone and type the number in before texting it. Seconds later it texts back with a location to meet. A sigh escapes my lips as I look at the bathroom door; steam is coming out from under it which tells me Bucky is still in the shower. I quietly get out from the bed and throw on clothing and boots before grabbing my phone then head out of the room. I’ll just have to deal with Bucky later.

Twenty minutes after getting the text, I’m sitting outside of Coney Island Hospital; a place I knew all too well. It’s the hospital I was born in. Just as a sigh escapes my lips, the tiny brunette agent from SHIELD walks out of the shadows. “Why should I trust you?” I blunt ask her. “How do I know this isn’t some scheme to get me arrested?”

“If you don’t want to know what SHIELD is keeping from you, from us, you can walk away.” She replies. “At the moment, I’m as much of an agent as you are.”

“Fired?” I question her with a smirk.

“Suspended for attacking Fury.” She explains as she narrows her eyes at me.

“Took on the king of all secrets?” I chuckle. “I’m impressed.”

“Can we just go into the hospital, I’ve got the workers to give us enough time in the vaults as we need, but sooner or later SHIELD is going to find out what both of us are doing.” She says as she ushers me into the hospital.

Once inside, my nostrils are assaulted but the smell of sterile air and soap; it just brings back memories as a child of waiting in the dayroom to hear news of my parents’ demise. “Hate hospitals?” Agent Sanders questions with me sincere concern in her eyes.

“My parents, adopted parents, died in a car accident when I was 8. I never really liked these places. I guess all hospital are the same as the ones in Russian.” I explain to her, shooting her a weak smile.

“Come on, let’s go.” She says as she grabs my wrist and we briskly walk towards the vaults. “Do you know your birth mother’s name?”

“Yea, my adoptive parents never kept anything from me.” I reply. “Her name is Danielle Forrest.”

“My adoptive parents kept me in the shadow about everything. And Fury told me almost everything; just nothing about my dad or my mom’s name.” Agent Sanders explains as we aimlessly look through the vaults.

“My mother worked for SHIELD. She was one of their top agents that got kidnapped by some doctor and was experimented on. She blamed SHIELD and she was going to expose them but they ordered a termination of her contract. She was considered rogue and the only way to truly kill a rogue agent is a shot through the head.”

“Do you know what happened to her?” She asks, sounding pretty interested in my past.

“They found out she was pregnant and instead of just shooting her, they poisoned her.” I explain. “They walked to get rid of her and her unborn child. But they didn’t. The poison killed her but oddly didn’t effect me. They found out I was adopted and sent a few agents out to get me. They put a bomb in my parents car. My dad died instantly and my mother was rushed to the near by hospital where she later died.”

“I’m sorry.” She apologizes. “No kid should have gone through that.”

“It’s made me who I am today; nothing I do can change who I am.” I reply, brushing away a few stray tears. “Я проклят, Agent Sanders.”

“You’re not cursed.” She assures me. “And please, it’s Anna.”

“Fine, Anna.” I chuckle. “How about we start truly digging.” I say, gesturing over to the computer.

“The nurse says it’s locked and only doctors can access it.” She tells me.

“They obviously haven’t met me.” I smile as I walk over to the computer to begin my hacking magic.

“Where did you learn how to hack so quickly?” Anna asks me once she finds out that I’m based all the firewalls and into the system.

“The nuns in the orphanages never really pay much attention to us girls, a few of the older girls knew how to hack computers and me being a small eight year old girl I’d watch them all day. I’ve been hacking computers at lightening speed since I was ten. When I was 16, I looked up my name and decided to delete all my records and go off grid.”

“But you managed to get back onto people’s radars after you met Bucky, huh?”

“Bucky never wanted me to be an assassin. I only did it in the beginning to get enough money to disappear again; that never worked out.”

“You fell in love.” She muses. “I know the feeling. You’d put up with as much bullshit as you can to be with the one you love.”

“Now I just want out of it and exposing SHIELD is my final mission.” I sigh. “I want to put everything behind me and exposing these assholes for what they truly are; criminals and killers.”

“Then let’s start looking.” Anna chuckles. I smile as I begin to type up everything I can find on Danielle Forrest. Once I get her medical records pulled up, my jaw drops. I look at Anna, earning a weird look from her. “What’s with the look?”

“Are you adoptive parents still alive?” I ask her.

“Yea, why?” She asks me, still with their weird expression on her face.

“What hospital did you parents say they adopted you from?”

“This one, why?”


“September 17th 1988.” She replies. “What’s going on?”

“My mother had another daughter.” I reply as I look back at the screen. “We were both born on the same day and have no idea about anything of our real parents.”

“You don’t think we’re sisters do you?” She questions followed by a nervous laugh. I look up at her, narrowing my eyes. “There’s no way I can be related to…”

“A criminal?” I say, cutting her off. “You may not be but there are too many facts telling me otherwise.”

She looks at me in awe. “We’re gonna have to go to my adoptive parents’ house. They’ve got to know more than what they're leading on.” She sighs before leaving the vault. A sigh escapes my lips as I quickly log off the computer and follow her out…
♠ ♠ ♠

chapter title credit: Make a Move by Icon for Hire
