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We Are...

Natalia and I walked into my adopted parent’s house as I sigh heavily. I turn and look at her, “I didn’t mean the criminal thing back there.” I apologize to her.

She shrugs it off, “Don’t worry about it.” She says.

I nod as I turn around seeing my adopted father walk out of his study. I smile as I walk to him and hug him, “Father.” I say as I pull back and look at him.

“Anna what are you doing here? Fury—“ I glare at him as he clears his throat.

“This is important; I need to know about my mother.” I tell him.

“You know about her.” Dan says.

“Look, no I don’t. There is stuff you are hiding from me. I demand to know what it is. You of all people I’d figure would tell me.” I snap at him.

He shoots me a glare as I clear my throat at him, “Either tell me or things might get ugly, Dan.” I say to him.

“Fine.” Dan says as he motions us to his study.

Natalia and I take a seat side by side as I look at him. “Your mother was a rogue agent. She wasn’t at first but after they experimented on her, she became rouge and wanted to expose them. Your father, I don’t know much about cause Fury didn’t say much about him. Just that her name was Danielle and she was an agent for SHIELD. When this happened she was pregnant, with twin daughters.” Dan stops and looks at Natalia and I.

I take a deep breath as I slowly look over to see Natalia staring at me. I look down as I sit there quietly. All of this was too much to handle. SHIELD and Steve had kept this from me. I get up from the seat and quickly walk out of the house. I begin walking away like I did every time something bad happened to me. I was cursed, not Natalia, I was.
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