Follow Me

I feel it in my veins, its not going away,

After a couple hours of driving, we cross the New York border and into Pennsylvania. I turn my head and see Anna’s fast asleep. I let out a yawn before turning up the music so it’s loud enough to keep me awake but still quite enough for it not to disturb Anna. The only thing running through my mind at this point is finding Bucky. I didn’t even care about getting back on the agency that’s destroyed my life; I just want the man I love back in my arms, yelling at me whenever I speak Russian around him. A faint smile appears on my lips as I imagine him yelling at me and the way he rolls his eyes before a genuine smile curves onto his lips. I never truly believed in love until I met him. I never thought I’d be so attached to a guy but here I am; risking everything to get him back.

An hour later, I pull off onto the Pocono exit. Just as I do so, Anna wakes up. ‘Where are we?” She asks, sleep still evident in her voice.

“Outside of Pocono, Pennsylvania.” I reply with a yawn. “In about another hour, we’ll be there.”

“We are we going exactly?” She asks.

“Do you make a habit of getting in cars with people you barely know and you have no idea where you’re going?” I ask with a chuckle, causing her to roll her eyes. “His name is Bentley Murdock; he was our mom’s old boyfriend. I found that out when I started after he hired me to kill some competition in Russia; that’s how I found out about everything.”

“How old were you?” She asks.

“I was 17; fresh out of training with Natasha Romanoff.” I reply.

“Really Natasha?” She asks.

“You keep forgetting Tasha was a spy and a killer, huh?” I ask, pointing to her shocked expression. “Barton took her away from Bucky and I; we were a very dysfunctional family.”

“Dysfunctional is an understatement, sis.” She laughs. “But back to this Bentley guy; what does he have to do with anything? What’s his connection; besides being mom’s boyfriend?”

“He was a physician for SHIELD.” I reply. “After Steve took the nose dive into frozen waters, SHIELD did silent experiments to find out how to reproduce the super soldier serum. Most agents didn’t know about it until it was too late. Mom was one of those agents. She brought it up and they tried to kill her; then us. They figured if anything went wrong with her; the same effect would happen to us. I don’t know about you, but I do have some unnatural abilities but I highly doubt it’s anything from the serum. I can control people’s emotions; it works on most people.”

“Is that how you got away from Barton the second time?” She asks.

“Yea.” I reply. “Bucky calls me his sexy empath.” I laugh before frowning.

“You really love him, don’t you?” She asks, with a smile curling onto her lips.

“I love him more than a person can ever truly understand.” I reply. “Bentley figured that out awhile ago. If I’m right, Bentley is behind his.”

“Does he still work for SHIELD?” She asks. “Because I never heard or met him.”

“He’s retired; for the most part.” I reply. “Even if he’s retired, he has access to all files SHIELD has in its possession. He’s worse than Fury when it comes to secrets.”

“So how do we find out if he has Bucky?” She asks.

“He has a gala every year around this time.” I reply. “In fact this said gala is into in a ritz hotel. He’s going to expect me to arrive so he’ll have Bucky there.”

“But it’s not like you can just waltz in there; he knows you’re coming.” She points out.

“Yea, but you can waltz in here.” I smile. “This gala is mainly for SHIELD agents and you’re a SHIELD agent.”

“How do I know I’m even on the guest list?”

“You’re an agent; they’re all on this guest list.” I reply followed by a sigh when I see Anna’s scared look. “I’ll be there with you all the way.” I assure her. “We have to do this or this will continue; then no one will be safe.”

‘This Bentley guy is a rogue agent isn’t he?” She gulps.

“He killed our mother and plans on killing us and our loved ones.” I tell her. “He’s the reason SHIELD can’t be trusted; he still has followers in the agency. Once he’s down, his legacy will fall with him…”
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title credit: War of Change by Thousand Foot Krutch
