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Lovers Left Under Stars to Hang


“You know for an American, you’ve got the sexiest Russian accent.” Bucky laughs as I get out of bed, slipping into my thong. I look over my shoulder at him and roll my eyes.

“You’ll never let me being born in America down, will you?” I ask, my Russian accent clearly coming through.

“I’m American too if you’ve forgotten.” Bucky chuckles as he pulls me back into bed. “And I wouldn’t love you any less if you were American.” I just smile as I passionately kiss his lips. He smirks into the kiss as he climbs on top of me. I pull away from the kiss earning a pout from Bucky.

“I’ve got a mission to prepare for, if you’ve forgotten.” I whisper as I run a finger down his chest.

“What’s this mission about?” He asks between kisses on my neck.

“You know the usual, seduce and kill for one of the many Russian mobs.” I reply as I gently push Bucky off of me.

“No more information?” He chuckles. “Are you cheating on me?”

“Now why would I do that my darling?” I ask with a smirk. “For a 90 some year old guy, you’ve got the stamina most men lack.” He smirks before passionately kissing me. I pull away once again, causing Bucky to pout. “I’ve got to be more secretive than usual, SHIELD’s on my tail.”

“Talya, you’ve really got to stay under the radar.” Buck groans. I just roll my eyes before slipping back out of the bed. “We can’t keep moving because you’re sloppy.”

“I’m sorry that I’m not as skilled as the great Winter Soldier!” I exclaim. “I’ve only had a few mess ups and you act like I’m this newbie assassin. I know what I’m doing. It’s not my fault I get hired to kill important people.”

“You’ve got to do more research then.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I can’t lose you like I lost Natasha.”

“You won’t Bucky.” I assure him. “I’m not going to let SHIELD get to me or you. We’re in this for the long haul.”

“Like Bonnie and Clyde.” He smiles. I crawl onto the bed and peck his lips.

“Just like Bonnie and Clyde. It’s going to take a firing squad to tear us apart.”

“Go get dressed before I have to pull you back into this bed and have my way with you.” He say as she pushes some of my hair behind my ear. I peck his lips before getting out of bed; gathering clothes before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the evening.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title credit: Make Me Believe this is Real by I Am Ghost
