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Equally destructive as we are,

I walk into my empty apartment after a night of hard work. I take off my oversized jacket and sigh at the blood stains on my white dress. With a shrug of my shoulders, I slip out of my dress and head over to the closet I share with Bucky. I pull one of his button-up shirts off its hanger and slip it on; only buttoning up a few buttons. As I’m about to turn around to walk out of the room, I hear a noise coming from the kitchen. My muscles tense up and I quietly walk over to the dresser and pull out Bucky’s underwear drawer where I keep a gun. I make sure the safety is off before I quietly exit the bedroom. I peak around the corner and see a few SHIELD agents tearing my apartment apart; obviously looking for something. A string of obscenities flow freely from my lips as I sneak into the bathroom, silently closing the door behind me. I frantically looking around the room as I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. In a fit of panic, I sprint to the window, opening it up. I didn’t care if it’s a 4 floor drop, it’s a hell of a lot better than being caught. Just as I’m being to climb out the window, the bathroom door opens it. I whip my head around and see a red-headed woman from my past, Natasha Romanoff. “Рад видеть тебя, сестра.” I say with a smirk.

“You’re coming with me, Natalya.” Natasha sternly says. “No games.”

“Where is the fun in that?” I ask with a chuckle. “My life is nothing by one big game, a game I’m actually finally winning at. There is no way I’m going down with out a fight.” With that I leap from the window, and luckily fall into the ice cold pool. I emerge from the icy waters and see a bunch of SHIELD agents standing around the pool with their guys pointed at me. “Well isn’t this just fucking peachy…”


Twelve hours later, I find myself landing in New York where a black SUV picks us up before driving us to a building in the city. Natasha grabs a hold of my arm and thrusts me out of the SUV and into the very large building. Once inside, she pushes me into a room and handcuffs me to the table. “Действительно наручники?” I ask. “Я думал, вы знаете, я не в странный дерьмо.”

“English Natayla.” She demands. “All of us here know you can speak it.”

“Such a buzz kill.” I pout, earning an eye roll of Natasha. “He misses you, you know? He’s afraid he’ll lose me like he lost you.”

“He’s just lucky SHIELD didn’t order us to kill you on site.” She says, ignoring any sentiment towards Bucky.

“You know damn straight they won’t kill me.” I say in a matter-of-fact tone. “They need me.”

“Don’t sound so cocky.” A blonde says as he walks into the room. “We really don’t need you.”

“The Star Spangled Man with the Plan.” I chuckle. “How was your seventy year cat nap?” He just glares at me as a man with an eye patch comes in. “Now we have a pirate, SHIELD has everything doesn’t it?”

“You always this chatty?” Eyepatch man asks.

“It’s part of my charm.” I reply with a smirk.

“We know everything about you Natayla; all the people you’ve killed and families you’ve destroyed. We should kill you.”

“But you won’t because you need me to get to him.” I chuckle. “It’s not going to happen. You’ll never know the whereabouts of Winter Soldier. You’re better off killing me.”

“Why are you defending a guy that’s killed so many people?” The blonde asks, earning a smirk from me.

“You’d defend him too if you knew who he was…”
♠ ♠ ♠
rough translations from google translate: Рад видеть тебя, сестра -> Good to see you, sister.
Действительно наручники? -> Really Handcuffs?
Я думал, вы знаете, я не в странный дерьмо. -> I thought you knew, I'm not into the kinky shit.

chapter title credit: Equally Destructive by After Forever

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