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They are in your head, you are overpowered,

“I highly doubt I’d defend him.” Steve says, glaring at me; only earning a smirk from me.

“You’re telling me you don’t know?” I sweetly ask. “I guess I can say I’m not surprise. SHIELD are the kings of keeping secrets, right Fury?”

“How do you know so much about us?” Natasha asks.

“Come on Tasha, you of all people should know all my skills.” I smirk. “I’ve been hacking computer systems since I was 16. There is no system that’s safe from me. I’ve been hacking SHIELD’s data base since I found out you guys were on my tale. I like to know my enemies.”

“Well it seems you know all about us and yet we know nothing about you. That doesn’t seem fair.” Fury says as he sits down in front of me. “Why is there no prior information on you Natayla Danek?”

“I was born in a New York hospital but was adopted by a Ukrainian and Russian couple. They died in a car accident coming to pick me up from a ballet lesson. I was eight years old. From then til I was 14, I was in and out of girls’ homes. That’s all that really matters huh? Not much of a back story. It was easy to just delete.” I tell them.

“You never got in contact with your birth mother?” Steve asks. “No contact with any relatives?”

“I was adopted, all my relatives are dead.” I snap at him. “Winter Soldier is the only family I need. And keeping me here is really going to piss him off.”

“We’re counting on pissing him off.” Fury mutters. “We have what he wants. Something he’ll stop at nothing to get. Rogers, Romanoff; take our guest to her cell. We’re preparing for company.” With that both Natasha and Steve grab a hold of me as Fury unchains me from the table. Natasha then pushes me forward; walking me to my cell.

Steve pushes me in before locking the door behind me. I turn around and smile when I see he’s the only one standing there. “You know SHIELD is keeping something from you; something extremely important.”

“Natasha briefly told me about you; you’re a master of manipulating people. I’m not going to fall for that.” He sternly says before walking away.

“Bucky didn’t die.” I tell him, causing him to stop in his tracks.

He turns around and glares at me. “I watched him fall off that mountain, there is no way he could have survived.”

“You shouldn’t have survived that plane crash, but you did.” I counter. “I would worry about what my bosses were keeping from me if I were you.” He glares at me before walking away. I can’t help but to smile as I turn around and sit on the bed. The bug has been placed…
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally this was suppose to be Anna's chapter but I've had this idea and I'm not sure if fiction; had any ideas so I wrote this chapter. =]


chapter title credit: Circus Black by Amberian Dawn.