Follow Me


After hearing that SHIELD had managed to snag one person they had wanted on their radar for a while. I had to see for myself, Natalya Danek. I quickly move through the passages and stuff as I stop at the room where I thought she’d be in. But of course, she wasn’t. I sigh turning around seeing Director Fury there, “Agent Sanders.” He says nodding.

I return the nod, “Director, I got news of Danek being captured. I just—“ I stop seeing Steve coming over and stopping at Director Fury and I.

“What’s wrong Rogers?” Fury asks.

Steve just shrugs it off and kisses my cheek. I give him a weak smile knowing something was wrong with him. I’d have to pound it out of him one way or another. I look at Fury as he motions for me to follow him. I nod as I smile at Steve and go with Fury. Soon we’re stopping outside of a cell as I see a woman sitting on the bed.

She had long brownish/black hair, and her skin was somewhat tanned. She kept picking at the hem of her shirt as if she was waiting for someone. I stood there as Fury walked away and came back with a file, “She lost her birth mother after she was born. That’s all we know. Maybe you could go in and talk to her?” Fury says.

I nod my head looking the file over. She spoke Russian, which was good. Cause I did as well. I push the door open and step inside shutting it behind me. I take a deep breath as the woman looks up, “Ah Fury sent in a very skinny chick that I can snap into. Good idea.” She laughs getting up and cracking her neck.

I shake the fear off as I look at her, “My name is Agent Sanders.” I tell her as I rub the back of my neck as she smirks. “Кто же вы ждете?” I ask her.

She licks her lips as she plops onto the bed, “Ни один из ваших черт бизнеса.” She laughs out.

“Would it be Winter Solider?” I ask her.

“If he finds me, you all will regret keeping me here. Cause he’ll put an end—“ She stops as the door pushes open.

I turn around to see Steve standing there in his suit. I sigh heavily as he walks over, “Fury is wanting you out there, now.” Steve says.

I roll my eyes and shove past him. I pull the door open and look at Fury, “Russian?”

“You knew I spoke it when I joined up. I thought I could use Russian to get her to open more. I was wrong, excuse me.” I snap.

I walk past him and leave the cell area. I sigh going over to a chair and sitting down. I run a hand over my face and shake my head. Breaking this woman would probably be harder than anyone thought. Some odd reason, I felt a strong connection, a family type connection to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Russian Translating;
Ни один из ваших черт бизнеса.--->None of your damn business.
Кто же вы ждете?--->Who are you waiting for?

Give us some love please?