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Search the town of millions of smiling clowns

As soon as Agent Sanders leaves the room, Steve tosses me a punch of clothing. “Agent Romanoff sent those downs for you. Change into them, we’re taking you someone where.”

“Goodie a field trip.” I sarcastically say as I look at the clothing he tosses on the floor. “You expect me to wear this crap?” I question him.

“Or you can go like that and freeze, you’re choice.” He shrugs.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” I question him. “You’d like me to come with you wearing barely anything; typical guy.” I scoff, causing the Captain to blush. “Are you blushing Captain?”

“No.” He sternly says as he averts his stare from mine. “Get dressed, we’ll be back for you in twenty minutes.” With that he walks away; leaving me there to get changed. I just roll my eyes before getting up from the bed to get changed.

Twenty minutes later, Natasha walks into the room with Steve and another agent behind them. The other agent looks at me up and down before getting slapped in the back of the head by Natasha. “Let me guess, you must be Clint Barton.” He looks at me in shock. “I’ve hacked SHIELDs database. I know maybe more than I should.”

“Come on, Natayla; we’ve got a meeting to get to.” Natasha says as she unlocks my cell and the two men walk in and grab a hold of me; pushing me out of the cell.

We walk down the passage ways and stop before getting outside. Natasha cuffs my hands before giving the two guys the OK to take me outside. They push me into a black SUV before sitting on either side of me. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going or is it a surprise?”

“Why should we tell you?” Steve asks.

“Because obviously this has something to do with me.” I reply. “God, why so serious all the time? You should really think about getting that stick taken out of your ass.” Steve’s eyes just glare into me. “Were you always this serious or you just clammed up after Bucky’s death?”

“What does Bucky have to do this this?” Clint asks me.

“Bucky as everything to do with this.” I reply. “You guys should really start questioning you bosses; especially you Steve. You’re dating one of the agents aren’t you? Agent Sanders? I’m sure she knows everything about your friend’s so called death.” His muscles tighten while his jaw clenches shut. I look down at his hands which are balling up into fists. “I’m striking a nerve aren’t I?” I smirk. “Men, you’re so easy to manipulate.” I say as I take my cuffed hands and stroke his cheeks. “You’re quite sexy when you’re all pissed off.”

“Do you think your boyfriend would like you flirting with me?” Steve asks. “I mean does Winter Soldier get jealous?”

“Not when it comes to my job.” I smirk before head butting Steve and elbowing Clint in the throat. While both of them are in agony, I grab the keys from Clint and open up the backdoor of the SUV and jump out; rolling into traffic, nearly getting hit a couple times. I get up off the ground as I watch the SUV slam the breaks on. A smile appears on my lips as I quickly take off the handcuffs and take off running; losing the agents in the crowd of people.

About an hour after running, I collapse in an alley; trying to calm down my labored breathing. I close my eyes as I hear footsteps in the entry of the alley; praying it wasn’t anyone in SHIELD. “Change out of those clothes; there’s probably tracking devices in them.” The voice says. I open my eyes and smile as Bucky looks down at me before tossing clothing at my feet.

“You came for me.” I say in awe before tackling me with a hug.

“Did you ever doubt me?” He questions me. I shamefully nod my head. “Just get changed babe, we’ve got to get out of here and quickly.” I nod my head before quickly getting changed; knowing it’s only amount of time before SHIELD comes and catches us…
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