Follow Me

Every time I close my eyes

After taking a nice warm shower, I walk into the hotel room and see Bucky on the computer; typing away. “What are you searching for?” I ask as I drop my towel before slipping on my panties; following by my tank top.

“Nothing, just going through the files you pulled from SHIELD’s database.” He mutters as he looks at the computer screen, oblivious to what’s going on around him.

“Meaning you’re looking at Steve’s file.” I sigh. “Bucky, he doesn’t know you’re alive. Trust me, he doesn’t.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t harbor bitter feelings towards him.” He growls before slamming my laptop shut. I roll my eyes before crawling into bed with him; straddling his lap.

“You’ve got me; that’s all that matters.” I tell him with an assuring smile on my lips. “You can forget about anyone else in your life. You’ve got me and I’m not going anywhere.”

“I can’t lose you.” He admits as he raises his bionic arm and brushes some of my hair out of my face. “That’s why I want you to stop the assassinations and your vendetta against SHIELD.”

I just groan before getting off of him and out of bed. I quickly slip my sweatpants on before grabbing my laptop and getting back in bed; all in a huff. “I’m this close to finding out why SHIELD wants me so fucking bad.”

“You’ve been killing people for the last three years; you got on their radar in a bad way.” Bucky exclaims.

“I’ve been on SHIELD’s radar longer than that.” I admit to him. “I’ve been on their radar since I was a little girl; before I was even born.”

“How did you find about that?” He asks me.

“It’s amazing what you find when you’re trying to cover your tracks.” I quietly say, earning a look from Bucky. “She was an expirement gone wrong and apparently SHIELD tried to kill her. They were successful of course but when they found out about me, they went and put a bomb in my adoptive parents’ car. I was suppose to die the night they did.” I cry out for the first time in years. “I’m the reason why everyone close to me dies. I’ve got to stop them before they take you too. I can’t lose another person, Bucky. I won’t survive it.” He instantly pulls me into a hug and I just sob into his chest. “Я проклят.” I whisper before burying my head into his chest; clutching onto him for dear life as if in any moment he can be taken away from me, forever…
♠ ♠ ♠
Rough Russian translation: Я проклят = I'm Cursed.


chapter title credit: Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey