Baby Don't Cry

I'll do whatever you want me to do.

I had to admit that being without Brian was hard for me. Even though I had spent years apart from him, I was suddenly longing to feel his touch. I didn't think it was even possible to miss somebody so much, but after spending weeks without even seeing him, I really knew what it felt like. I knew what it felt like to be away from the person that you love.

I couldn't even spend time with Jimmy anymore. Even though he had become such a great and dear friend to me, every time I saw his face I couldn't help but think of Brian. So not only had I lost the love of my life, I had also lost a very great friend. I had become a lonely, pathetic girl who had nothing but her big lonely house and her little flower shop. And the sad thing was, I didn't own either of those places. I had absolutely nothing.

I didn't like being lonely – I didn't think anybody did. But what was there to do, huh? I couldn't obviously have Brian and I wasn't good at dating people. All I wanted was a man (well, not just any man – I wanted Brian), to get married, have children and live a long, happy life. Obviously life had other plans for me and I couldn't get what I wanted. It didn't feel fair but there was really nothing I could do about it.

I had already accepted the fact that I would be alone for the rest of my life when I got a phone call from a very drunken certain ex-boyfriend.

It was a Friday night and I was already in bed when my phone started buzzing. It took me a moment to find it in the dark room but when I did, I picked up right away.

”Sophia... Come outside,” Brian's muffled voice came from the other line.

”Excuse me?”

”Come to the beach,” he murmured, ”I'm waiting for you.”

Now, there were a few things I could do:

1) I could end the call, just like that, and ignore him completely. What did he even want from me?

2) I could go to the beach and figure out what he wanted. Because I obviously wanted to see the love of my life.

3) I could tell him to leave me alone because I was pretty sure that he would only hurt me more if I saw him.

But I didn't know what to do.

But after a moment I, being myself, ended up being too pussy to say no to him. I told him that I would be right there and put the phone away. I pulled on a hoodie and started wandering out of my bedroom. I got to the back door and opened it, being greeted by the freezing sea breeze.

I stepped out and started making my way in the sand to our spot.

When I saw Brian, I noticed that he was drunk. He was laying on his back on the sand and whistling while looking up at the stars.

I walked to him and looked down at his face. His eyes focused on me and he started grinning.

”Now, what was a beautiful girl like you doing inside on a Friday night?” he asked me.

”Brian, what do you want?” I mumbled quietly, completely ignoring his question.

”I wanted to see you,” he said, ”My beautiful ex-girlfriend.”

”You might as well leave,” I told him, ”I'm not going to waste any more time on you.”

”You're hurting my feelings, babe.”

”Do not joke about this. Don't even talk about hurting other people's feelings,” I muttered.

”Wow, okay, calm down,” he said as he sat up and brushed the sand off his hair.

”I'm leaving,” I said suddenly, ”I shouldn't have come here.”

”Oh, relax, Soph. Sit down. Have a cigarette,” he said.

”I don't smoke.”

”Right, sorry. Do you want beer? Because I'm pretty sure I had a bottle or two right here...” he trailed off as he started looking around the beach.

”No,” I shook my head, ”I want you to tell me why you came here.”

”I already told you. I wanted to see your pretty face.”

”Stop that. You're just messing with my feelings again,” I mumbled.

”I'm sorry,” he said suddenly, ”For all that I did. I wish I hadn't hurt you.”

”Yeah, yeah...”

”I'm serious. I've... I've started to think about... I think I'm going to leave Michelle after all,” he said.

I froze completely and just looked at him. Was he bullshitting me?

”You have got to be kidding me. You can't do this, not after all that's happened,” I whispered.

He grabbed my hands suddenly and pulled me down to the sand with him. He pulled me up to his legs and sat me down on his lap, lifting his hands up to my cheeks. His face was very close to mine and he was looking right into my eyes.

”I'm serious,” he whispered, ”Even if I'm a bit drunk, I... I love you, Sophia. I fucking love you.”

And there it was – all that I needed to hear from him.

He loved me.

My heart skipped a few beats and my head felt light. There were butterflies in my stomach and my palms were getting sweaty. It was like I was falling in love again, except that I already was in love. I realized that my love for him had become a lot stronger now that he loved me too.

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment as I didn't know what to say. I didn't even want to think about the fact that he was drunk and he might have not even meant what he said. I wanted to be happy again and I wanted to feel loved.

”Do you still love me?” he whispered really quietly.

I could feel my strong heartbeat in my ears as my face grew hotter. I was blushing but it didn't matter. He liked it when I blushed.

I started biting my lip and then I got the courage to answer him.

”I love you,” I admitted quietly.

I watched as his smile grew wider and his eyes filled with happiness.

”Let's be together,” he whispered and started caressing my skin with his cold fingers.

It was a beautiful moment, it really was. What made it even better was that we were on our spot on our favourite beach. The air felt freezing but I felt so warm with him.
I lifted my hands up to his face and touched his cheek carefully.

”I wish you weren't drunk now,” I told him quietly.

”It doesn't matter if I'm drunk or not. These feelings, my love for you, is true. I don't want anybody but you, Sophia. You're exactly what is missing from my life. You're the one I can't live without. I want to wake up and see your beautiful face and I want you to fall asleep in my arms,” he told me.

Such nice words, honestly, but he wouldn't have said them if he hadn't been drunk, trust me.

”Tell me this when you're sober.”

”I will. I want the whole fucking world to know that I love you. I want to marry you and build a house together with you. I want to have kids with you and I want to make you happy,” he said with a wide grin.

And I believed him. I believed that he was serious about it this time.

He pulled my face close and I felt his hot breath on my skin. I quickly licked my dry lips before I pressed them against his, kissing him softly.

We ended up kissing for a moment and when we pulled apart, we were both breathing heavily.

”I love you,” he whispered again, making me feel really good inside.

I had waited for years to hear him say it to me again. It had been too long since the last time.

I couldn't stop grinning like a fool as I looked at his beautiful face. His eyes looked drunk but there was a sober smile on his lips. I couldn't help but think of how much I actually loved him. I loved his eyes, his lips, his smile, his personality – I loved all of him. He was such a good person that I had to forget that he had ever hurt me. None of the things in the past mattered because he loved me now.

Brian pulled me into another breathtaking kiss and he leaned down on his back, pulling me on top of him. We ended up laying on the cold sand and making out passionately. At some point Brian started pulling my shirt off and I had to stop him.

”I'm not having sex with you. Not yet. Not when you're drunk and married,” I whispered against his soft lips.

He stopped everything that he was doing and rested the back of his head against the sand. He started biting his lip and looked somewhat disappointed but quickly covered it up with a smile.

”I can wait,” he mumbled.

But he didn't want to, I could tell. I sat up straight, straddling his waist, and pressed my hands against his chest. I looked down at his face for a moment.

”You made me really happy,” I told him quietly.

He flashed a smile and reached closer to touch my cheek quickly.

All of a sudden he pulled his hand back and pushed me off his waist. He leaned to his side and threw up in a blink of an eye.

I flinched because it all happened so fast and couldn't help but just watch as he emptied his stomach to the sand. Then he leaned back down and closed his eyes. He took a few deep breaths in.

”Brian? Are you okay?” I whispered and touched his face carefully.

He didn't give me an answer so I tried again.

”Brian? Brian?”

I shook his shoulder and noticed that he had passed out.

I sighed and just looked at him for a moment and tried to figure out what to do with him. There was no way I could've carried him inside by myself. And I didn't feel comfortable with leaving him outside for the whole night, either.

After a moment of thinking I slid my hand into Brian's pocket and took out his phone. I dialed Jimmy's number and called him. It took him ages to answer.

”What's up, man?” Jimmy's voice sounded tired.

”Uh, hi, Jimmy, it's Sophia. I'm sorry for being a bother but I need your help,” I said.

”It's okay. What do you need help with?”

”Brian,” I said, ”He, uh... He came to see me and passed out on the beach and I can't figure out what to do with him. I mean, there's no way I'll be able to get him inside by myself.”

”Do you want me to come over?”

”Yes please.”

As I waited for Jimmy to arrive, I just stared at Brian. He looked so calm and peaceful, like he had no worry in the world.

I couldn't help but grin as I thought back to our little moment previously. It had been amazing and it had made me so happy. But once again, a perfect moment like that had to be ruined so easily.

Well, at least he loved me.
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Thank you miahaner, MoMo_92 and Lexi Wombat for your very nice comments & I appreciate all of your recommendations :-)!