Baby Don't Cry

Don't wanna die alone without you here.

I knew I had to talk to Brian about the whole moving to New York thing but for some reason, I didn't even want to think about it. I didn't want to go but I didn't want to stay either. Honestly, I had no idea what to do.

Brian and I were going to spend Friday night at my place. We were going to watch a movie and eat wine and relax. I thought that it would be a good time to tell him about it.

On Thursday, I went out to have lunch with Jimmy. We went to a nice restaurant, got a table and sat down. We ordered our foods and after that I decided to tell Jimmy the news.

”I think I'm going to move to New York,” I told him.

He was about to choke on the water that he had been swallowing. He started coughing loudly and I watched as he eventually calmed down.

”What?” he asked with a hoarse voice.

”I mean, I'm not sure about it yet but it would seem like a good idea,” I said with a shrug.

”Why would you move to New York, Sophia?” he asked me with his wide eyes.

”My boss is going to close the flower shop here. It's moving to New York. I'm going to lose my job if I don't go,” I told him.

”Can't you get another job? Here?”

”It's not about that.”

”Then what is it about?”

”I think it'd be the best if I left everything behind and had a new start. I think I deserve that,” I said quietly.

”But you can't leave me behind. And what about Brian?”

”Brian has Michelle,” I mumled quietly and looked down.

”Is that why you want to leave?”

”Partly, yes. But I think it would make everybody's life a lot easier. You could all forget about me and live your life as if I had never even been here,” I said.

”You know it doesn't work that way. You know you can't just walk away from everything and act like none of this ever happened,” Jimmy told me.

”There's nothing more that I want than to find a boyfriend and start a family. And that could all happen in New York.”

”That could all happen right here.”

”Jimmy...” I sighed, ”It's not like I've made my decision already but this is how I feel right now.”

”Have you talked to Brian about this?” he asked me.

I looked at his face and couldn't help but notice how sad his eyes looked. He had a slight smile on his lips but deep down inside he seemed to be sad.

”No,” I shook my head, ”He doesn't know about this. I'm going to tell him tomorrow.”

”He won't let you leave. I'm sure about that.”

The rest of Thursday went by fast. On Friday I had to walk to work because I couldn't afford gas. Well, I mean, I guess I could've afforded it but I only ever drove to work so I didn't see any point in using my car and using my money on gas. I thought that walking in the morning was a nice thing to do.

Well, it wasn't. It started raining like crazy as soon as I stepped out of the house. I didn't think I even owned an umbrella so I took a deep breath in before stepping out to the rain.

And when I reached the flower shop, I only wished the day was over already.

To my surprise Mathilda was at the shop already. I walked in and took off my wet coat and put it down on the bench.

”What are you doing here already?” I asked my employee who was sitting behind the counter, looking down.

She lifted her head up when she heard my voice. I noticed that her eyes were red and knew right away that she had been crying.

”Mathilda? What's wrong?” I asked, getting worried, before walking closer to her.

”They fired me!” she cried and sobbed into her hands, ”This is my last day here!”

”Oh no,” I sighed, ”I'm sorry.”

”What am I going to do?” she sobbed and I felt really bad for her.

”Look, you're still so young, I'm sure you will find a job that's better than this,” I told her quietly.

I rested my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me.

”Did you get fired too?” she whispered.

”Uh... If I don't move with the shop to New York then yes, I'm going to be left jobless,” I told her.

”What? No. You can't move to New York,” she whispered as her eyes flew wide open.

”Erm... Why not?”

”What about your romance with Synyster Gates?”

”There... There is no romance,” I admitted with a sigh.

”Did you break up?” she exclaimed in horror and covered her mouth with her hand.

”No, no. We were never even together,” I told her and shook my head.

”Oh,” she sighed.

”I can help you find a job,” I told her, ”Today.”

”But shouldn't we work?” she whispered.

”I still run this place for at least a week,” I said and flashed a smile, ”It's up to me what we do.”

We spent the rest of our day at work on the internet, trying to find a job for Mathilda. Unfortunately we didn't find anything and she had to leave without a job.

But before she left for the last time, we said our goodbyes. It was really sad and I felt bad for letting her go. I mean, I sort of felt like her mother. I felt like it was my job to protect her and make sure that she was alright. She had become a great friend to me.

”Remember that you can always call me,” I told her, ”Even when you're drunk and need somebody to pick you up and you can't call your mom.”

”Thanks, Sophia. You're the best,” she said with a grin before pulling me into a tight hug.

”Good luck,” I told her, ”With everything.”

”I hope that you and Synyster Gates get married one day,” she said.

”Oh my god...”

”No, but seriously. You deserve it,” she said and nodded. She started pulling her coat on and started walking to the door.

”Let's stay in touch!” I shouted after her as she walked out of the shop for the very last time.

After work I made my way home and to my surprise saw Brian's car in front of the house. I hadn't thought that he would just show up so early but I didn't mind. I was always happy to see him.

As I walked closer to the house, I saw him sitting on the front porch and smoking a cigarette.

”Why are you here so early?” I asked him. He looked up at me and shrugged.

”I came to talk about your move to New York,” he muttered.

My face fell and for a moment there I didn't know what to say. Of course Jimmy had told him about it already.

”Did Jimmy – ”

”Yes. Jimmy had to tell me about it because you fucking didn't,” he exclaimed.

”I was going to tell you tonight, I swear, and I only found out about it yesterday and – ”

”Don't you think that I deserve to know first if the person that I love is moving away?” he shouted at me and I flinched, getting slightly scared.

When he saw my reaction, his face softened.

”I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout,” he said quietly, ”I'm just so fucking frustrated.”

”I understand,” I said and nodded, ”But don't take it out on me. I haven't even decided if I'm leaving or not.”

”I don't want you to go,” he admitted and looked at me with such sad eyes.

”That's not what matters, though,” I said with a shrug.

Brian finished smoking and I let us into the house. He closed the door after us and followed me into kitchen. I took off my coat and took out a bottle of water from the fridge.

”Why would you even want to leave?” Brian asked me.

I climbed on the counter and sat down before drinking some water.

”Because there's nothing for me here,” I told him, ”I want to start living my life instead of just watching as other people live theirs.”

”But I'm here!” Brian exclaimed, ”I'm here for you, okay?”

”But that's the thing. You're not here for me. You're with Michelle and that's not quite enough. I would... I would need you to promise me something more if I stayed,” I said quietly.

He looked at me, obviously not having any idea what I was talking about.

”What do you mean?”

”If you wanted me to stay, you would have to...”

Leave Michelle? Get together with me? As I thought about it, what really was enough for me? What would be a good enough reason to make me stay?

”What?” Brian kept pushing.

”Nevermind,” I shook my head, ”I don't even know what I was about to say.”

”Look, Sophia, I will do anything to make you stay. Whatever it takes, I'll do it,” he told me quietly.

He stepped closer and rested his hands on my thighs as he looked up at my face.

”You would have to make a promise to... To share your life with me,” I whispered.

It was a lot to ask, I knew it, but that was pretty much what I needed from him.

”I... I'll... I'll be right back,” he told me suddenly.

I watched as he run out of the kitchen. A moment later I saw him outside running to his car. He got in and drove away, leaving me very confused.

Brian came back later that night. I was sitting on the couch under a blanket, feeling very comfortable while watching TV when he walked into the room. He didn't look any different as he sat down on the couch next to me.

”Where did you go?” I asked and looked at him.

”There's something I was going to tell you before I heard from Jimmy about the move,” he told me.

”Uh huh, what is it?”

”I... Well, uh... It's over. My marriage. Michelle moved away,” he told me.

”Oh my god,” I whispered in shock, ”I'm so sorry, Brian. I don't know what to say.”

”It was going to happen some day. We've fallen out of love.”

”Last time this happened you were really upset. Why aren't you now?” I asked him quietly.

”Because I realized that I've got something so much better now. You,” he said and flashed a quick smile.

”That's not a very nice thing to say about Michelle...”

”It doesn't matter. What matters is you and me and us together,” he said.

”Uh... Okay.”

”And... You wanted me to make a promise to you that I would share my life with you,” he said quietly as he stood up.

His hand went down to his pocket and he took out a small blue box. Oh god...

”Sophia, I know this is stupid and too soon and you're probably going to say no but,” he mumbled as he got down on his knee, ”Will you marry me?”
♠ ♠ ♠

Thank you Lexi Wombat, darkknightcreep, shantal.jayy and MoMo_92 for the comments!