Baby Don't Cry

It's been far too long, we've proven our love over time's so strong.

I laid in my bed and couldn't fall asleep.

All sorts of thoughts were running through my mind and it was bothering me. Brian had left his wife. He had asked me to marry him. Jimmy had kissed me. And it had all happened in less than 24 hours. And on top of all that, I really wanted to leave it all behind and move to New York. Now that Brian was mad at me, I realized that if he wasn't there for me, nobody was. If he left me, I wouldn't have anything. I wouldn't have a reason to stay and I would only have reasons to go.

Not one clear decision was made that night but I was more positive that I would actually move to New York than I was about staying in California. At some point, I decided that in order to get some sleep that night, I had to talk things straight with Brian.

I got up from my bed and started making my way out of my bedroom and down the stairs. The whole house was silent and I wondered if Brian had fallen asleep already. When I got to the living room, I saw him laying on the couch with his eyes closed.

”Brian?” I whispered and sat down on the cold floor.

It took a moment for him to crack his eyes open and once they were open, he turned his head to side and looked at me. He looked tired and I thought I could see sadness in his eyes.

”Go back to bed,” he whispered and yawned a second later.

”I can't sleep,” I whispered and pouted.

”Why's that?”

”All of these thoughts going through my mind... I don't want you to be like that,” I mumbled, ”And I want to sleep next to you. Not alone.”

”Come here then,” he mumbled with a sigh.

He lifted the blanket up and pulled me to him by my hand. I soon found myself laying on top of his body with his arms around me and the blanket over us and let me tell you, I had never felt so comfortable anywhere. It was warm and I felt safe there with him.

I leaned my cheek against his warm chest and closed my eyes. I started listening to his steady heartbeat and couldn't help but smile, even though nobody could see.

”I really love you,” I whispered really quietly.

”I love you, too, Sophia,” he told me and kissed the top of my head.

”Can we talk in the morning?” I asked him.


The very next morning I woke up when Brian pushed me off himself and down to the floor. My head hit the cold floor and I had no time to react to it. I was still half asleep as I sat up and held my head with the both of my hands.

”Holy shit,” Brian mumbled, ”I'm so sorry.”

”Why did you do that?” I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.

”My phone rang and I didn't remember that you were here and I sat up and... Yeah,” he mumbled.

Brian reached closer and grabbed my hands before pulling me on top of his body again. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and planted a big kiss on my forehead.

”My head hurts,” I whined and buried my face in his warm chest.

He started rubbing my back and kissed my head every once in a while. Then he moved his hand down and for a minute there I thought that he was trying to get into my pants but then he pulled his hand back up and I saw his phone in his hand.

”Who called you?” I mumbled and leaned my jaw against his chest, looking at his face in front of me.

”Jimmy,” he said quietly.

”Oh... I... I guess you should call him.”

”I'm not sure if I want to talk to him.”

”He's your best friend, Brian,” I said quietly, ”It's not like he's trying to destroy our relationship, right?”

”Yeah, but... I just don't want to know that another man kissed you. Especially not when it's my best friend we're talking about.”

”If it makes you feel any better, I don't want anybody else than you,” I whispered and blew him a kiss.

”Have you told your boss yet that you're not going to New York?” he asked me.

”Uh... No. I don't think I've made my decision yet,” I admitted. Brian looked disappointed as he bit his lip.

”Why would you want to go? You've got me now,” he muttered.

”Yeah but...”

”You're not going and that's it,” he told me.


”No. I'm not letting you go after I only just got you back,” he whispered.

I couldn't help but smile at his words, even if I didn't quite agree with him. I leaned closer and pressed my lips against his mouth, kissing him softly.

”I slept really well with you,” I told him quietly.

”Good. Because I could barely breathe under your body,” he mumbled with a grin.

I knew he was joking but I rolled my eyes.

”I can't believe you left Michelle,” I whispered after a moment and looked at his face for a reaction.

And to my surprise, he started smiling.

”I can't believe I can finally have you all to myself,” he murmured and winked at me.

”I can't believe you've already been married and I've only ever dated, like, two guys.”

”I can't believe we're together again after all this time,” he whispered.

”I've told you a thousand times that this is meant to be,” I told him with a smile.

”Maybe I finally believe you. Maybe you're right.”

Brian and I laid on the couch at least for another hour before we both took a shower and went to eat breakfast in the kitchen. Brian ate quickly and went to have a smoke on the porch and call Jimmy.

I watched through the window as he spoke for half an hour with his best friend. He ended the call, finally, and walked back in.

A few seconds later he was standing in the kitchen in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to his body.

”What did Jimmy say?” I asked him quietly.

”He promised that he wouldn't kiss you again,” he told me, ”And I told him that you weren't going to move to New York and he seemed to be happy.”


”Why aren't you happy?” he asked and took a hold of my face, making me look at him.

”I am happy,” I nodded, ”I just... If I don't go to New York, I'm losing my job. I won't be able to buy anything anymore and I'm going to become homeless.”

”I'll help you with everything,” he promised, ”Don't worry about anything.”

”That's very nice of you to say but I can't just lay on a couch all day every day. I do need a job,” I mumbled with a deep sigh.

”Well then we'll find you a job. But that's not something we have to worry about now,” he said and touched my cheek with his long fingers.

I kept my eyes on the ground but could feel him looking at me. I lifted my hands up to my face and started rubbing it softly.

”How am I going to live?” I mumbled to myself, not really caring if Brian heard me or not.

”Sophia... I wish you would stop being so hard on yourself. Take a week off from work or something. You don't always have to do something,” he said quietly.

”You don't get it, do you? It's not even about having a job. I'm going to be 30 in a few years and I haven't done anything in my life. I just... I want to become something,” I muttered and finally looked up at his face. My eyes met his and I quickly looked away.

”You're not even 25, are you? You're not going to be 30 in a long time.”

”That's not the point! I... I want to be a mom and start a family!”

”Fine. I'll get you pregnant if that's what you want,” he told me with a laugh.

”That's not what I mean,” I muttered and sighed dramatically.

”Then what is it that you mean?”

”I don't even know.”

”Well... Do you want to move in with me? Do you want to take the next step?”

”I can't leave this house,” I shook my head, ”It's so important to me.”

”Do you want me to move in here with you?”

”Uh... That's too much to ask from you. But if you want to... I mean... Yeah...”

”I could stay here, like, a few nights a week or something,” he said and shrugged, ”I need to figure out what to do with my house. It's too big for me anyway so maybe I should sell it.”


”Do you feel better now?” he asked and held his hand under my chin, caressing my cheek softly.

”Yeah,” I nodded, ”Thank you. For everything.”

He didn't say a word as he flashed a smile and gave me a quick kiss.

”So, uh, since last night didn't go quite as planned, would you like to go on a date with me tonight?” he murmured quietly and a grin spread across his face. I couldn't help but smile and let out a giggle.

”I would love to go out with you.”