Baby Don't Cry

We all have answers to find.

I could barely breathe as Brian kissed me roughly. I could tell by the way his hands moved and touched me and how his lips wouldn't leave my mouth, that he had waited a long time for it. And let's be honest, I wanted it, too. A lot. I wanted to finally have sex with Brian.

It didn't take long for him to pull off my shirt and pajama pants, and soon I was laying half naked under his hot body. His hands were everywhere, touching me, teasing me, as he started kissing down my neck. I moved my hands down his chest and started pulling his shirt off. His bare skin touched mine as his shirt wasn't in the way anymore, and god how I wanted him.

I wasn't scared at all anymore. I only wanted him, all of him, and nothing more or less. Now, it had been quite a while since the last time I'd had sex with anyone and to be honest, I wasn't quite sure of what to do.

I mean, sex was only sex and you couldn't really go wrong with it, but I didn't want Brian to think that I sucked in bed. Nobody wanted to have a partner that was horrible in the bedroom, so I had to show him that I was good. It would have been a lot easier if I hadn't been so shy and insecure, but I tried my best.

I parted my lips slightly and allowed him to kiss me with more passion. The situation was getting heated and our bodies were getting sweaty and sticky but neither of us seemed to mind it. I could feel the strong sexual tension in the air. There was nothing there but pure desire and strong need of each other's bodies. I wanted him and he wanted me, just as much.

As Brian kissed me, the thought of me losing my virginity to him years earlier rushed back to my mind.

I had been truly scared and hadn't got a clue of what to do. It had been and still was the best memory of my teenage years and I would always hold on to that memory.

”Are you on pills or something?” Brian's voice pulled me back to my bedroom and into the moment.

He was breathing heavily and looking into my eyes. I could see his face in front of me, even though the room was completely dark. I felt the weight of his body on top of me and it turned me on, very badly.

”No,” I whispered and shook my head, ”I'm not on pills.”

”Fuck,” he mumbled and pulled himself away from me.

I watched as he got out of the bed and went to his jeans and started looking for something. After a moment he came back to the bed and I realized that he'd been looking for a condom.

His lips found mine again in less than a second and the making out continued. His hands went down to his boxers and in one swift move he had pulled them off. He started positioning himself between my legs and once he pushed himself fully into me, there was no going back.

The next day I woke up after midday. It felt like I hadn't slept that well in ages and there was a smile attached to my face since the moment I woke up. As soon as I had opened my eyes, I'd been staring at Brian. If it was possible, I thought I'd fallen even more in love with him than before. The sex had definitely made it all so much better.

”Brian?” I whispered and touched his face carefully.

A grin appeared on his face before he even opened his eyes. He wrapped me into his arms and pulled me into a hundred kisses before he got serious again and opened his eyes, sitting up on the bed.

”What time is it?” he mumbled and rubbed his face with his both hands.

I grabbed my phone from the floor and checked the time.

”Almost one,” I told him and yawned. I looked at him with a big smile on my face.

”I need to go,” he told me, ”We have to be at the venue in a few hours.”

”Why do you have to go already if we have a few hours?”

”I need to get some fresh clothes and other stuff from my place.”

”You know, it would be so much easier if you just brought some of your stuff here. Or all of your stuff,” I said with a shrug.

”You're absolutely right,” he nodded, ”But that'll have to wait.”

”Uh huh, okay,” I nodded and got out of the bed, forgetting that I was completely naked.

I quickly looked at Brian to see if he was looking at me, and yes he was. My cheeks turned red and I looked away, covering my more private areas with my hands.

”I know every inch of you, Soph. I know what everything looks like so you don't have to hide your body from me,” he said and shook his head.

”Uh huh,” I nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. I looked myself in the mirror and my heart skipped a beat when I saw my naked boyfriend standing behind me. He was looking at my body and I was looking at his body. Neither of us said a thing before I finished brushing my teeth. I wiped my mouth and put down the toothbrush.

”Let me look at you,” he told me quietly.

I stood there, not doing anything, and looked at his face. His eyes went up and down my body, all the way down to my toes from my face and back up again. Seconds felt like hours as he didn't say anything, and I started to feel really uncomfortable.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with my body. In fact, I thought I looked pretty nice and I didn't even feel ugly that often. I just didn't feel comfortable with people looking at my naked figure.

”Okay, that's enough,” I finally mumbled and walked back into my bedroom.

I heard a deep sigh coming from the bathroom and a moment later I heard as he turned on the shower. I walked to my closet and started pulling my clothes on.

Brian and I saw each other again in the kitchen. I was sitting and eating an apple and drinking tea as he walked in. He didn't say a word as he made himself a cup of coffee and sat down. We stared at each other for a moment in silence.

”So,” he said finally, ”Last night was great.”

A grin found its way back to his lips, right where it belonged to, and I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

”It was,” I agreed.

I finished eating and put what was left of my apple on the table. I wiped my mouth and licked my lips and caught Brian still staring at me.

”You're really beautiful, Sophia,” he said quietly.

”Stop that,” I mumbled and blushed badly.

”Why is it so hard for you to understand that you're beautiful? Why can't you just say thank you and smile?” he asked me.

”Thank you,” I said.

”See? That was better. Anyway, are you excited for tonight?” he asked me.

”What's tonight?”

”Our show?”

”Oh, yeah,” I quickly nodded, ”I'm excited.”

”Good. I can't wait for everybody to meet you,” he said and flashed a smile.

”But... Isn't Michelle's sister going to be there? Valary?”

”Uh... Yeah...”

”How is she going to react? She's not going to, like, hurt me or anything?” I asked carefully.

”She won't even touch you, don't worry about that,” he told me.

”But she won't like me, that's for sure.”

”We can't expect for her to like you.”

After three in the afternoon we got in Brian's car and drove first to his place and after that to the venue. We got to their dressing room and to our surprise we were the first ones there. I saw a couch and a big television in front of it. There was a table and a fridge that was full of all sorts of drinks, and it was all really cool.

”I'm nervous,” I admitted, ”To meet everybody.”

Brian turned around and looked at me. There was a soft smile on his lips as he started walking to me. He wrapped me into his arms and kissed me a few times.

”Everybody is going to love you,” he murmured against my mouth.

”I hope so,” I whispered just as the door opened.

In walked Zacky, Johnny and Jimmy. They all seemed surprised to see me and nobody really said anything in a while.

I hadn't even thought about how uncomfortable it could be between Jimmy and myself. Last time I had seen him he had kissed me. We hadn't talked after that.

”Hey, Soph!” Jimmy exclaimed and rushed to hug me.

To my surprise it didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable at all. Jimmy was still Jimmy, nothing had changed.

”Guys, you remember Sophia,” Brian said. Zacky and Johnny nodded and I smiled at them.

”Isn't Val going to be here, though?” Jimmy asked and furrowed his eyebrows.

”Yeah,” Brian nodded.

”Oh, okay... I just thought that since Soph is here... Nevermind,” he shrugged.

”I don't want any drama,” I said just as the door opened again.

A bunch of people walked in and the very first person I saw was Val. She was giving me a death glare and I swallowed hard.
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A very big thank you to the lovely Clik and MoMo_92 for the comments, cheers guys!