Baby Don't Cry

Doubt the choices that we made.

After a few days I stopped thinking about Brian.

I got back to working and my mind didn't go back to my ex boyfriend's face anymore. I had almost forgotten about him when he came back to the flower shop, only a few days later.

This time he came with a few of his friends while I was in the middle of brooming the floor.

”Good morning,” Brian said with a grin as they all sat down on a bench and just looked at me while I worked.

”Morning. What can I help you with?” I asked.

”Oh, you know, we just wanted to buy some flowers...”


Somehow I found it hard to believe. Why would a bunch of tattooed guys want to buy some flowers at 10 in the morning?

”Yeah. I was thinking about roses or something. But, really, you're the expert. What would a girl like you want to get from her boyfriend?” Brian asked with a smirk on his face.

”Roses. Definitely roses. In fact, I think we've got some of these special ones that just came in...” I trailed off and walked to a bunch of roses that were the most expensive ones we had.

”These are really beautiful. I think you should get these for your girlfriend,” I said and nodded as I pointed at the flowers. Brian didn't even look at them when he agreed.

I started preparing the flowers for him as his friends wandered around the shop, looking at all the different flowers. Brian was the only one that kept his eyes on me as I worked.

”So why did you want to start selling flowers?” he asked me suddenly.

”I didn't want to start doing this,” I mumbled and kept my eyes tightly on the flowers, ”I had to get a job and this was what I got.”

”Uh huh... Aren't you going to ask about my life?”

”Nope,” I mumbled.

I handed him the roses.

”That will make 120,” I told him.

He pulled out his wallet and stopped to think about the price for a moment.

”120? For, what, ten roses?” he asked and furrowed his eyebrows.

”Yes. 120,” I said and nodded.

”They better be good flowers, then,” he told me before handing me the money.

”Thank you and have a nice day,” I said as I took the money. Brian laughed.

”Can I have your number?” he asked me, ”Or do I have to ask your boss for that, too?”

”What exactly would you do with my number?” I asked him.

”I'd call you and ask you out.”

”But you're getting married, aren't you? You shouldn't be asking other girls out.”

”There's nothing wrong with having lunch with an old friend, right?” he asked. I shrugged.

”So, can I have it?” He kept pushing about the number.

”No,” I told him. He looked slightly disappointed.

”Well can I take you to lunch today?”


”Aww come on, Soph, I'm trying really hard here. Please?”

”Ugh, okay, okay! Pick me up at 11,” I mumbled.

He flashed me a smile and left, leaving the flowers on the counter.

When Brian came to pick me up, I handed him the roses that he had forgotten. I got in his car and he laughed.

”Why did you bring me the flowers?” he asked me.

He gave them back to me as he started driving.

”Because you forgot to take them with you,” I said, ”You forgot to take them to your girlfriend.”

”They aren't for my girlfriend,” he told me, ”Those are for you.”

”For me?”

”Yeah. I bought them to you.”

”Now why would you pay 120 dollars to buy roses for me?” I exclaimed and looked at him with my wide eyes.

He kept his eyes on the road and just laughed, never giving me a proper answer for my question.

Brian drove us to a small, cosy restaurant and we got in. I ordered a salad for myself and Brian got a hamburger and when the waitress left, Brian turned to look at me with a grin.

It brought back memories of our time together and for a moment there, I felt a bit sad that we were never going to be like that again. We were never going to start dating and wouldn't ever fall in love with each other again.

”Why did you want to have lunch with me?” I asked him, ”Be honest.”

”Because I want to know what you've been up to. I've... I've missed your face,” he said and flashed a quick smile.

”I think I'm more interested in your life than you're in mine,” I admitted, ”I know that you started a band and you're doing great.”

”Well, you know, it was what felt comfortable and right at the time. It worked out and here I am,” he said, sounding really proud of what he had achieved.

”So... Who are you going to marry?” I asked. He was quiet for a moment.

”Her name is Michelle. We've been going out for, like, five years now,” he told me.

”Is she great?”

”Yeah,” he nodded, ”She's amazing.”

”That's great. I'm happy for you,” I said with a slight smile.

”So how are you? Are you seeing anyone?” he asked me.

”Nope,” I shook my head, ”I haven't been so lucky with everything.”

”I doubt that. Who wouldn't want to date a girl like you?” he chuckled.

”Apparently I'm too nice for guys,” I shrugged, ”Nobody ever wants to hurt me.”

”Well I wouldn't want to hurt you either,” he said and then we both just looked at each other in silence for a moment.

”But you did. You broke my heart when you moved away,” I said quietly.

”I know,” he nodded with a sigh, ”I didn't think it was that big of a deal. You have no idea how long
I kept thinking of you. No matter what I did or where I went, I just couldn't get you off my mind.”

”But at some point you got over me,” I stated.

”Of course I did. And you got over me. But that's the way things go.”


”Listen, Sophia, if I wasn't about to get married... If things were different, I would ask you out. I'd do anything to go on a date with you,” he told me seriously.

”Yeah, well... Let's not even think about that,” I mumbled.

He nodded and fortunately our food arrived just then. We started eating in silence.

After we had finished eating, Brian insisted that he had to pay for my food so I let him. We got back in his car and he started driving us back to the flower shop.

”Really, Brian, I can't take these roses. You have to give them to your girlfriend,” I told him. He shook his head.

”They're for you, Sophia.”

”Hmpfh, well, thanks,” I mumbled, ”Listen... It was nice to see you, it really was. But I think it'd be the best if we didn't see each other anymore.”

”But we have to. What about the flowers for my wedding?” he asked me. He stopped the car in front of the shop and turned to look at me.

”My boss can take care of them. We don't have to see anymore,” I told him.

”Sophia... I want you to be my friend. Why don't you come to our wedding?” he asked suddenly. I started shaking my head.

”No, no... That's not a good idea. No,” I said.

”Please. You could meet new people. In fact, one of my best friends is single...”

”Brian. No.”

”Yes, yes! I will send you an invitation!” he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes but didn't want to start arguing about it so I dropped it, thanked him for the lunch and the flowers and went back to work.
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Thank you theenigma and AshlynnTheRevLover very much for recommending this, and a big thanks to theenigma and shantal.jayy for the comments, much love!