Baby Don't Cry

Much has changed since the last time and I feel a little less certain now.

Weeks passed by and before I knew it, I was sitting in a plane, on my way to Hawaii. The plane was pretty much filled with people I knew; our families were there, our friends were there, everybody that was attending the wedding was there. After landing, we were all going to take cabs to Brian's mom's friend's summer place where the wedding was held. And the next day we would get married. It was all going to happen super fast.

As I sat in the plane and looked out of the window and saw nothing but clouds, my thoughts went back to children. We had now been trying to make a baby for seven weeks and I still wasn't pregnant. For somebody that wanted nothing as badly as to have children, I thought I was holding up pretty well. I hadn't cried about it and I hadn't shouted at Brian, not yet at least.

I would be telling lies if I said that not getting pregnant hadn't affected our relationship. We both wanted something – Brian wanted to get married and I wanted children – so badly that we hadn't really thought about our relationship that much. I thought it was stupid to get married when our relationship was like that but I wanted Brian to be happy, even if I wasn't.

Once the plane had finally landed, we waited for our luggage for some time before getting into cabs. As I looked out of the window, I thought that Hawaii looked absolutely beautiful but I didn't feel like I could fully enjoy it. There was too much on my mind. I would've wanted it to be different, I would've wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

We got to the big house only a moment later. I got out of the cab and watched as the yard was soon full of people and suitcases. Everybody had their sunglasses on and a big smile on their face and I realized that they were all there for Brian and me. They were there to celebrate our big day and because they cared about us. That, if anything, made me feel slightly better.

Everybody got their rooms and went to change their clothes or to the beach or something but I just sat on our big bed and looked out of the window. Brian had gone to the pool with some of his friends so I was alone.

Until the door opened and in walked... Val? What was she doing in our bedroom?

”I'm not here to fight with you, although I still don't really like you,” she told me right away. As if it would make me feel any better.

”Then what is it that you're here for?” I asked her.

She sighed and obviously didn't know what to say or how to start what she was about to say.

”I... I wanted to thank you for inviting me to your wedding, even after all that's happened. I know you don't like me and I don't like you and that's fine, but thank you. I wouldn't have wanted to miss Brian's wedding day,” she told me.

”I don't have anything against you or your sister,” I said quietly, ”But I've got other things to worry about. I'm not going to be all immature and hate you two, I'm not like that. I just wish you would leave me alone.”

”I'm not going to apologize or congratulate you but I wanted to thank you for the invitation.”

”Well, you know, you should thank Brian,” I said with a shrug.

”But I wanted to thank you,” she said, ”Well... I'm going to leave you alone now.”

A moment later she was gone and I could only wonder if she would ever stop hating me. It wasn't like I had done anything to her. It wasn't like she had an actual reason to hate me. I mean, yeah, it sucked what had happened to Brian and Michelle but that was in the past and I had thought that everybody had moved on. Apparently not.

As it started to get late, I changed into a dress and made my way to the backyard where everybody was. There was a lot of food on the table and everybody was just chatting and having a good time. Nobody seemed to really notice me so I got to wander around for a good while until Brian spotted me.

”Babe, where have you been all night?” he asked me quietly after pulling me around the corner, away from all the people. Apparently he wanted to have a private conversation.

”I'm just... I'm trying to prepare myself for tomorrow,” I said and shrugged.

He flashed a smile and placed his hands on either side of my waist before leaning in for a kiss. His lips tasted a lot like alcohol and cigarettes and for once, I didn't like it.

”Are you drunk?” I asked and pulled my head away from his.

”What? No, I'm not drunk.” But he was, a little at least.

”I thought you weren't supposed to have anything tonight,” I said and furrowed my eyebrows.

”Oh, come on, Sophia. It's my last night as an unmarried man,” he murmured and caressed my cheek with his hand. I looked away from his face and soon after that he took a hold of my face and forced me to look at him.

”What's going on? Talk to me,” he demanded quietly.

His face was really close to mine and I couldn't help but look straight into his eyes.

”What if I'm not meant to get pregnant?” I whispered finally. His face fell and he groaned loudly.

”Please don't bring that up again,” he exclaimed dramatically, ”I thought we were over this already.”

”How can you be like that?” I mumbled, ”You know how serious I'm about this. You know how much this means to me, Brian.”

”I thought that for one weekend we could focus on something else. But no, you had to ruin this, too. We're getting married tomorrow, Sophia. Focus on that, please.”

”You're being really rude,” I muttered and pushed his whole body away from me.

”Look, I don't want to fight a night before our wedding,” he told me.

”Yeah, well, me neither.”

”Then why are you being like that?”

”Why are you being like that?” I exclaimed.

”Because you're being like that!”

”Stop shouting at me. I can worry about getting pregnant just as much as I want to and you don't have to like it but you cannot be rude to me. You shouldn't have gotten drunk and you shouldn't have made me upset like that,” I told him.

”Do you even want to get married?” he muttered.

I froze and really let the words sink in. Was he seriously doubting me? Did he really think I didn't want to marry him? But, then again... I mean, I did want to marry him. I just didn't think the timing was right for it.

”What's that supposed to mean? Do you doubt me?” I asked him.

”You don't seem too excited about the wedding,” he muttered and crossed his arms over his chest. He just sort of glared at me for a moment.

”You know what, I'm going to bed,” I told him.

I pushed my way past him and ignored all of the curious looks I received from the people outside. I made my way up the stairs and found my way into the big bedroom. I threw away my shoes and got in the bed. I turned off the lights and then laid in bed for at least an hour before falling asleep.