Baby Don't Cry

I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.

When I woke up, after sleeping for what seemed like only a few hours, I was excited but very tired. The sun was shining through the window and it made the room really hot. I had obviously forgotten to close the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room for a moment. I couldn't believe that it was the very same room where I would be spending my wedding night in.

I got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I took a very long and hot shower and only wondered how Brian was doing. Was he nervous? Was he excited? Was he still asleep?

As I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped into the bedroom. To my surprise the room wasn't empty. My mom and Brian's mom were both sitting on the bed.

”Good morning, honey,” Brian's mom chirped. I gave her a smile and nodded as a reply. My own mother was only looking at me curiously.

”We're going to have to ask you to leave,” mom said then, ”We have to clean this room and get everything ready for the night.”

”Where am I going to go?” I asked and furrowed my eyebrows.

”We have a surprise for you downstairs. There's somebody there that is going to do your hair and makeup,” she told me, ”But you have to avoid the other side of the house. That's where Brian and the boys are.”

”Uh huh, a surprise...” I mumbled and grabbed some of my clothes from my suitcase.

I left the room and made my way down the stairs. It took me a moment to find the main living room and then I saw two girls sitting on the couch. I narrowed my eyes and noticed that the other one was my ex-employee, Mathilda. My face lit up and I exclaimed her name.

”Oh my god, what are you doing here?” I exclaimed and got really excited when I rushed to hug her. She had a wide grin on her face.

”I got an email from the manager of Avenged Sevenfold and they invited me to your wedding and of course I said yes!” she exclaimed and screamed a little. She was such a fangirl but it was awesome.

”And this is my sister, Mabel,” she said, ”She's a professional makeup artist and she's going to do your hair and makeup!”

”No way, that's so nice!” I shook Mabel's hand and gave her a big smile.

It took at least two hours for Mabel to do my hair and makeup but I didn't mind because I had so much fun with the two girls. Mabel turned out to be just like Mathilda, a very outgoing and fun, and there wasn't a moment of silence during those two hours. The girls seemed to be very excited about the wedding and, truthfully, so was I. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got and the less I thought about having children. It was great because it took my mind off the whole baby thing.

When I was pretty and my hair looked really nice, I got to eat some breakfast. While I sat in the kitchen, I looked out of the window. I watched as Jimmy and Zacky were smoking outside on the beach. Some people were carrying flowers and preparing the spot where we would say the I Do's. There were white chairs and lots of flowers and candles. The ceremony wouldn't start until it started to get dark outside.

After afternoon my mom told me to go into the poolhouse. As I got there, I saw nothing but my wedding dress on the bed. I had chosen it by myself and I thought it was perfect for a beach wedding. It wasn't too massive or heavy. It was a very light and simple but still classic. I thought it was really nice.

I took my time to put it on and when it was finally on, I couldn't find a mirror big enough to let me see it on my body. I shrugged it off and opened the door. I was about to step outside when my mother rushed there to stop me.

”No, no, get back inside!” she exclaimed and pushed me back into the poolhouse.

”What's going on?” I asked her.

”Hurry up, run into the bathroom!” she demanded.

She grabbed my hands and pulled me into the bathroom. Then she closed the door and tried to catch her breath for a moment.

”Mom, what's going on?” I asked, repeating my question.

”Brian can't see you yet and he's about to walk past the poolhouse,” she told me.

”So, what, we're going to hide in the bathroom until he's gone?”

”Yes. And once he's at the beach, the ceremony can start. All of the guests are there already,” she told me and my heart stopped for a moment. For the first time that day, I started to get nervous.

”What is it, Sophia? Are you alright?” she asked me.

”Oh, yeah, yeah. I just got a little nervous,” I admitted with a shrug.

A soft smile appeared on my mother's lips and she placed her hands on my shoulders.

”You look absolutely beautiful, darling. There's a man out there that loves you and is waiting to marry you. Don't be nervous, we're all here to support you and your marriage,” she told me, ”And... I know we've grown apart quite a lot but you still mean so much to me. I'm always going to have your back, no matter what.”

”Thanks, mom,” I said and teared up a little. I pulled her into a hug and we hugged for a long time.

As we stepped out of the poolhouse, I could hear lots of chatting coming from the beach. The warm breeze hit my face and the salty air made me relax. It felt familiar and safe. I loved being on the beach which made it a perfect place to get married at.

My father appeared by my side and we started wandering to where everybody was. And once everybody saw me, they stood up and kept their eyes glued on me. I saw my soon-to-be-husband standing on the beach in front of me. He had a big smile on his face and he looked like he was going to cry. And of course that made me emotional, too. I quickly tried to wipe away the few tears on my cheeks.

As I looked around me, I realized that this was it. I was going to get married for the first (and hopefully for the last) time in my entire life. None of our fights mattered anymore because I was going to be his and he was going to be mine, just like it was meant to be.

After saying the I Do's, things happened really fast. We went to the backyard and everybody got drinks and gave speeches and ate lots of food. There was a lot of music and dancing and having fun. Everybody had such a good time. Brian and I danced and spent a lot of time with different people until we decided to get some privacy and thanked everybody before getting up into our bedroom.

Brian was a little drunk as he carried me into the room and put me down on the bed. He had a wide smile on his face as he climbed on top of me and started kissing me.

”I love you,” he murmured against my mouth, ”So fucking much.”

”I love you,” I whispered as he started to kiss my neck.

”You looked so fucking beautiful today,” he told me.

He lifted his head up and looked into my eyes while caressing my cheek with his warm fingers.

”You're making me blush,” I said and giggled as the burning blush appeared on my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his face closer so that I could kiss him properly.

”No, but thank you, babe. You made me the happiest man in the world. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” he told me.

And all of a sudden the thought of him and Michelle on their wedding night rushed to my mind. What had he been like with her? Had he told her the exact same things? I tried to shake it off my mind but couldn't. It started to bother me as Brian kissed me.

”Brian?” I whispered, ”Can you... Can you tell me what your wedding night with Michelle was like?”

”What? Now? Sophia – ”

”Please. I just... It's going to bother me if I don't know anything about it. Please.”

”It wasn't anything like this because she isn't anything like you. It's you who I'm supposed to be with so this feels right. With her, it didn't feel like this,” he whispered.

”Are you happier now than you were back then?” I asked. The smile on his face grew wider and he nodded.

”Yes. This is the happiest I've ever been. You've made me happier than anybody else has,” he told me.

I couldn't help but smile as he leaned in to kiss me again. And this time I wasn't going to pull away from him. This time I would enjoy it and I wasn't going to worry about Michelle or anybody else because it was my wedding night and nobody else's.
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Thank you catcraz826, ChazlySilver, AJ9 and MoMo_92 for the comments!