Baby Don't Cry

You think it's over but it's just begun, but baby don't cry.

The days after Christmas went by slowly as Brian spent most of his time writing music at the band's studio with the rest of the band. There wasn't much for me to do at home so I spent a lot of time with Brian's mom while my hubby was working. We cleaned both of our houses and got ready for the new year.

I met a doctor right after Christmas and she confirmed that, yes, I was very much pregnant. Well, okay, not very much. I was only two months pregnant which meant that there still was a long road to go. But what mattered was that I was 100% pregnant, finally.

Mathilda, my ex employee, called me one day and asked me to come to New York with her. Apparently she thought of moving there for school and wanted me to join her on her two day trip. She wanted to visit the flower shop and find out if it was possible for her to work there again once she was living in New York. I honestly didn't have anything better to do so of course I said yes and before I knew it, we had booked flights for the next day and I found myself packing my suitcase.

”We will only be there for, like, 24 hours,” Mathilda said. We were talking on the phone. She was packing her stuff on the other line.

”So I don't really need anything with me?”

”No,” she said, ”Just some clothes and a toothbrush.”

”Good. I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning, at eight,” I told her.

After ending the call, I put the phone away and decided that I didn't really need a suitcase for my stuff so I found a bag and packed it.

Brian came home as I was just about to go to the shower and noticed the bag on our bed.

”Babe? What is this?” I heard his voice coming from the bedroom. I wrapped a towel around my body and looked into the bedroom. I saw him holding up the bag.

”It's my bag. I'm going to New York tomorrow,” I told him.

”Wait, what? To New York?” he asked and furrowed his eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me for a moment.

”Yeah. With Mathilda. She needs to go and look around the place before she actually moves there,” I explained and shrugged.

”So, what, weren't you going to tell me? How long will you be gone? When did you decide this? Why didn't you tell me?”

”We only decided it today, like, a few hours ago. And yes, I was going to tell you when you got home. And I'll be home on the 30th so I will be here for New Year's Eve,” I said.

”Great but why are you going there anyway?”

”Because... Why not? You spend your days at the studio and I've got nothing to do here.”

”Will you be careful there? I don't want anything to happen to you, especially not now that you're pregnant,” he said seriously as he started walking to me.

I nodded and flashed a quick smile. He reached me and placed his hands on either side of my waist, pulling me close to his body.

”When are you leaving? Tomorrow?” he asked.

”I'll go pick up Mathilda in the morning,” I told him.

”Are you seriously going to New York with a 17-year-old?” he asked with a laugh. I rolled my eyes.

”She's over 18 already,” I said, ”And yes, yes I am. She's a very good friend of mine.”

”Uh huh, alright,” he nodded and pulled me into a quick kiss before letting go of me. I watched as he left the bedroom before I walked back to the shower and took a very long and relaxing shower.

That night, as Brian and I laid in bed, he was resting his hand on my stomach and holding me close to his warm body. We had lit the candles and music was playing quietly in the background. It was a very comfortable and relaxing moment, just the way I wanted.

”I can't believe we're finally going to have a baby,” I whispered and watched as he ran his fingers down my bare stomach and back up again.

He was painting circles on my skin with his fingertips. I felt his hot breath against my neck before he kissed it softly.

”We're going to be a real family,” he murmured.

”My dream has finally come true. I've got a perfect husband and a perfect house and soon a beautiful baby,” I said and let out a happy sigh.

”How do you know it's going to be beautiful?” Brian asked and laughed quietly.

”Of course it's going to be beautiful. All babies are.”

”Not all babies are.”

”Well have you seen an ugly baby?” I asked.

”Well, no. Maybe you're right. And if it looks anything like you, it'll be the most beautiful baby in the whole universe,” he whispered and kissed my cheek quickly.

”You're making me blush,” I admitted and grinned like an idiot. He lifted his head up, only to look at me, and flashed a wide smile.

”Soph? You know I love it when you blush,” he murmured and took a hold of my face before pulling me into a kiss. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck.

”I love you,” I murmured into his mouth as we kissed.

The next morning I was really tired when I forced myself up from the bed right after six. I could only blame myself for staying up so late, I thought, as I rubbed my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes.
”Come back to bed,” Brian mumbled and grabbed my thigh with his hand.

”I have to get ready,” I said and sighed.

I ruffled his hair and watched as he closed his eyes again
and got comfortable under the warm blanket. I looked at his calm face for a moment before leaning in to kiss his cheek.

I got in my car with my bag when I was ready. I drove to the address Mathilda had given me and once I arrived there, I saw her sitting outside of their house with a tiny suitcase. Her face lit up when she saw my car and she rushed to me. I got out of the car and she sort of froze and then looked up and down my body.

”Have you put on weight?” she exclaimed. My face fell and I looked down my body.

”Some say I have,” I shrugged, ”But, actually, there's something I need to tell you.”

”Oh god, what is it? You and Synyster Gates haven't broken up, have you? Because that would absolutely break my heart and – ”

”No, no,” I laughed, ”It's nothing like that. We're going to have a baby.”

I watched as her face lit up again and she rushed to give me a hug.

”That is so awesome!” she exclaimed, ”Congrats, Sophia! I'm so happy for you!”

”Aww, thanks,” I said and smiled at her, ”Now, get in and let's go to New York!”

When we got to New York, the whole city amazed me. There were so many people, everything was so big and it was just so different. Everybody seemed to be busy and knew exactly what to do or where to go. It was a lot different than California and even though the city looked amazing, I didn't feel like I wanted to live there. Mathilda, on the other hand, fell in love with the place and was sure that she would move there.

”This is it, Soph, this is my home, right here!” she told me.

Her eyes were full of excitement and I could tell that she had found the place she belonged to.

Our day in New York went by quickly as we did a lot of shopping and went to see some apartments for Mathilda. When it started to get late, we found the flower shop and walked in. The shop was a lot bigger than what it had been in California and both Mathilda and I just had to look around it for a moment to realize that it was the same shop we had both once worked in.

”May I help you? Is there something you're looking for?” A woman, apparently somebody that worked there, asked me.

”Ah, yeah,” I nodded, ”Are you... Do you know the lady who owns this shop?”

”My mother, yes,” she nodded with a smile.

”Oh, okay. Well, the thing is... Wait, Mathilda? Mathilda!” I hissed to the girl who was still wandering
around the shop. She noticed us and rushed to where we were.

”We both worked for your mother before this shop moved to New York,” I explained.

”You're Sophia? I do remember once meeting you back in California,” she nodded.

”You know, the thing is, Mathilda is going to move to New York soon and she needs a job here,” I said.

”And she would like to work here?”

”Well, yeah.”

”I'm not sure if we need another employee here right now but I'll see what I can do. Can I get your number so that I can contact you?” she asked from Mathilda who nodded.

They walked to the counter and chatted for a moment. While they talked, I decided to call my husband and talk to him for a bit. But to my surprise he didn't answer his phone. He hadn't answered all day and I started to get a bit worried.

The next day we flew back to California and I drove Mathilda home. She thanked me for the trip and we said goodbyes.

As I drove home, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Brian. Why hadn't he answered his phone? Had something happened? When I got home, there was not only Brian's car there but some other car, too, which I didn't recognize.

I walked to the front door with my bag and got in. I put the bag down and found my way to the living room. A sudden urge to throw up surprised me just as much as the sight of the woman sitting on the couch next to Brian. I couldn't hold it in, and soon found myself throwing up on the floor and the woman turned to look at me and she was Michelle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since we celebrate Christmas around here on the 24th, I won't be able to update this tomorrow, so I decided to do it now. I just want to wish you all a very merry Christmas, hopefully you will all get a lot of presents and get to relax!

A very big thank you and lots of hugs and kisses to xMandiblesx, AJ9, NokasLefebvre, Cyanide_Suicide_6661, chibihyuga, A7X-PapaRoachLvr and MoMo_92 for your comments, cheers!

So, yes, merry Christmas to all of you lovelies! :-)