Baby Don't Cry

They say it's hard to stay the same.

”Sophia? Are you okay?” Brian exclaimed and he rushed to me.

I was holding my hair back and emptying my stomach on the floor and yet the only thing that was on my mind was Michelle. What was she doing in my house? Didn't she hate both Brian and I?

Brian reached me and started rubbing my back as he leaned down.

”Are you okay?” he repeated his question.

”No,” I mumbled and suddenly felt really weak.

My knees gave in and I fell on to the floor. I felt Brian's arms around me as he lifted me up and started carrying me to the other couch. I felt Michelle's eyes on me as I was being put down. I rested my head against a pillow and took a deep breath in.

I wasn't feeling so bad anymore. In fact, I felt fine. I realized that it was time for all the morning sickness. And as much as throwing up sucked, I couldn't help but feel glad about it because it meant that I was pregnant and whatever came with it was welcomed.

”I think it might be just the morning sickness,” Michelle said.

I turned my head and gave her a glare but she didn't notice because her eyes were glued to Brian.

”Yeah, you're probably right,” Brian nodded.

”Well,” Michelle stood up, ”I better go now. Hopefully you'll feel better soon, Sophia. Bye!”

I looked at her back until she was gone and then I turned to Brian.

”What was she doing here?” I asked him. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

”She's my friend. She came to see me,” he shrugged.

Wait, what? His friend? I had been gone for less than 48 hours and my husband was already friends with his ex-wife who was supposed to hate him? Had I missed something? I felt very confused, I couldn't really think straight.

”You're not friends with her. She hates you. She hates us,” I muttered.

”No she doesn't,” he said and laughed, ”She just... She's a friend.”

”Why was she so nice to me?”

”Because she's a friend like I told you. Just drop it, Sophia.”

”Why didn't you answer me yesterday?” I asked, suddenly remembering it. He furrowed his eyebrows.

”I didn't realize you had called. My phone must've been on silent or something...”

”Right, whatever.”

”Look, why are you mad at me?”

”I'm not mad at you. I just don't understand what your ex-wife was doing here,” I explained quietly.

”It isn't something you need to worry about, okay? What I'm worried about is you,” he said, ”Do you think it was the morning sickness or do we need to call our doctor?”

”No, I'm fine now,” I said and shook my head, ”It's just the morning sickness.”

”Good because I hate seeing you feel bad,” he said and flashed a smile. Then he patted my head and left the room, leaving me very confused.

It seemed weird, didn't it? How Michelle had been so nice to me and how she'd been in my house, even though she hated me? I couldn't help but feel there was something Brian wasn't telling me. I did trust him, I really did, but it seemed a bit too weird. I mean... I wasn't stupid. I could tell there was something going on behind my back. I was just too scared to even think about it. I didn't want to think about the fact that Brian could've been cheating on me with Michelle. I didn't want it to be true so therefore I didn't want to think about it.

That night, as I laid in bed alone, all sorts of thoughts kept running through my mind. Brian was downstairs watching a movie alone as he didn't want to bother me while I slept. But I couldn't sleep. I thought I would go crazy with my thoughts. I couldn't get Michelle's face off my mind. I couldn't forget about the smile she had given me and how nice she'd been to me.

I groaned and sat up, throwing the blanket off of me. I pulled on a hoodie and started wandering out of the bedroom. I found my way into the living room and I stood in the doorway for a moment, waiting for Brian to notice me. When he finally did, he turned his head to look at me and flashed a soft smile. He couldn't be cheating on me. He couldn't. As I looked into his eyes, I knew he couldn't do it. He was my Brian, he wasn't a bad man. We belonged together, he was my soulmate, he wouldn't have done it to me.

”What's wrong, Sophia?” he asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

”Nothing. I just wanted to see you. I couldn't sleep,” I whispered and forced a smile on my face.

”Do you want to come and watch this with me?” he asked and pointed at the television.

I nodded and walked to the couch. I sat down and he pulled me into his arms right away. I cuddled closer to him and got comfortable and I just knew that he wouldn't hurt me. He wasn't like that.

Time went by fast as I focused on being pregnant and making sure the baby was okay. Even with all the morning sickness and being emotional most of the time and having swollen feet and wanting to eat gross things, it was the best time of my life. I knew that I would soon be a mother and there was nothing better than that. I could barely wait to have a little family with the man of my dreams.

As months passed by, we decided to make one of the empty bedrooms a room for the baby. We didn't want to find out if it was a boy or a girl before it was born so we painted the walls white and bought somewhat neutral stuff for the room. After a while it was filled with all sorts of toys and cute baby stuff because I really couldn't control myself when it came to buying little baby things.

When I was seven months pregnant, Brian and the band went to tour around Europe. It wasn't an easy time for me because I needed a lot of help with the house and everything, considering I couldn't do everything because I was pregnant. Brian's mom was kind enough to move in with me and help me with everything while Brian was gone. And during that time we grew a lot closer and became really great friends.

When Brian came back I was already eight months pregnant and his mother was still living me.

It was a Monday morning when he came back. I was sitting in the kitchen with Mrs. Haner and eating breakfast when I saw their tour bus pull up in front of the house. Brian stepped out of the bus and my face lit up. I was about to stand up but when I saw the person who followed him out, my face fell. Michelle had a smile on her face as she walked out of the bus. She started following Brian to our front door.

”What is she doing here,” I muttered under my breath and watched through the window as the bus left and Brian and Michelle sat down on the porch. Both of them lit up cigarettes and started chatting.

”I didn't know Brian and Michelle were friends again,” Mrs. Haner said.

”Me neither.”

”Is she friends with you, too?”


”Oh, okay. Are you okay with them being friends?” she asked quietly.

”No, not really. I don't think it's really appropriate for them to spend time together,” I said with a


”Because Michelle is in the past already. She shouldn't be a part of Brian's life anymore,” I muttered.

Jealousy was lifting its head up but I didn't mind. Jealousy was healthy, wasn't it?

The two of them had finished smoking and come inside. Soon I saw them standing in the doorway.

”Hey, babe,” Brian said and flashed a smile before he came to hug me. No kisses, no I-love-yous, nothing.

”So how was the tour?” Mrs. Haner asked him.

”Great,” he nodded.

”Were you with them, dear?” she asked Michelle. She started smiling and nodded.

”Did you have fun?” I put in and looked at Michelle who looked confused for a moment.

”Yeah. I love being with these guys,” she said and wrapped her arm around Brian's shoulders. I thought I was losing my mind. How did she have the guts to touch my husband right in front of me? After everything?

”I'm sorry, I need to use the toilet,” I muttered and stormed out of the kitchen. I found my way into our bedroom and sat down on the bed.

What the hell was going on? Why were Michelle and Brian suddenly so close? How much time had they spent on tour together? I felt sick and I wanted to curl up and bury myself under the blankets and cry.

”Sophia? Is everything okay?” Brian's voice made me flinch. I saw him standing in the doorway.

”No,” I muttered and sniffled. My eyes started to fill with burning tears.

”What's wrong?” His soft voice came a lot closer and I could soon feel his arms around me as he sat down on the bed.

”Everything is wrong.”

”Please talk to me, baby.”

”I don't want to see Michelle in my house,” I muttered. Brian held his breath for a moment.

”She's my friend, Sophia.”

”I don't care if she's your friend or not! She's your ex-wife and you should not be spending time with her!” I mumbled and tried to wipe my eyes. The tears just kept making their way down my face and I felt awful.

”Don't be like that, baby,” he whispered and kissed my cheek, ”Do you want something to drink?”

”Don't change the subject!”

”Fine. I won't. You just... All those hormones are driving you crazy,” he said, ”I think you would feel better if you tried to get some sleep, okay?”

”Don't tell me what to do,” I cried, ”Don't walk into my house with your ex-wife and hang out with her in front of me. You're probably... You're... You're probably sleeping with her, too.”

After I'd said it, I regretted it right away. God, how stupid I was. Brian didn't say a word and I was scared to even look at him.

”Sophia... That's kind of fucked up, isn't it? Do you think I would ever do anything like that to you?” he asked me.

His voice sounded cold and disappointed. Suddenly it didn't feel so comfortable to be in his arms, suddenly everything had changed.

”Are you angry at me?” I whispered.

”No. I'm just disappointed.”

”Well that's even worse...”

”How could you even think that?” he asked, ”After all this time, how could you even think that I'd be cheating on you?”

”I'm sorry,” I mumbled and sniffled.

”Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter.”

But it did. The tone of his voice gave him away. I had hurt his feelings, I had offended him. I had just accused my husband of cheating, great.

”I'm sorry, Brian, I really am.”

”Don't worry about it.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Merry Christmas to all of my wonderful readers!